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  • timekeeper;timer;counters
  1. 工厂计时员记录工时。

    The factory timekeeper keeps account of the hours of work done .

  2. 大赛赞助商JumpMobile公司的发言人莎拉斯伯丁说,比赛全过程有现场录像,并有官方计时员为选手计时,目的是为《吉尼斯世界纪录》提供依据。

    The feat was recorded on video and scored by an official timekeeper , validating it for Guinness World Records purposes , said Sara Spaulding , spokeswoman for event sponsor Jump Mobile .

  3. 男女马拉松都用全球定位系统(GPS)进行跟踪。全球定位系统收发器安装在走在领跑者前面的汽车上,它为计时员提供精确的信息。

    Both marathons will be tracked using the worldwide global positioning system : a GPS transceiver installed in a car just ahead of the leading runners will give the timekeepers precise information .

  4. 裁判人员包括一名台上裁判员、若干台下评判员和一名计时员。

    Officials include a referee , judges and a timekeeper .

  5. 她将在田径比赛中担任计时员。

    She is going to be a timekeeper at the track meet .

  6. 工厂出勤时间计时员记录工作的时间。

    The factory timekeeper keep account of the hour of work do .

  7. 组委会将为每场比赛安排一位官方计时员。

    The Organizing Committee will also select an official time-keeper for both competitions .

  8. 计时员站在终点线上。

    The timer stands on the finishing line .

  9. 我们会有计时员为你记录所有比赛时速。

    A track person run all the races and records lap times as well .

  10. 计时员打铃表示第一局比赛的开始和结束。

    The time keeper rings a bell to indicate the beginning and end of rounds .

  11. 朗琴&体育界的计时员

    LONGINES-Timekeeper to the World of Sports

  12. 马拉松比赛规则要求计时员在赛跑进行每5千米和赛程进行一半时要报时。

    Marathon regulations require that the timekeepers provide timings every 5km and at the half-marathon point .

  13. 工资管理系统代替了计时员。

    Payroll systems replaced time clerks .

  14. 五(5)分钟规定准备时限过后,计时员即移除剩余之烟草。

    After the allowed five ( 5 ) minutes , the time-keeper will remove the remaining tobacco .

  15. 分数监督员将坐于大会设置的分数桌,坐在计分员和计时员中间。

    The score-supervisor will be seated at the official score table , between the scorekeeper and the timekeeper .

  16. 欧米茄的官方计时员身份使其可以确保向赛事各相关方及时提供正式赛果。

    OMEGA 's official timekeepers ensure timely delivery of the official results to everyone involved in the competitions they support .

  17. 最多可达7名裁判人员,包括一名主裁判、两名球门裁判员、两名计时员和两名记录员。

    There are up to seven officials , including the referee , two goal judges , two timekeepers and two secretaries .

  18. 当时的总统林登·约翰逊签署了此项法案,要求官方计时员在每年春季开始时调前一小时,每年秋季结束时调后一小时。

    Then-President Lyndon Johnson signed legislation requiring official timekeepers to move their clocks forward an hour each spring and back an hour every fall .

  19. 为使比赛顺利进行,将指定计时员、分员、录员数名和分数监督员。

    In addition , for facilitating the operation of matches , several timekeepers , caller announcers , record keepers , and score supervisors shall be appointed .

  20. 海伦,你今天也要去参加田径比赛吗?她将在田径比赛中担任计时员。

    Are you also taking part in the track and field events today , Helen ? She is going to be a timekeeper at the track meet .

  21. 即席演讲的主题是「绝妙交响乐」,计时员举著大绿、大黄、大红的钟型辣椒计时。

    Table Topics on the theme of " the scrumptious symphony " were posed , timed by the timer holding up large green , yellow and red bell peppers .

  22. 分数监督将另外记录主审所判给的分数,同时监督指定计时员和计分员的操作。

    The Score Supervisor will keep a separate record of the scores awarded by the Referee and at the same time oversee the actions of the appointed timekeepers and scorekeepers .

  23. 参赛者对计时员之决定如有异议,可于竞赛结束后起十五(15)分钟内,向评判团申诉。

    The participants are allowed to appeal against the decision of a time-keeper by lodging a complaint with the jury up to fifteen ( 15 ) minutes after the competition .

  24. 不按规定保障人员上下船舶、设施的安全;裁判人员包括一名台上裁判员、若干台下评判员和一名计时员。

    Not complying with the provisions in guaranteeing the safety of the persons going on and off the vessel or installation ; or Officials include a referee , judges and a timekeeper .

  25. 有时候一艘邮轮开进港,尼柯尔斯船长同雇用计时员攀上交情,会给两人找个临时装卸工的活儿。

    Sometimes a mail steamer would come in , and Captain Nichols , having scraped acquaintance with the timekeeper , would succeed in getting the pair of them a job as stevedores .

  26. 若烟火完全熄灭,而参赛者未如上述第二十四条规定,及时示意,计时员则可要求评判团对此等非君子行为作取消资格论。

    If the pipe is totally extinguished and the participant has not signaled it in due time as stated in art . 24 , the time-keeper will request the jury to disqualify the participant for lack of fair play .

  27. 人工计时反映了人的高级神经活动过程中伴随着复杂的心理活动的特征,本文分析了计时员在临场心理特征的三个阶段即:反应的预备期;

    Timekeeping by hand reflects the characteristics of the complex psychological activities in the process of human advanced nerve behaviour . This article analyses the three stages of the psychological characteristics of timekeepers at work : the probationary period of reaction ;