
  1. (xvii)计算机软件著作权登记中使用的软件分类码指南

    ( xvii ) Guide to Classified Coding of Software in Computer Software 's Registration

  2. (xviii)计算机软件著作权登记收费项目和标准(1992年4月18日)

    ( xviii ) The Item and Standard of Registration Expenses of Computer Software ( 18 April 1992 )

  3. 本系统已获国家版权局计算机软件著作权(2008SR18123)。

    The system had obtained the copyright in computer software ( 2008SR18123 ) registered by the State Copyright Administration .

  4. 我国计算机软件著作权保护问题研究

    Research on the Problems of the Protection of Computer Software in China

  5. 探讨计算机软件著作权和专利权保护

    A Study on Authorized Reservation for the Computer Software Copyright and Patent Right

  6. 第三章是国际上关于计算机软件著作权保护的实践。

    Chapter 3 talks about the international practice of computer software copyright protection .

  7. 计算机软件著作权保护中的两个问题

    Two Problems on Protection of Copyright of Computer Software

  8. GB/T16704-1996计算机软件著作权登记文件格式

    Document formats for registration of copyright in computer software

  9. 计算机软件著作权法律保护研究

    Research on Copyright Protection of Computer Software

  10. 提供计算机软件著作权登记的全程代理。

    Provide service of software copyright registration .

  11. 第二章计算机软件著作权

    Chapter II Computer Software Copyrights

  12. 诸多因素使得我国计算机软件著作权保护的立法从形式到内容都备受争议。

    Many factors make the both form and content of the copyright protection legislation of computer software controversial .

  13. 最后对我国计算机软件著作权的合理使用制度的完善提出了几点建议。

    Finally , the copyright of computer software system for the rational use of the improvement made several suggestions .

  14. 这样才能更公平合理的对侵犯计算机软件著作权的行为作出判定。

    In this way can be more fair and reasonable for the copyright infringement of computer software to determine the behavior .

  15. 本文最后讨论的主要是目前我国计算机软件著作权保护中比较突出的两个问题,即盗版问题和计算机软件著作权保护水平问题。

    Lastly the author discusses the two extrude problems in the protection system of computer software , i.e. , the problem of software pirate and the protection level of computer software .

  16. 这一部分是本论文的基础部分,要对侵犯计算机软件著作权问题进行研究,就必须对计算机软件的相关概念进行介绍。

    This part is a fundamental part of this paper , to computer software copyright infringement to undertake a study , it is necessary for computer software related concepts are introduced .

  17. 在计算机软件著作权侵权案件中,由于其证据具有隐蔽性、技术性、易毁性、不稳定性等特点,较之普通民事诉讼证据更难以取得和容易灭失,证据保全尤为重要。

    In the computer software copyright infringement case , evidence preservation is particularly important because the invisibility , technicality , vulnerability and instability of evidence make it hard to be required and easy to lose .

  18. 自公告发布之日起,所有计算机软件著作权质押合同必须到中国软件登记中心办理质押合同登记手续,质押合同自登记之同起生效。

    Fromsince the date of promulgatingissuing the announcement , all the pledge contracts of computer software copyright must be registered at China software registration center and the pledge contracts shall become effective on the date of registration .

  19. 本文形成的初衷就是对各种侵犯计算机软件著作权的行为进行一次系统的论述,介绍几种判定标准,对其进行了详细的论述,并提出了自己的看法。

    This form of mind is the copyright of computer software for various violations of the conduct of a systematic exposition , introducing several criteria to determine its conduct are discussed in detail and put forward their views .

  20. 在我国,目前侵犯计算机软件著作权的现象严重,研究计算机软件著作权侵权问题有着重要的现实意义。

    In our country , because of the serious phenomenon of infringing upon the copyright of the computer software at present , it has important realistic meaning to research on the question of infringement of the computer software copyright .

  21. 本文以侵权行为的类型为切入点,以计算机软件著作权的权利类型为分类标准,从权利内容来分析计算机软件著作权侵权行为,并进而过渡到对计算机软件著作权侵权行为的认定。

    With the type of the computer software copyright as the criteria for classification , the author analyzes the torts of computer software copyright in terms of right content , and then discusses how to assert the torts of copyright of computer software .

  22. 其中非圆齿轮齿廓设计计算软件已获得计算机软件著作登记权(登记号:2009SR027139)。建立了非圆齿轮行星系分插机构的三维模型,进行了虚拟装配和虚拟动态仿真。

    The noncircular gear tooth profile algorithm copyrights of computer software was awarded ( Registration Number : 2009SR027139 ) . Construction the three dimensional model of separating mechanism with noncircular planetary system , the hypothesized assembly and the hypothesized dynamic simulation .

  23. 中国是世界上为数不多的明确将计算机软件作为著作权法保护客体的国家之一。

    China is among a select group of countries that have explicitly listed computer software as the object of protection by copyright laws .

  24. 介绍了国际上有关计算机软件的著作权立法,比较分析了美国、欧盟和日本在软件著作权方面的法律规定、司法实践,指出其中值得我国借鉴之处。

    It introduces the international laws on computer software copyright , compares and analyzes the legal stipulations and judicial practices of US , Europe and Japan on software copyright , and points out their advantages that China can learn from .

  25. 第二章从法理角度分析计算机软件选择著作权保护的理论依据,从现实角度论证计算机软件选择著作权保护的法律意义,以及计算机软件选择著作权保护可行性的论证分析。

    Chapter 2 is from the legal theory angle analytical computer software choice copyright protective theories according to , choose the protective law meaning of the copyright from the realistic angle argument computer software , and the computer software choose the copyright to protect analytical argument of possibility .

  26. 计算机软件一般由著作权法予以保护,其侵权行为与一般的民事侵权行为相比,具有隐蔽性和侵权行为多样性等特点,原告一般难以获取被告侵权的直接证据。

    Computer software is normally protected by the copyright law . The torts over computer software are much more diversified and hard to be discovered than the regular civil torts . The plaintiffs are hard to obtain the direct evidence of tort .

  27. 因此,加大对计算机软件的保护力度和提高对计算机软件著作权侵权案件的审判效率也就成为当务之急。

    Therefore , increase the intensity and the protection of computer software to increase computer software copyright infringement cases in the efficiency has become imperative .

  28. 随后介绍了计算机软件的特点,由于国际条约已经把计算机软件作为著作权法保护的客体,所以合理使用制度同样适用于计算机软件。

    Then introduced the characteristics of computer software , as international treaties have the protection of computer software as the object of copyright law , so the rational use of the system also applies to computer software .

  29. 另外计算机软件的创造性也是层次不齐的,因此主张对计算机软件实行以著作权和专利权平行的保护模式。

    At the same time , the creative level of computer software is very differently . Therefore a parallel mode of copyright and patent is brought forward in this paper to protect computer software .

  30. 随着计算机软件业的蓬勃发展,其经济效益的作用越来越明显,但与此同时,对计算机软件著作权侵权的行为也频繁发生。

    With the vigorous development of the computer software industry and its growing role of economic benefits obvious , but at the same time , the computer software copyright infringement are also frequent .