
  • 网络observation system;geometry;GEOSS;ASOS;cosmic
  1. ARAM·ARIES仪器中复杂观测系统的设置

    Setup of Complex Geometry in ARAM · ARIES Seismograph

  2. 本文介绍了在ProMAX处理系统中解编野外站号的方法,该方法可较大地提高观测系统定义的效率。

    The paper introduced the method for demultiplex of field station number in ProMAX processing system , which can greatly increase the efficiency of geometry definition .

  3. 特殊观测系统软件Design的开发

    Development of the special observation system software design

  4. 基于ARM的海洋台站自动观测系统的设计

    The Design for the Oceanic Station Automatic Observation System Based on ARM

  5. 基于DSP的通用伪随机激电观测系统

    The DSP-based general pseudo-random IP surveying system

  6. 用CCD观测系统取代传统的牛顿环实验仪的观测系统。

    The observation system is replaced with CCD observation system for the experimental instrument of Newton 's ring .

  7. 三维地震观测系统对AVO处理的影响

    The influence of the 3D seismic observational system upon AVO processing

  8. PMU配置不完全可观测系统状态计算

    Power system state calculation of PMU placement based on incomplete observability

  9. SAWS-1(B)自动气象观测系统在民航机场中的应用与研究

    Application and study of SAWS-1 ( B ) automatic meteorological observing system in civil aviations

  10. 对传统的牛顿环实验观测系统进行改造,增加基于CMOS传感器和DSP的图像采集与处理的嵌入式子系统。

    The traditional experimental observation system of Newtons ring is rebuilt , an embedded subsystem of image collecting and processing based on CMOS sensor and DSP is added .

  11. 对于过滤大气模式,d,Δp,Δt的值和世界气象组织对全球观测系统所要求的相近;

    For the filtered model , the values of d , of Δ p and of Δ t , in general , come near those required in the MANUAL ON THE GLOBAL OBSERVING SYSTEM published in 1980 by WMO .

  12. 多频CSAMT观测系统的数据采集

    Data Acquisition of Multi-Frequency CSAMT Observation System

  13. 自动观测系统中VRB风向不定问题的探讨

    Study on VRB variable wind in automatic meteorological observing system

  14. 三维观测系统中横向覆盖次数及CDP间隔的计算方法

    The computation method for the lateral fold number and common depth point distance in the 3-D observation system

  15. 砖墙式三维观测系统在委内瑞拉Caracoles区块的应用

    Application of 3 D brick wall geometry in Caracoles Block , Venezuela

  16. 通过理论模型的计算,设计了几个同时接收PP波和PS波的观测系统,验证了控制因子Q的合理性与重要性。

    With the factor Q , we can develop the method of designing reasonable observing system in order to obtain P-P wave and P-S wave with prospecting sense at the same time . Some models are used in proving the validity of this method .

  17. 采用红外调制光源,通过信号处理等一系列技术手段实现了该定位系统对有效的位置信号的提取,提高了系统的环境适应性和观测系统的鲁棒性,保证了测量系统的3D位置测量精度。

    The modulated infrared source and a series of method of signal processing is applied to realize the acquisition of the available signal . The adapting ability and the robustness of the location system is improved and the 3D measurement precision is guaranteed .

  18. 从Flexi面元(R)法的几种设计方法入手,通过大量的论证分析,研究细分面元三维观测系统的实现过程,总结细分面元方法存在的问题及其应用局限性。

    This paper discussed the theory , clarified the problems , and illuminated inadaptability of the Flexi-Bin ( R ) method through analyzing the design of survey geometry .

  19. 为了提高垂直地震剖面(VSP)成像质量,首次将高斯束偏移方法应用于VSP观测系统。

    In order to improve the quality of vertical seismic profile ( VSP ) imaging , the Gaussian-beam migration ( GBM ) was applied to VSP for the first time .

  20. 本文以1D正演EM波的技术为手段,研究了适合高山峡谷区的几种可能的CSAMT观测系统。

    In this paper by means of 1D forward EM modeling technique , the CSAMT observation systems , which are suitable to the mountain and steepy gorge area , are studied .

  21. 2.4M望远镜远程观测系统&数据管理子系统光学综合孔径望远镜中子望远镜平行性和光程差调整的研究

    Data Management System for 2.4m Telescope Research on Sub-Telescopes ' Beams Parallel and Path Difference Adjustment to the Optical Aperture Synthesis Telescope

  22. 关于使用共深点交错耦合观测系统的建议对Roscoe粘度公式中λ0取值的研究

    Suggestion about the adoption of the layout of GDP cross coupling on the adoption of λ _0 value for roscoe 's equation

  23. 印度气象部(IMD)是世界气象组织在亚洲的特别机构,它计划对其观测系统进行升级和自动化。

    The Indian Meteorological Department ( IMD ), the World Meteorological Organization 's specialised centre for Asia , plans to further upgrade and automate its observation systems .

  24. 分析结果表明:①2种观测系统的测量结果的误差同多伦多市与SAGEⅡ观测点的纬度差异有很大的关系;

    It is shown by the results in this paper that ① the agreement degree for the two measurements is mainly affected by the latitude difference between Toronto city and the SAGE ⅱ data point concerned ;

  25. 同时,介绍了在保持微机原有功能不变的前提下,只需简单的软硬件,便可扩展微机功能,使多频CSAMT观测系统数据输入/输出实现多位转换。

    Besides , the data I / O of multi frequency CSAMT can be realized multi bits transfer by simple soft hardware to expand PC function while holding the PC inherent function .

  26. 进一步,通过观测系统模拟试验(OSSE)的资料同化验证所确定的敏感区。

    Moreover , the data assimilation of observing system simulation experiment ( OSSE ) is used to verify the sensitive region .

  27. 通过项目研制,对系统的分析、研究,以及对功能模块的增加、删除,为海洋自动观测系统提供了一个嵌入式Linux操作系统平台。

    By the development of this project , the embedded Linux operating system platform is provided for automated ocean observation system . In addition , by the analyze and research of the system as well as the addition and deletion of functional module , the expansibility for platform is assured .

  28. 为了提高玉米冠层半球方向亮温(DBT)测量的准确性,对一套由工业用起重机平台和热红外成像仪组成的地面观测系统的四种测量方法进行了对比和评价。

    In this study , a recent crane based thermal camera system developed by INRA-Avignon of France is presented , and then four measuring methods for hemispherical directional brightness temperature ( DBT ) observations are introduced .

  29. 为了提高AVO分析的勘探效果,针对工区的地理、地震地质条件,在野外采集和资料处理中采用了以下措施:①采用改变观测系统的办法以减少跳炮现象。

    In order to improve the exploration effects of AVO analysis and in view of geographic , seismic-geologic conditions of work area , the following measures were adopted in field acquisition and data processing : using geometry-changed system to reduce the not shot phenomenon ;

  30. 总结了三维观测系统中横向覆盖次数及CDP间隔计算的综合平面图法、坐标法、Z变换公式法,指出了3种方法各自的优、缺点和适用性。

    Using three methods , namely the comprehensive plane diagram method , the coordinate method and the Z ? transform formula method , the authors have summed up the computation technique for the lateral fold number and Common Depth Point distance in the 3 ? D observation system .