- 名angular resolution

It is as-sumed that targets and missiles fly in the same plane and missile attacks targets from the front semisphere . In this case , angular resolution will be increased 5 to 10 times .
The technology of high resolution laser imaging could provide high graphics with an angular resolution of nrad , thereby could satisfy the demands of the modern battlefields .
Its objective is to achieve all sky scan survey of space hard X - rays and imaging X-ray sources with high sensitivity and high resolution based on collimator and Direct Demodulation Imaging Method .
Simulation results indicate that the detector has a better detection performance then range distributed target detection , further more its detection performance improves with azimuth resolution increasing .
This paper presents application of Very high accuracy infrared Rader ( VHPIRR ) in ultrasonic interferometric meter .
With deflection coils as its study subject , this paper mainly discusses some aspects of design and techn-ology used in focusing deflection coils Type M-M , such as resolution in corners , pattern distortion , correc-tion magnet , shielding etc.
The wavelengh range is 500 ~ 100 nm , and the angle differentiate is 0.005 ° . Sample table can be adjusted six dimensions . The together-axis feed-through is employed by sample scanner and detector scanner , so that the scan precision of movement and measurement are improved greatly .
Those complicated Doppler shifts are where the angular resolution comes from .
The Astrophysical Applications of High Resolution Imaging by Optical Interferometry
The angular resolution of ground-based telescopes is essentially limited by atmospheric turbulence .
Calculate method of angular resolving power of image fiber bundles in telescopic sight
The angular resolution of primary particle arrival direction is better than 1.1 degree .
Based on this way , higher angular resolution can be obtained with fewer sensors .
Only with very high-flux reactors is it usually possible to employ diffractometers of high angular resolution .
The angular resolution of this eyepiece is 0.44 mrad and less than that of human eyes .
Imaging laser radar is a kind of new three-dimensional imaging sensors with high range resolution and angular resolution .
The minimum angular resolution of this system is 0.46 mrad , which is less than that of human eyes .
Due to its wide operating frequency range and its restricted antenna aperture by missile diameter , the angular resolving power of ARRS is limited .
In addition , thinning array is a good idea to increase the angular resolution under the condition of the same sensors and computation load .
As shown by computation , the assembly PJ-25P has satisfactory performance , and the focussing field with both ends properly enhanced will give improved corner resolution .
About this 24-unit absolute photoelectric rotary encoder , It 's angle resolution is 0.078 " and the precision of testing angle is σ < 0.8 " .
Results show that the signal processing and the properties of angular resolution by the dual Gaussian pulse excitation are better than those by the singular Gaussian pulse .
In the more sophisticated eyes of flies , the rhabdomeres are separated , and as a result , fly eyes have significantly better angular resolution , and can detect smaller moving objects .
Additionaly , by using of16-bit counters and external2MHz clock signal , the distinguishability of the control angle is increased .
So the fast interpolation set of the Moire stripe signal is : he problem that is anxious to be resolved .
The dissertation can be divided into the following six parts : Firstly , the principles of integral imaging are introduced and three main parameters ( view angle , resolution and DOF ) of integral imaging are analyzed .
Study on Angle of Field-of-View and Angular Resolution of a Scanning Laser Radar
The experiments show that the method increases resolution of differential laser gyros angle rate measurement .
A resolution of about 7 arc minutes is attained from the estimation of the restored details .
The article discusses the key theory and technology to enhance the resolution , cross coupling , linearity , and dynamic range of piezoelectric jet-flow angular rate sensor .