
  1. 然后通过对西安市新西北社区进行实地调研,对社区工作人员进行访谈,和社区内居住的老年人进行交谈,总结出居家养老服务现状和老年人的实际需求。

    And then through the Northwest Community in Xi ' an to conduct field research on community interviews , and the elderly live in community conversation , summed up the home care service status and the actual needs of the elderly .

  2. 20世纪90年代西北城市社区民族通婚调查研究&以西宁市城中区为例

    Research Study on the Racial Intermarry of the City Community of Northwest China in 1990s

  3. 西北地区社区居家养老:功能、限度与完善&以兰州市西北新村社区为个案

    Providing for the aged at home by communities : functions , defects and improvement & Take Northwest New Community in Lanzhou as an example

  4. 本文以一个西北乡村社区为个案,阐释了国家力量在社区事务、社区变迁和社区权力分配中的特殊影响。

    Taking a northwest village for an example , this article deals with the special impact that the state force has on the community affairs , community changes and power distribution .

  5. 第三章《断裂:嬗变中的西北农村社区》回溯了中国乡村社会发生的变化,着重描绘了村庄精英在维续村庄秩序中的角色扮演过程,分析了当下村庄处于断裂状态的图像。

    Chapter III " Fracture : the evolution of rural communities in the Northwest " deposed at changes of the Chinese countryside society , role-playing of the rural elite in the process of continuing orders was focused , the current image of the villages was analyzed .

  6. 佐治亚州西北部一社区,是亚特兰大的一个郊区。人口25725。

    A community of northwest Georgia , a suburb of Atlanta . Population , 25,725 .

  7. 西北农村残疾人群体社区法律服务需求影响因素的实证研究

    An Empirical Research on the Influence Factors of Northwest Rural Disabled Persons ' Community Legal Demands

  8. 西北民族地区城市社区建设中的各族居民参与研究

    The Participation Study of Residents of Various Ethnic Groups in the Urban Community Construction of the Northwest Minority Regions

  9. 本文立足于西北民族地区城市社区变迁的实际情况,从微观和宏观两个层面来探讨城市社区整合机制的构建问题。

    Based on the actual situation of community change in northwestern regions , the article discusses the construction of community combined mechanism from the microcosmic and macroscopic aspects .

  10. 西北民族地区城市社区正处于急剧发展的历史时期,传统社区格局的变迁带来了诸多社会问题。产生这些问题的深层次原因,主要是由于社区整合功能严重不足。

    The urban community in northwestern national regions is in the historical period of sharp development and the change of traditional community pattern has brought lots of social problems , the deep-seated reason of which is the serious lack of community combined function .