
  • 网络order picking
  1. 物流中心拣货作业优化方案研究

    Research on Distribution Center Order Picking Optimization Project

  2. 本文就是以仓储物流系统中核心的拣货系统为研究对象,借助仿真方法,提出选择拣货作业各主要影响因素运行策略的方法。

    And therefore the order picking system , which is the core system of storage logistics , is researched and the rational operational system choosing method is decided based on simulation .

  3. 配送中心拣货作业中的订单分批策略研究

    Study on Order Batching Strategy in Picking System ofa Distribution Center

  4. 物流中心零散拣货作业效率分析

    The Analysis on Detail Picking Efficiency in Distribution Center

  5. 香烟分拣系统电子标签拣货作业节点的人机尺度适配

    Fitness Design of the Electronic Label Sort Goods Work Point in Cigarette Sorting System

  6. 配送中心的拣货作业模式研究

    Study on Picking Mode in Distribution Center

  7. 该研究将为配送中心拣货作业系统的优化提供决策支持。

    This study is greatly significant for optimizing the order-picking system in the distribution center .

  8. 同时,拣货作业中的任何差错都可能导致顾客的不满意和高昂成本,涉及整个物流系统。

    Meanwhile , any mistake from picking operations could lead to customer dissatisfaction and high cost .

  9. 对影响配送中心拣货作业效率的分区策略进行了介绍,并对拣货分区设计的某些策略进行了举例说明。

    The paper introduces zoning strategy having effect on the efficiency of picking in distribution centre and gives some examples in design of picking zoning .

  10. 将延迟制造思想引入到配送中心拣货作业中,提出基于时间延迟的动态时窗分批策略。

    The thesis introduces the postponement principle into the picking process in distribution center , and brings forward a method of time postponement-based dynamic time windows of order batching strategies .

  11. 本文运用物流系统的分析方法与理论,对配送中心拣货作业系统(如拣货单位、拣货方式、拣货策略和拣货设备等)进行了详细分析和研究。

    The paper anatomizes each tache of distribution center , such as sorting unit , sorting mode , sorting strategy and sorting equipment , by means of the analytic method of logistics system .

  12. 在配送中心的所有作业中,拣货作业占配送中心总成本的60%-80%。

    In all the operations of a distribution center the cost of picking operations accounts for 60 % - 80 % of the total cost , and labor accounts for 60 % of all .

  13. 从总体上看,文章采用定性分析与定量分析相结合的分析方法,从多个不同视角阐述了拣货作业,并贯穿于文章始终。

    It means the order batch picking has a good application prospects . Overall , the article adopts an analytical method combining the qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis , and describes picking operation from several different perspectives throughout the article .