- Traveler;pedestrian

(1) [pedestrian]出行的人
不有行者,无以图将来。--清. 梁启超《谭嗣同传》
(2) [untonsured monk;itenerant monk] (1)∶佛教语。即头陀。行脚乞食的苦行僧人;又指方丈的侍者及在寺院服杂役尚未剃发的出家者 (2)∶泛指修行佛道之人 (3)∶《西游记》中孙悟空的别名
The demonstrators were carted off to the local police station .
The marchers proceeded slowly along the street .
Drivers honked their horns in solidarity with the peace marchers
Individualists say that you should be able to wear what you want .
The Roadrunner had better power , better tyres , and better brakes .
Anny described how she got into an argument with one of the marchers .
The demonstrators called on the government to publish a list of registered voters .
The marchers held a torchlight procession .
Marchers jeered at white passers-by , but there was no violence , nor any arrests
The Night Rider lamp has been designed to conform to new British Standard safety requirements
The steward at the march stood his ground while the rest of the marchers decided to run .
A 22 per cent increase in car travel corresponds with a 19 per cent drop in cycle mileage per person
Uncle is a non-tonsured monk in this temple .
He shared it on the microblogging service Sina Weibo and wrote : " In the rainstorm , it is you who carry this flag to charge to the front . Pay tribute to the heroes in harm 's way . "
Whips are a party 's " enforcers " , who typically offer inducements and threaten punishments for party members to ensure that they vote according to the official party policy . A whip 's role is also to ensure that the elected representatives of their party are in attendance when important votes are taken .
From recent decades , the environmentalist and writer John Francis has been one of the truly epic walkers .
Last year an ultraorthodox Israeli stabbed six marchers in Jerusalem 's annual Gay Pride Parade .
Called " Force Trainer " it is named after " The Force " powers of Yoda and Luke Skywalker in the popular Star Wars films .
Due to information asymmetry , whether the executer honestly provides information about the project type will be critical to the profit or loss of the R & D investment .
The first layer include GIS application system , Traffic Management And Planning System , Electronic Charge System , Tourist Information System , Emergency And Security System , Integrated Transportation And Operation System .
The Night Rider lamp has been designed to conform to new British Standard safety requirements .
And Dunaway is again the point of reference for Russo 's performance in " Nightcrawler , " which is , in its way , " Network " Lite . Or , rather , " Network " - meets - " Taxi Driver " Lite .
In addition to consolidation , the DBMS industry saw considerable technical advancement by all the major vendors and some new players .
Of course , one of them is around the world Voyager .
Issuers such as Fufeng , a maker of the food additive monosodium glutamate , and China Automation Group , a safety systems supplier , have in the past month seen their bond prices slide .
Factors Influencing Private Car Travelers ' Choice of ATIS Information : a Case Study from Dalian
So , a project manager with this thought lacks an overall concept and only considers the inter-relationship with unlimited resource assumed by CPM .
Finally , extracting analysis results and generating reports both in the workbench and in exported forms , such as HTML , enables developers , managers and executives to assess overall code quality .
However , Yoda 's most memorable quote is one of the last he gives to the young Luke Skywalker .
But Punjab Province is the political stronghold of Sharif 's party and hundreds of demonstrators soon faced off against the police .