
jì jiàn
  • reckon by the piece
计件 [jì jiàn]
  • [reckon by the piece] 按照生产的产品合格件数或完成的作业量来计算

计件[jì jiàn]
  1. 烟草工人拿的是计件报酬。

    The tobacco workers were paid on a piecework basis .

  2. 我所有的工人做的都是计件工。

    All my men are on piece-work

  3. 基于SOA的港口企业计件工资系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Port Enterprise Piece-Rate System Based on SOA

  4. 介绍计件值工序中常用的Pn-控制图,阐明如何估计不合格品率p及合理选择抽样个数n。

    This article introduces Pn-control chart commonly applied in count-basis process , and illustrates how to estimate the rate of preference for rejection P n and reasonable choice sampling number n.

  5. 多因素Logistic回归分析显示,个性维度中的N分较高(情绪稳定性差)、年龄小、文化程度及技术等级低、采用计件/计时方式计算工资等因素,可使职业伤害发生的危险性升高。

    It was showed by the unconditional logistic regression analysis that the higher N score in personality scale , the younger age , the lower education level , the lower skill grade and the earnings calculated by piece or by time were the risk factors of occupational injuries incidence .

  6. 双针筒计件衣坯针织机

    Knit two plain , two purl . circular purl sweater-strip machine

  7. 锡坯料,用于大小管配件双针筒计件衣坯针织机

    Tin blank for tube or pipe fittings circular purl sweater-strip machine

  8. 计价电子秤在计件工资管理中的运用

    Meter Valence Electrons Scale and the Piece Rate Management Application

  9. 计件工资(对每件完成的工作支付的金额)

    Piece ( a certain amount for each unit of work done )

  10. 你们采用的是计件工资还是计时工资?

    Do you use piece rates or an hour wage ?

  11. 工作丰富化,加强员工工作创造性;激励计件工资制适用于生产工人。

    Job enrichment ; Incentive piecework system is suited for production workers .

  12. 本系统可使得缫丝岗位计件工资计算完全电算化。能减轻劳动强度,提高工作效率。

    This system may calculate the piece-rate wage in a filature completely .

  13. 就在这里,他萌生“计件工作”的想法。

    Out of this grew the idea of piece work .

  14. 计件工作按生产出的单位数量付钱的工作。

    Work paid for according to the number of units turned out .

  15. 对地勘单位部分工种实行计件工资的实践

    Piece rate wage for some types of work in geological prospecting units

  16. 针织厂织布工计件制工资分配方式的探讨

    An Inquiry into the Piece Rate Wage System for Knitters in Knitting Mill

  17. 以计件方式激励生产一线的员工有何利弊?

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of motivating producing workers by piecework ?

  18. 计件工资的本质分析

    The Analysis of The Piece - rate Wage Essence

  19. 基于规则库的港口计件工资系统研究

    Research of Port Piece-Rate System Based on Rule Base

  20. 针织厂计件工资管理系统

    Piecework Wage Management System of a Knitted Sweater Plant

  21. 要尽量避开任何类型的计件工作。

    Avoid like the plague any sort of piecework .

  22. 《计件工资计算机管理系统》的设计与实现

    Design & Accomplish Computer MIS for Piece Wage System

  23. 我在1883年试行过差别计件工资率,但是没有什么结果。

    W.S.Rogers : I tried a differential piece-price in1883 and it did not work .

  24. 合同上规定工人们应领计件工资。

    It is stipulated in the contract that the workers be paid by the piece .

  25. 现缫丝岗位计件工资的计算涉及的因素较多,计算过程较复杂。

    It is well known that the wage , calculating involves a lot of work ;

  26. 每件行李重量如果超出计件制规定的重量,按照现行的计重制收取。

    For weights outside the piece concept , the existing per kg rate shall apply .

  27. 设有计件、百分比、单位转换等功能、操作简便、可靠。

    Having the functions of counting parts , percentage , unition conversion operated easily and dependently .

  28. 小集体超额计件工资制

    Over-quota piecework system in small collectives

  29. 他做的是计件工作。

    He is on piecework .

  30. 家具企业管理技术金典(四)&家具企业的计件工资设计

    The Golden Classics of Furniture Business Production and Management (ⅳ) & Piece Rate Design in Furniture Corporations