
  • 网络western music
  1. 德国艺术歌曲(lied)在西方音乐文献中占有极为重要的地位。

    Lied is of great significance in Western music literature .

  2. 20世纪的西方音乐史著作中,对德国晚期浪漫主义作曲家R·施特劳斯的音乐作品评价多半不高,常常毁誉参半,甚至贬多于褒。

    In western music history books of the20th century , German romanticism composer R · Strauss'didn 't get high evaluation and usually had mixed reception .

  3. 她们购买国外DVD,聆赏西方音乐、到地下舞厅跳舞,并且渴望能翘家。

    They buy foreign DVDs , listen to western music , dance at underground clubs and dream of running away .

  4. 他帮助建立了一个名为globalyouthgroove的组织,他们的目标是将西方音乐带给肯尼亚年轻人,让他们把音乐作为一种职业。

    He helped to create a group called Global Youth groove . Its goal is to bring western music to young Kenyans , and get them to consider music as a career .

  5. 艺术歌曲是西方音乐中历史悠久、影响广泛的体裁之一,以德奥艺术歌曲(Lied)为重要标志。

    Lied is one of the most historical and influential music genres in the West , with German and Austrian Lieds as the important symbols .

  6. 亚历山大·斯克里亚宾(AlexanderScriabin,1872~1915)是20世纪西方音乐史上伟大的作曲家、钢琴家之一,是俄罗斯浪漫主义后期的代表人物。

    Alexander Scriabin ( 1872-1915 ) is one of the great composer and pianist , is the representative figure in the Later Russian Romantic Era .

  7. 我们可以通过使用微音程(microtone)而不是只使用西方音乐中的半音(semitone)来保留这些信息。

    We could preserve this information by using microtones , rather than only the semitones used in Western music .

  8. 波兰作曲家弗里德里克·肖邦(Frederic·Chopin1810-1849)是西方音乐史上一位杰出的音乐家。他通过自己的创作实践开辟了浪漫主义时期钢琴音乐表现手法的新天地并形成了独具特色的肖邦风格。

    Frederic-Chopin ( 1810-1849 ), an outstanding Polish composer in the history of western music , created new techniques of piano expression during " Romantic Period " and thereby formed the unique " Chopin Style " .

  9. 西方音乐研究在中国(1980-2000)

    A Study of Western Music Research in China ( 1980-2000 );

  10. 20世纪西方音乐与作曲家斯特拉文斯基

    Stravinsky & 102 Composer of 20th Century Music of the West

  11. 东方音乐对西方音乐的渗透

    The Eastern Music To Be Infiltrated into the Western Music

  12. 从马勒的交响作品看西方音乐中的死亡母题

    On the Death Motif in Western Music from Mahler 's Symphony Composing

  13. 比较与构想&中西方音乐教育的思考

    Comparison and Conception & On Chinese and Western Music Education

  14. 语言与命名&话语变动中的西方音乐体裁史扫描

    Scanning Over the Changing Utterance in the History of Western Musical Genres

  15. 西方音乐在20世纪呈现出多元化的纷繁局面。

    Western Music took on a diversity status in the 20th century .

  16. 西方音乐史编纂的空间和时间的范畴;

    Western musical history compiled by the scope of space and time ;

  17. 近代中国人接受西方音乐的特征研究

    Modern Chinese People to Accept the Characteristics of Western Music

  18. 巴洛克时期在西方音乐史中占据着相当重要的地位。

    Baroque occupies a very important position in the history of Western Music .

  19. 音乐体裁的学理探究论纲&以西方音乐的体裁现象为例

    Outlined Studies of the Laws in Musical Genres with Cases in Western Music

  20. 思考与实践&表演方向硕士研究生的西方音乐史教育

    Thinking and Practicing & Teaching of Western music history for graduates of performance

  21. 近代西方音乐在青岛的传播研究

    The Modern Western Music Spreads to Study in Qingdao

  22. 与西方音乐文化碰撞中的专业二胡传统

    Professional Erhu Tradition in Collision with Western Musical Culture

  23. 论《西方音乐史》两种教学方式的利弊

    On the Advantages and Disadvantages of Two Teaching Modes in Western Music History

  24. 西方音乐体裁生成、流变的历史动因研究

    A Research on the Historical Reasons of Western Music Genres Formation and Change

  25. 多媒体教学课件制作中应注意的几个问题&兼谈制作、使用西方音乐史教学课件的点滴体会

    Problems to Watch Out in Multimedia Teaching Courseware Making

  26. 当你听到西方音乐时,通常你可以感受到它们的情感色彩。

    When you hear Western music , you generally get the emotional tone .

  27. 西方音乐节奏的形成及演变

    The Formation and Evolution of Western Music Rhythm

  28. 格劳特《西方音乐史》首版于1960年,在世界范围内被认为是一部极具权威性的西方音乐历史著作。

    It is deemed to an authoritative western music history book around the world .

  29. 西方音乐史教学的新理念

    New Thoughts on the Western Musical History Teaching

  30. 在大多数西方音乐里,终止与和声有着紧密的联系。

    In most Western music , cadence is tied very strongly to the harmony .