
  1. 西雅图会议的失败给WTO敲响了警钟。

    Failure of Seattle Ministerial Conference rang an alarm bell for the WTO .

  2. 赢家中包括微软和波音的CEO也联合担任本次WTO西雅图会议接待委员会的主席。

    The CEOs of Microsoft and Boeing , co-chairs of the Seattle Host Committee for the WTO meeting , are among the winners .

  3. 我们亦已听过太多有关为何西雅图会议失败。

    Too much has already been said on why we failed in seattle .

  4. 因此,贸易保护主义日益严重是西雅图会议失败的内在原因。

    Therefore , the growing trade protectionism is the internal cause of the failure of the Seattle Conference .

  5. 两年前的西雅图会议没有能够启动新一轮多边贸易谈判。

    The Seattle conference held two years ago failed to launch a new round of multilateral trade negotiations .

  6. 西雅图会议是非洲国家改变其处理世贸组织问题方法的分水岭,非洲国家正在积极参与多哈回合,争取和捍卫非洲国家应有的权益与地位。

    The Seattle Conference proved to be a watershed for African countries to change their methods of dealing with WTO-related issues . African countries are taking active participation in the Doha round , seeking for and safeguarding their deserved rights and status .

  7. 1999年WTO西雅图部长会议启动新一轮多边贸易谈判的失败在一定程度上昭示着多边贸易体制正陷入困境。

    To some extent , the failure of the new round multilateral trade negotiation initiated by WTO Ministerial Meeting in Seattle , mirrored a difficult time for the multilateral trade system .

  8. 一个显而易见的证据是1999年西雅图WTO部长级会议关于启动新一回合谈判的失败,反映出了全球多边主义陷入了困境。

    A sharp evidence is the failure of the new round initiation by WTO ministerial meeting in Seattle , which mirrored a difficulty time for the multilateral cooperation .

  9. 新近加入Google技术推广部的TimBray在西雅图Android开发者群组会议上发表了他对Android生态的看法。

    Tim Bray , who recently joined Google as a Developer Advocate , presented his views on the Android Ecosystem at the Seattle Android Developers group .

  10. 去西雅图参加一个会议。

    For a conference in seattle .

  11. 当时反对的声音减弱了:在西雅图和其他国际会议上声势浩大的反全球化运动在此后多年消失了,至少在美国是这样。

    Opposition at the time weakened : the vocal anti-globalisation movement out in force at Seattle and other international meetings almost completely disappeared , at least in the US , for years .