
  • 网络hematology analyzer;blood cell analyzer
  1. 目的对MEK-6318K型血细胞分析仪进行评价,以指导临床实验室正确应用。

    Objective To estimate MEK-6318K Blood Cell Analyzer for correct application in clinical laboratory .

  2. 全自动血细胞分析仪对形态异常血细胞检测功能的评价

    Evaluation of Automatic Blood Cell Analyzer for Detecting Abnormal Morphologic Cells

  3. 西蒙胶囊灌胃给药,血细胞分析仪测血小板计数,ELISA法测血小板相关抗体IgG。

    Simon capsules were intragastrically administered using cytoanalyze to measure blood platelets count and ELISA to measure platelet-associated antibody ( IgG ) .

  4. CoulterHMX全自动血细胞分析仪的使用评价

    The evaluation of Coulter HMX full-automatic hematology analyzer

  5. 方法采用全自动血细胞分析仪检测外周血血小板计数,采用流式细胞仪检测CD41(抗GPⅢ3a)、CD61(抗GPⅡb)。

    Methods The peripheral platelet count was conducted with an automatic hemocyte analyzer . CD41 and CD61 level was determined by flow cytometry .

  6. TEK全自动三分群血细胞分析仪的应用评价

    Application and effect evaluation of TEK full-automatic three cent blood cell analysis instrument

  7. 同时用全自动血细胞分析仪测定平均血小板体积(MPV)及血小板计数(PLT)。

    In addition , mean platelet volum ( MPV ) and platelet counts ( PLT ) were measured by automatic hematologic analyzer .

  8. XE-2100血细胞分析仪两种血小板计数方法的比较

    Comparison of two methods for platelet counting by XE-2100 automatic hematology analyzer

  9. XE-2100全自动血细胞分析仪检测有核红细胞的评估

    Evaluation on nucleated red blood cell detection by XE-2100 automatic blood cell cytoanalyze

  10. 方法对临床462例患者全血标本进行SF-3000血细胞分析仪白细胞五分类及对照目测分类。

    Method Comparing with microscope classification , 462 cases blood samples were analyses .

  11. 结果自研血细胞分析仪试剂各项检测指标,HGB吸收曲线、WBC、RBC、PLT、MCV等均与进口试剂相一致。

    Resules Various variables such as HGB curve , WBC , RBC , PLT and MCV analyzed with self-made reagents were similar to those with imported reagents .

  12. KX-21型血细胞分析仪常见故障及排除方法

    The common trouble of KX-21 blood analyzer and trouble shooting

  13. ABXmicros60三分群血细胞分析仪白细胞分类与手工镜检法比较

    Comparison between instrument of three-population hematology analyzer ABX micros 60 and microscopic examination of blood film for leukocyte classification

  14. 方法:90例脑血管病患者及25例健康人的WBC及CK均采用全自动血细胞分析仪和全自动血液生化仪测定。

    Method : We collected blood from 90 patients with cerebrovascular disease and 25 healthy persons and measured it by the automatic blood cell analysis instrument and the automatic blood and biochemistry analysis instrument .

  15. AC-920自动血细胞分析仪溶血剂的研制和应用

    The development and applications of hemolysis reagent for AC-920 automatic hemocyte analyzer

  16. 迈瑞BC-5500全自动血细胞分析仪应用评价

    Evaluation of MINDRAY BC-5500 Hematology Analyzer

  17. 自制AC-920自动血细胞分析仪试剂的应用和观察

    Application of Self-Made Reagent for AC-920 Automatic Hemocyte Analyzer

  18. XS-800i血细胞分析仪注射器等5例故障检修

    Cases of Troubleshooting of Injector , etc. for XS-800i Hematology Analyzer

  19. [目的]了解CoulterHMX全自动五分类血细胞分析仪的主要性能,并对该仪器的精密度、准确性、携带污染率、线性、相关性等进行评价。

    [ Objective ] To comprehend the major performance of Coulter HMX full-automatic hematology analyzer and to evaluate precision , accuracy , carryover , linearity and correlativity of it .

  20. CD3700血细胞分析仪形态异常细胞警示的可信性分析

    Analysis of Credibility of Automatic Blood Cell Analyzer for Warning Abnormal Morphologic Cells

  21. 方法MAXM血细胞分析仪进行白细胞计数和分类;

    Methods White cell count and differential was taken by the MAXM blood analyzer .

  22. 方法:对18例脑外科手术病人应用CD1400+EX血细胞分析仪对血液稀释法自体献血过程中的红细胞(RBC)、血红蛋白(Hb)及红细胞比容(Hct)进行动态观察。

    Methods : The RBC , Hb , and Hct were measured dynamically by using Cell-Dyn 1400 + EX hematology analyzer in anticoagulation blood samples from 18 patients with craniocerebral surgery operation in the process of hemodilution autologous donation .

  23. 为研究RDW/MCV分类法在临床中的应用,将EDTA盐抗凝血于K-4500型血细胞分析仪上检测。

    In order to study the value of RDW / MCV classification on clinical application , blood , which was anti-coagulated by EDTA was detected using a blood cell analysor ( type K-4500 ) .

  24. XE-2100血细胞分析仪在检测妊娠高血压疾病孕妇外周血中NRBCs的意义

    The Significance of Testing the Numbers of Nucleated Red Blood Cells Present in Peripheral Blood of Pregnancy in Pregnant Women Having Hypertensive Disorders by the Automated Hematology Analyzer XE-2100

  25. 【目的】探讨雅培Cell-Dyn3700型全自动血细胞分析仪(简称CD3700)对形态异常细胞检测功能的临床应用价值。

    【 Objective 】 To clinically evaluate the Abbott Cell-Dyn 3700 automatic blood cell analyzer in detecting abnormal morphologic cells .

  26. 将血细胞分析仪SE9500、1800i检测结果与其比较发现,其结果间具有良好的相关性(r>0.975,P<0.001)。

    Correlation between the SE 9500 / 1800i and reference method was excellent ( r > 0.975 , P < 0.001 ) .

  27. KX-21型血细胞分析仪是日产全自动、多参数、三分类、阻抗型全血细胞分析仪,可为临床提供18项参数和三类细胞分布图。

    KX-21 Blood Analyzer , manufactured by Japan , is multiple parameters and three classification . It can provide 18 parameters and three kinds of cell distribution pictures for clinic .

  28. 目的探讨利用XE-2100全自动血细胞分析仪检测血液透析患者动脉血红细胞压积来确定血容量的改变。

    Objective To explore the use of automated hemacytology analyser XE-2100 in determining the changes of blood capacity of patients who are being treated with hemodialysis by analyzing the patients ' artery blood hematocrits .

  29. 方法采用K-4500型全自动血细胞分析仪对242例急性白血病患者静脉血进行PLT、MPV、PDW的检测,并以100例健康人PLT、MPV和PDW的结果作正常对照。

    Methods Type K-4500 full automatic blood cells analysis apparatus was used to test the parameters of blood platelet ( PLT , MPV , PDW ) in 242 cases of patients with AL and compared with 100 cases of healthy controls .

  30. 方法:采用CD-1700自动血细胞分析仪及配套试剂检测79例肝病患者血小板四项参数,并与对照组比较。

    Methods We used CD-1700 automatic leukocyte analysis instrument to mensurate platelet 4 item parameter in 79 patients who have been suffered from liver disease , then result compared with that in normal group .