
  1. 提出了本文规划和求解物料配送问题的总体解决方案&两阶段法,即将问题分解成线旁库存补充计划和配送车辆调度两个子问题,经过先后两个连续的阶段来分别求解两个子问题。

    Then it introduces the general solution of materiel logistics , two-phase method , namely , dividing it into two sub-problems of inventory supplement and vehicle scheduling , then solving respectively these sub-problems in the two consecutive phases .

  2. 在该模式下,结合车间现场的生产调度情况和工艺路线的基础数据,制定了生产现场辅助工具配送计划以及配送时间冲突时的解决办法,同时研究了辅助工具配送的实现方法。

    In this mode , combined workshop production scheduling and the basic data , the formulation method of tools punctual delivery planning and the solution of conflict between production task time and delivery time are researched , and priorities principle correspondingly is established as well .

  3. 应用OLAP工具对物流配送调运模型处理后的数据进行分析,辅助企业的管理者对配送计划的制定、配送方案的实施等方面进行有效的决策。

    We also used the tool of OLAP to analyze the data after the dealing of logistics distribution system , and supported the formulation of plan and so on .

  4. 企业实现效率化的配送,提高装载率及合理安排配车计划,从而降低配送成本。

    Enterprises efficiency of distribution , loading rate and improve the allocation of reasonable arrangements to plan , thereby reducing distribution costs .

  5. 内涵范畴作用任务&美国国防部《科技信息计划》透视录构建高效的信息计划配送管理体系;

    Connotation Scope Role Task sixth , establishing effective planning and distributing management system based on information technology ;