
xiù zhēn
  • pocket;pocket-size
袖珍 [xiù zhēn]
  • [pocket;pocket-size] 怀藏袖中的小巧之物。引申为小巧或小型的东西

  • 袖珍新汉英词典

袖珍[xiù zhēn]
  1. 用PC-1500型袖珍式计算机计算国际地磁参考场的方法和程序设计

    A method and program design for calculation of international geomagnetic field by using PC-1500 type pocket-size computer

  2. 袖珍式数字万用表的构成及常见故障处理

    The Composition and Usual Malfunction Disposal of Pocket-size Digital Multimeter

  3. 袖珍计算器只能计算到小数点后8位数。

    A pocket calculator only works to eight decimal places .

  4. 袖珍相机所拍的照片往往比较暗,因为存在轻微的曝光不足。

    Photos taken by compact cameras are often dark because they 're slightly underexposed .

  5. 他只好去查袖珍字典。

    He had to consult a pocket dictionary .

  6. 袖珍字典很小。

    A pocket dictionary is small .

  7. 此外,袖珍词典中每个单词的信息通常是有限的。

    In addition , the information about each word in a pocket dictionary is generally limited .

  8. 然而袖珍字典的词条量较少,满足不了大学作业参考的需要。

    However , a pocket dictionary doesn 't contain enough entries to be adequate for college reference homework .

  9. 为了做出明智的选择,你应该知道如何区分三种印刷字典:袖珍字典、书桌字典和足本字典。

    To make a wise selection , you should know how to distinguish among three kinds of print dictionaries : pocket , desk , and unabridged .

  10. 袖珍照相机很方便携带。

    The pocket camera is easy to carry .

  11. 不要靠袖珍计算器。

    Don 't rely on pocket calculators . "

  12. 和这两艘袖珍战列舰一样的还有重巡洋舰希佩海军上将号,赛德利兹号以及德尔福林格号

    So were the two pocket battleships and the big cruisers Admiral Hipper , Seydlitz and Derfflinger .

  13. GeneralMagic和飞利浦的袖珍电脑产品都未能取得大的成就。

    Neither General Magic nor the Philips pocket computers amounted to much .

  14. 袖珍计算机在电流阶跃实验中的应用&电极反应电子数N的计算

    Application of Pocket Computer in Calculation of the Number of Electrons for Electrode Reaction

  15. 作者运用BASIC语言编制了色谱资料计算程序,并利用PC&1500可编程序袖珍计算机对色谱参数进行计算。

    Using BASIC language , programmed computation of GC data were made . Chromatographic parameters were calculated with PC - 1500 programmable mini - computer .

  16. 袖珍溅射PIG离子源

    A compact sputtering PIG ion source

  17. 袖珍计算机SHARPPC-1500上的线性规划程序

    Program for the Linear Programming on the Pocket Computer SHARP PC-1500

  18. 计算是在一台袖珍计算机PC-1500上按预先存入专门编制的BASIC语言程序进行的。

    Computation is carried out on Sharp PC-1500 pocket computer by pre-written program using the BASIC language .

  19. 这是一个概率型的通用模型,用BASIC语言编写,可在一般微机和PC-1500袖珍机上实现。

    This is a general model of probability type using BASIClanguage , which can be calculated by general micro-processor or PC-1500 .

  20. 当在袖珍PC中显示这个页面时,将会显示一张GIF图像。

    When this page is displayed on pocket PC , a GIF image will be displayed .

  21. C.I.P.W标准矿物计算方法的PC&1500袖珍计算机BASIC语言程序

    Basic language programs for the calculation of c.i.p.w norms on the PC-1500 Pocket Calculator

  22. 基于掌上电脑的袖珍式血压Holter研制

    The Development of a Pocket Blood Pressure Holter Based on Handhold Personal Computer

  23. 沉积体垂向层序的PC-1500袖珍计算机作图程序

    Program of mapping vertical sequence of deposi-tional bodies by PC-1500 Pocket Computer

  24. PC-1500袖珍计算机在结构化学教学和实验中的应用

    Application of PC-1500 Pocket Computer in Teaching and Experiment of Structural Chemistry

  25. PC-1500袖珍计算机数据采集接口的设计与应用

    Design and Application of PC-1500 Minicomputer Data Acquisition Interface

  26. 夏普PC-1500袖珍计算机应用于孢粉学研究一例

    Application of sharp pc & 1500 pocket computer to statistics in palynological researches

  27. PC-1500袖珍计算机在柴油机总装质量管理和性能试验中的应用

    The Application of PC-1500 Portable Computer On the Test for Diesel Engine Characteristics

  28. PC-1500袖珍机数据检核功能

    Data checking function applied to PC-1500 Pocket Computer

  29. PC-1500袖珍微电脑多臂提花织物组织辅助设计系统

    PC-1500 Pocket Microcomputer-Based CAD System of Dobby Weave

  30. 该优化计算程序简单,可在PC-1500袖珍计算机上完成。

    The computation program is simple enough to be handled in a pocket computer .