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  • goblet with a broad lip, long narrow stem, and flared base;wooden writing tablet;edges and corners
  • 古代酒器,青铜制,盛行于中国商代和西周初期,喇叭形口,细腰,高圈足。

  • 古代用来书写的木简:操~。

  • 棱角:“甘泉泰畤紫坛,八~宣通象八方”。

  • 剑柄:“操其~,招其末”。

  • 古同“弧”,独立不群。

  1. 韩佳:这叫觚,是一种盛酒的器具。

    It 's called a " Gu ", a kind of wine vessel .

  2. 青铜觚是商周时期最常见的青铜礼器之一,也是商代酒礼器制度的核心。

    Bronze Gu was a type of important wine vessels and the core of the sacrificial system in the Shang and Zhou period .

  3. 后人为了便利饮酒,把觚的大小和形壮改变。孔子感慨人们不重礼仪。

    Explanation : The Gu has its shape and size altered to facilitate drinking . So Confucius lamented the predominance of drinkings over rituals .

  4. 等铜液冷却之后呢,把范去掉就做成觚了。

    After the molten bronze cools down , take off the Fan ( mould ) and you 'll have a " Gu "( cauldron ) .

  5. 青铜尊最初的形制继承了陶质大口广肩尊的特征,在发展的过程中受到了觚、觯、卣的影响,从而使其面貌呈现出复杂多样性。

    The shape of Bronze Zun adopt the characteristic of big mouth and wide shoulder crockery Zun initially , and was influenced by Gu , Zhi , You in the process of development , comes out different complex characteristics .