
jiǎo mó xuè ɡuǎn yì
  • corneal pannus
  1. 躯干部皮肤明显干燥,皮肤角化过度,呈皮革样变化。病理活检为鱼鳞病,耳科检查为先天感音神经性耳聋,眼科检查为角膜血管翳。

    The diagnosis was ichthyosis in histopathological examination , congenital nerve deaf-mutism in otolaryngology and corneal pannus in ophthalmology .

  2. LASIK中角膜血管翳的出血位置分析

    Analysis of the location of intraoperative corneal pannus hemorrhage during LASIK in 48 cases

  3. 自体结膜移植治疗化学烧伤后角膜血管翳性混浊

    Conjunctival Autograft Transplantation for Vascularized Corneal Nebula Caused by Chemical Burns

  4. 19.5%患者并发干眼症,角膜血管翳,角膜混浊,并发性白内障,继发性青光眼等;

    19.5 % of the affected eyes developed complications such as dry eye , vascularization of cornea , corneal opacity , complicated cataract , secondary glaucoma etc.

  5. 角膜血管翳是一种浅表性角膜炎,常见于德国牧羊犬、意大利灵缇犬和哈士奇。

    Pannus is a form of superficial keratitis , or inflammation of the cornea , found most commonly in German Shepherd Dogs , Greyhounds , and Siberian Huskies .

  6. 结果:528例中有48例发生了角膜血管翳出血,发生率为9.1%。

    Results : Of the 528 cases that underwent LASIK , there were 48 intraoperative corneal pannus hemorrhage cases ( 84 eyes ), an incidence rate of 9.1 % .