
  • 网络computer application technology;computer applied technology;Technology of Computer Application;NIT
  1. 近年来,Web应用开发已经成为发展最快的一种计算机应用技术,很多计算机应用系统都建立在Web基础之上。

    Recently Web application development has become the most powerful computer application technology . A great number of computer application systems are built based on the Web application .

  2. SBS改性沥青质量管理的计算机应用技术

    Computer Application Technology of SBS Modified Asphalt Quality Control

  3. 发展基于Web的铸造技术服务系统是推广铸造领域计算机应用技术方案。

    It is a practicable plan that building web-based service system of casting technology to push forward computer application in casting area .

  4. 以地理信息系统(GeographicInformationsystem,简称GIS)支撑的城市建设信息系统是近年来迅速发展的一项计算机应用技术。

    The city construction information system supported by the Geographic Information System ( GIS ) is an widely used technology of computers quickly developed in recent years .

  5. 编织物CAD系统是最近20多年来迅速发展起来的一门综合性计算机应用技术。

    Fabric CAD system have been developed for more than twenty years since late 1970s as an all-around used computer technology .

  6. 利用地理信息系统(GIS)结合空间三维理论来管理和研究城市地下管线,是一项颇具实用性的计算机应用技术。

    Using GIS combined with spatial 3D theory to manage and study urban underground pipelines is one of the computer application technologies that has great practicability .

  7. 回顾中国石油化工总公司发展计算机应用技术的历史,提出着手计算机集成过程(CIP);

    The development history of the computer application in China Petrochemical Corporation is reviewed .

  8. MIS(ManagementInformationSystem)是现代企业管理思想和计算机应用技术的结晶,通过MIS系统的实施可为企业在市场上获得优势,并取得最大的利润。

    MIS ( Management Information Systems ) is the combination of modern enterprise management philosophy and computer application technology . Carrying out MIS system , the enterprise will be more competitive in the market and could gain the maximized profit .

  9. 先进的计算机应用技术、微电子技术和现代超声波探伤技术的完美结合,构成了基于PCI总线的高性能多通道超声波发射/接收卡。

    PCI bus based high performance multichannel ultrasonic transmitter and receiver card combining modern ultrasonic flaw detecting technology with advanced computer application and microelectronic technology perfectly has been developed .

  10. 随着计算机应用技术的发展,出现了一种新的应用程序架构,称为富互联网应用,简称RIA。

    With the development of computer application technology , there comes a new kind of application architecture , called rich Internet application , referred to as RIA .

  11. 随着计算机应用技术和EDA技术的不断发展,利用FPGA/CPLD进行数字系统的开发已被广泛应用于数字通信、电子、工控等领域。

    With the development of computer application and EDA technology , digital system of FPGA / CPLD is generally used in digital telecommunication , electron technology and industrial control .

  12. 森林资源信息管理系统是集计算机应用技术、3S技术、数据库管理技术和网络技术于一体的复杂系统,是技术含量高、投资力度大、建设难度大的系统工程。

    Forest resources information management systems ( FRIMS ) are complicated systems which are integrated with computer applications technology , 3S technology , database management and Network technology .

  13. 网络控制系统(Networkedcontrolsystems,简称NCS)是近十几年随着控制技术、网络技术和计算机应用技术的飞速发展而出现的一种新的控制系统,现已成为自动化领域的一个前沿课题。

    With the rapid development of control technology , network technology and computer applied technology , networked control system ( NCS ) are becoming a new kind of control systems and becoming an important issue in automation fields in recent years .

  14. 广西水库管理信息系统是一个充分利用最新发展的计算机应用技术,采用信息技术、可视化技术、多媒体技术,结合行业规划及管理需要,各种功能完善的基于WebGIS的水库管理地理信息系统。

    GuangXi Information System of Reservoir management is a functional system that is base on Web GIS , it adequately make use of the newest computer application technique , information technique , visibility technique and multimedia technique , and combine the need of industrial layout and management .

  15. 近年来,计算机应用技术飞速发展,数据采集与监控系统(SCADA)系统在工业领域得到了广泛的应用,尤其在电力系统中,发展更为迅速。

    Since fast development of computer application technology , SCADA ( Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition ) is used widely in industry filed , especially in electric power system in which SCADA is developing speedily .

  16. 随着计算机应用技术、数字技术的快速发展,胶印制版技术开始从模拟制版向数字制版发展,CTP技术也日益成熟。

    With computer technology , the rapid development of digital technology . offset printing plate technology has begun from analog to digital plate making the development of the plate . CTP technology is increasingly mature .

  17. 迭代学习控制(ILC)是伴随计算机应用技术而发展起来的,是人工智能与自动控制相结合的新的学习控制技术。

    Iterative learning control ( ILC ) is developed accompanying the application of computer technology and is a control technique of new study which is combined with artificial intelligence and automatic control technology .

  18. 国防科技大学针对自身发展的需求与特点,运用目前大中型分布式应用系统中最成熟,应用前景最为广阔的J2EE技术,并结合其它计算机应用技术,逐步开展学校数字校园建设。

    Considering the needs and characteristics of its own development , National University of Defense Technology ( NUDT ) is steadily carrying out the construction of a digital campus by using J2EE which is the most successful technology with the brightest application prospect in current Large-medium-sized Distributing Applied System .

  19. 随着计算机应用技术的迅速发展,应用领域的扩大,特别是真实感绘制技术和计算机图形学理论的日益成熟,非照片真实感绘制技术(Non-PhotorealisticRending:NPR)也逐渐成为图形学的研究热点。

    With the rapid expansion of the computer application technology and the field , particularly photorealistic rendering technology and computer graphics has become more sophisticated , Non-Photorealistic Rending technology has gradually become research hotspot in computer graphics .

  20. 高职计算机应用技术专业课程体系改革的研究与实践

    A Study on Course System Reform of Computer Application Technology Discipline

  21. 促进公路工程计算机应用技术的更大发展

    Great Development in the Computer Application Technique in Highway Engineering

  22. 建立计算机应用技术开放实验室的规划和实践

    Design and Practice for Establishing Open type Laboratory of Computer Application Technology

  23. 可视化技术是近年来发展十分迅速的计算机应用技术之一,被越来越广泛地应用于各个领域。

    Visualization technology is widely used in many fields in recent years .

  24. 计算机应用技术校内实习基地开放探讨

    Study on the opening of inside-school computer application practice bases

  25. 论高等师范专业计算机应用技术课程结构体系

    On Curricular Form System of Applied Computer Technology in Normal Universities in Higher Education

  26. 计算机应用技术在工程项目管理中的应用研究

    Computer Application Technology in the Project Management Research

  27. 网络的普及,计算机应用技术的进步加速了数字化时代的到来。

    The popularity of network and advances in technology accelerate the coming of digital era .

  28. 企业要拥有先进制造技术离不开计算机应用技术的支持,相应的,计算机管理信息系统也已经由以前的面向功能的事务处理系统,转变为面向过程管理的业务处理系统。

    No company can deploy advanced manufacturing techniques without the support of computer application technology .

  29. 本研究是把先进的试验优化方法和计算机应用技术引入工艺润滑材料的配方研究中,使这个研究领域采用较为先进的手段与方法。

    The advanced optimization methods and CAD is introduced to study compositions of technological lubrication material .

  30. 近年来,虚拟现实技术日渐成为计算机应用技术发展的主要研究方向。

    The research and application of virtual reality technology has gotten rapid development in recent years .