
  • 网络SPANISH LADY;Spanish Girl;bA-F
  1. 西班牙的红葡萄酒色泽深浓,就像身穿红色佛朗明哥舞衣、热情奔放的西班牙女郎,妩媚野性;又像斗牛士手中不停抖动着激怒狂牛的红色布缦,激情飞扬。

    The Spanish red wine boasts its crimson color , just like a passionate Spanish girl in a wild red Flamenco dress as well as the bullfighter 's magenta cape .

  2. 再见了,美丽的西班牙女郎。

    Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies .

  3. 西班牙人非常的活泼与热情,几乎所有的西班牙女郎都懂佛朗明哥舞。

    Spanish people are very jaunty and tropical that almost all of the women can dance the flamenco .

  4. 他躺在安乐椅里,我则笨拙地拉完西班牙女郎和啤酒桶波尔卡。

    As he sat in his easy chair , I would fumble through Lady of Spain and Beer Barrel Polka .

  5. 他坐在安乐椅里,我就笨手笨脚地拉完《西班牙女郎》和《啤酒桶波尔卡》

    As he sat in his easy chair , I would fumble through " Lady of Spain " and " Beer Barrel Polka . "

  6. 乔一边急切地说着,一边死劲儿甩着手里的蓝色军袜,直甩得编织针像西班牙舞蹈女郎手中的响板叮当作响,而毛线团则在房间里滚过来,滚过去。

    And I can only stay home and knit , like a poky old woman ! 'And Jo shook the blue army sock till the needles rattled like castanets , and her ball bounded across the room .