
jiàn xí qī
  • probation;internship;probation term
  1. 被任命到理事会的员工将有6个月的见习期。

    Employee appointment to the Council will be subject to a term of probation of 6 months

  2. 这一切对她来说,两三个星期的见习期就太过分了。

    This appeared to her too extreme a probation for two or three weeks .

  3. 教师应该有2年的见习期。

    Teachers should have a probationary period of two years .

  4. 情境领导理论在见习期护士培训中的应用

    Application of situational leadership theory in nurse training during probationary period

  5. 见习期护士轮转过程中存在的问题与对策

    Problems existed during probation period in turn of practice in nursing students

  6. 在见习期内可设定不超过六个月的试用期。

    Inside novitiate but the probation that set does not exceed 6 months .

  7. 见习期和实习期内能享受探亲假吗?

    Is novitiate mixed is exercitation period internal energy enjoyed visit one 's family false ?

  8. 她正处在见习期。

    She 's on an induction course .

  9. 职工在见习期和实习期内都不能享受探亲假。

    The worker is mixed in novitiate cannot enjoy inside exercitation period visit one 's family false .

  10. 大中专、技校毕业生如何约定见习期与试用期?

    How does graduate of school of old technical secondary school , ability agree novitiate and probation ?

  11. 见习期或试用期是劳动者开始履行新的劳动合同、从事新职业的适应期。

    Novitiate or probation are laborer begins to fulfil new labor contract , be engaged in new occupational suiting period .

  12. 怎么说呢,在合同期内设定见习期、试用期的做法,原则上是可以的。

    How to say , closing the practice of novitiate of the set inside the corresponding period , probation , in principle is possible .

  13. 方法采用“四期”临床教学模式:学生经过技术培训期、临床前见习期、临床操作期和操作后总结期来完成整个实习过程。

    Methods The four stages clinical teaching mode : manipulation training stage , pre-clinicalprobation stage , clinical manipulation stage and summary stage after manipulation , was adopt .

  14. 方法针对培训对象的不同,建立并实施新护士岗前培训、见习期护士规范化培训、临床护士全方位培训等一系列制度,完善护士培训的管理手段和方法。

    Methods A systemic training system including pre-service training , intern training , and clinical nurse training and other training programs was established and effort was made to improve the management and training techniques .

  15. 结果岗前培训使新护士顺利走上临床工作岗位,见习期培训为护士临床生涯奠定了良好基础,分层次培训提高了临床护士和护理管理者的专业技能。

    Results The pre-service training helped the newly recruited nurses adapt to their clinical work , the intern training program prepared the nurses for further career development . The multi-level training system improved the professional skills of nurses and managerial staff involved in nursing service .