
jì suàn jī yǔ yán
  • computer language
  1. 我最擅长的计算机语言是PHP。

    The most successful computer language I learnt is PHP .

  2. 事实上,Java与Basic、c或Pascal一样是一种新型计算机语言。

    Java is , indeed , a new computer language , like Basic , C , or Pascal .

  3. 介绍一种利用VISUALBASIC计算机语言确定冲裁压力中心的方法。

    A method to calculate punching pressure center by Visual Basic software is introduced .

  4. Java是伴随着Internet发展的新一代面向对象的计算机语言。

    Java is a OOP and special language for the Internet .

  5. 介绍了应用VISUALBASIC语言开发工程设计计算通用软件相对于其它计算机语言的优势;

    In comparison with other computer languages , the superiority of Visual Basic in software development is introduced .

  6. 对于大多数计算机语言,表达式x!

    With most computer languages , the expressions x !

  7. 用MATLAB计算机语言编制了一套基于有限单元法的频率域激电参数的正演模拟程序。

    Using the MATLAB computer language , complete a set of program of forward simulation based on FEM .

  8. 在完成系统硬件设计和系统功能规划的之后,利用VB、VC等计算机语言完成了相应软件的编制。

    All the software has been realized by Visual Basic and VC programming language .

  9. 可扩展标记性语言(XML)是一种被广泛使用的文档数据格式标准,它独立于任何计算机语言和体系结构。

    Extensible Markup Language ( XML ) is a widely used document data format standard , which is independent of any language and architecture .

  10. VISUALBASIC因其语法简单、功能强大、界面开发能力方便简捷而成为一种常用的可视化计算机语言。

    Visual Basic has become a kind of commonly used visualized computer language because of its simple grammar , strong function , and convenient and terse interface developing ability .

  11. 利用MATLAB计算机语言,给出了设计结果及光谱特性曲线。

    Using advanced computer language MATLAB , it have been given all design results of two kinds of red film and corresponding spectrum characteristic curves .

  12. 软件设计采用高级计算机语言VISUALBASIC,采用模块化的思想进行软件的程序设计,程序主要分为三大部分:参数设置,测量,结果处理。

    And the software design used the advanced computer language VISUAL BASIC , deploying modularization design idea to design the programs which consist three parts : parameter setting , measurement , result disposing .

  13. Matlab被称为第四代计算机语言,是一种在工程技术上经常使用的强大的多功能数据分析处理应用软件。

    Matlab is a computer language of the fourth generation . It is a type of multifunctional applied software for data analysis in project and technology .

  14. PHP是用于Drupal编码和执行的计算机语言和解释程序。

    And PHP is the computer language and interpreter used to code and execute Drupal .

  15. 在计算机语言(以C语言为例)的实际教学中会遇到各种问题,现在的教学模式本身也存在诸多问题,为此,变革传统的教学模式和方法很有必要。

    We meet various problems in computer language teaching , and present teaching model exists a lot of problems , therefore , it is necessary to reform traditional teaching model as well as methods .

  16. 为了实现对FRP复合材料损伤模式识别的程序化,本文还借助计算机语言完成了相关软件的设计。

    In order to achieve the pattern recognition of FRP composite material damage procedural , this paper finished interface design by computer language .

  17. MATLAB语言是当今国际上最流行的科学与工程计算编程语言,它起源于矩阵运算,并已发展成一种高度集成的计算机语言。

    MATLAB is the most popular science and engineering computer programming language in the world today . It originated from matrix operation and now becomes a highly integrated computer language .

  18. 尽管这里提出了一个Java实现,不过MDP和相关框架可以使用任何计算机语言或技术予以实现。

    Although a Java implementation is presented here , MDP and the associated framework can be implemented using any computer language or technology .

  19. 为直观地显示上面的分析结果,利用Matlab计算机语言编写程序进行了仿真计算,作出了分布曲线图。

    For the purpose of showing the analysis result vividly , a simulation computation in the software of Matlab is accomplished and the distribution curves of the magnetic field are drew .

  20. 提供了用多种计算机语言(包括AUTOCAD软件)和优化设计、相似设计等方法,实现横流风机的计算机辅助设计的途径。

    The paper offers design procedures for achieving the CAD of the cross flow fan by use of various computer languages ( including Auto CAD sofeware ) and optimization design , analogue design .

  21. 用VB计算机语言编写了各模型的程序模块,并将这些程序模块与地理信息系统有机结合在一起,建设了水污染控制规划地理信息系统模型库系统。

    Visual Basic computer language has been used to write programming modules . Base on these programming modules and GIS technology , the MBS has been developed .

  22. Java3D技术是Java语言在三维领域的扩展,是面向对象的计算机语言。

    Java 3D technique is the expansion in the three-dimensional field of Java , is a Object Oriented computer language .

  23. 本文解决了Delphi与Matlab之间进行数据通讯的技术难题,为不同计算机语言的综合、合理应用开辟了一条新途径。

    This thesis solves the difficult tech problem of data communication connection between Delphi and Matlab , opens a new way for the integration and application of different computer languages .

  24. 用MATLAB计算机语言实现了遗传算法寻找非饱和土基坑素土边坡和土钉支护结构整体稳定性最小安全系数FS,min的自动寻优。

    Genetic algorithm is introduced for searching the minimum factor of safety of natural slope and soil-nail bracing in unsaturated soil . The optimal course is automatically implemented with MATLAB .

  25. 以DreamweaverMXVisualStudioNet为开发工具:采用ASP、VBScript、XML等计算机语言技术,可以实现机械传动系统的可视化设计、动态工程文档查询、系统管理等功能。

    Net 、 ASP 、 VBScript and XML . The visual design , query of dynamic documents and system management have been developed in the mechanical drive design system .

  26. 同时,用MATLAB计算机语言编写了模型预测、参数估值、模型验证以及图形处理等程序,使所建立的河道型水库总磷预测模型有更好的实用性。

    Besides , programs about model prediction , evaluation of parameters , model test and disposal of figures are edited with MATLAB , so the total phosphorus prediction model of channel reservoir can be applied in better way .

  27. 应用MATLAB计算机语言绘制多功能空气幕各理论模型的三维图形,模拟分析空气幕的有效压力及引射风量随其它因素变化的特性。

    Three-dimension figures of all the theoretical models of multi-function air curtain were drawn by MATLAB , and characteristics of air curtain effective pressure and ejecting wind volume were analyzed with the changing of other factors . 3 .

  28. 首先介绍了利用CAD技术绘制交通地图的方法;然后给出了利用C++计算机语言实现系统的设计思路和开发过程;

    First , how to plot traffic map with CAD was explained , then the thought and process of system was introduced with C + + computer language , last , the comparative simulation of fixed-time control and fuzzy theory control were made .

  29. 阐明了AutoCAD与高级计算机语言之间接口程序的设计原理及其应用,借助于图形交换文件(DXF),实现了FORTRAN应用程序与AutoCAD之间的数据传输。

    The programming principle and applications of the interface between AutoCAD and advanced computer languages are described in this paper . Data exchanges between FORTRAN utility programs and AutoCAD have been completed with DXF .

  30. 通过实例论述利用VB计算机语言在矿物加工辅助设计中的应用,即如何用VB语言编辑选矿厂初步设计计算应用软件。

    The paper discusses with real case the application of Visual Basic in anxiliary design of mineral processing , that is how to edit with VB language an application software for the calculation in the preliminary design of mineral processing plant .