
  1. 然后,对西飞公司工装管理信息系统(XAC-TMIS)进行了系统总体设计和详细设计。

    Then the system function modules of XAC-TMIS were given through system outline designing and detail designing .

  2. 构架了针对西飞公司的信息编码系统(XAC-MICS)的软件结构模型并实现了系统的部分功能。

    The software structure model of the information coding system ( XAC-MICS ) is Designed and the thesis realizes parts system functions .

  3. 统计过程控制在西飞公司波音737-700垂尾上的应用

    Application of Statistical Process Control to Boeing 737-700 Vertical Fin Program at Xi'an Aircraft Company

  4. 从而有效地推动了西飞公司工艺标准化、规范化工作,部分实现了工艺信息的集成与共享。

    All of these promote the process standardization and normalize work of XAC effectively , actualize the process information integrated and shared .

  5. 对产品结构管理、用户管理和工艺文件格式生成等,按照西飞公司的实际生产情况进行了用户化定义;

    Per actual production status of XAC , make customization define to product structure management , user management and formative creation of process document etc.

  6. 其次,对西飞公司的薪酬体系现状、组织结构情况、人员构成、存在的问题进行了深入分析。

    In the second , this paper analyzed the problems of current compensation system , organization structure , personnel structure and existent problems in Xi ' an Aircraft Company .

  7. 本文研究的对象是西飞公司的装配生产线的工艺设计和管理流程,开发以实用为本、兼顾集成需要的飞机装配工艺信息集成系统。

    This paper studied the computer aided design process on assembly line of XAC , and developed an integrated information system of aircraft assembly which focused on practicality and integration .

  8. 本文在查阅大量资料和调研的基础上,系统分析了飞机型号研制项目管理的基本特征和飞机型号项目管理知识体系的结构,提出西飞公司飞机型号研制项目管理知识体系的基本内容。

    This thesis put forwards the PMBOK 's main contents of XAC airplane model research based on the reference documents and the analysis the features of project management in airplane model research .

  9. 在概要设计框架下,重点研究了车间作业调度问题及其关键技术,按照西飞公司数控车间的生产组织与管理规范,建立了生产调度的数学模型。

    Basing on the frame of MES , this thesis aims at Job-Shop scheduling and its ' key technology , and establishes the mathematic model of Job-Shop scheduling according to the production practice and management criterion .

  10. 为外高桥保税区西飞三精机械有限公司制造的立体停车库配套生产的控制箱与操作箱。

    Manufacture the control case and operation case for Xi An aerodrome in WaiGaoQiao duty-free area .