
rónɡ hé
  • pleasantly warm;genial
  • amalgamate;mix together;fuse;merge
融和 [róng hé]
  • (1) [pleasantly warm]∶温暖

  • 融和的春日

  • (2) 同融合

  1. 天气融和。

    The weather is pleasantly warm .

  2. 融和蛋白经过Ni离子亲和层析柱纯化。

    The protein was purified by Ni2 + affinity column .

  3. RT-PCR、免疫印迹检测融和蛋白的表达。

    Then RT-PCR , Western Blot were used to detect the expression of the fusion protein .

  4. 随着人们对地理信息需求的不断增长和网络技术的飞速发展,GIS技术与网络技术相互融和形成了网格GIS技术。

    With the constant growth of the geographical information demand and development of the network technology , GIS and network technology have melted and formed the net GIS technology .

  5. 全谱的爱,则允许将内在的光明、中间与黑暗再次合并起来,或者换句话说,也就是Mila所称呼的融和(amalgamation)。

    Full spectrum love allows for the reunion of light medium and dark within ; or in other terms what Mila has called amalgamation .

  6. 由于EPON融和了低成本的以太网设备和低成本的光纤基础设施,因此成为下一代宽带接入网的首选方案。

    Ethernet Passive Optical Networks ( EPON ), which represent the convergence of low-cost Ethernet equipment and low-cost fiber infrastructure , appear to be the best candidate for the next-generation access network .

  7. 其次,研究了刀具状态监测的特征提取与特征融合技术,并提出了基于分步主元量分析(PPCA)的特征融和方法。

    Secondly , the feature extraction and optimization techniques of tool condition monitoring were investigated . The PPCA ( Parts Principle Component Analysis ) which is an improved PCA algorithm has been discussed .

  8. 提出将模糊径向基函数神经网络(FRBFN)用于模糊数据的建模,并提出融和圆锥模糊向量的聚类方法和模糊线性回归的学习算法。

    In this paper , a kind of Fuzzified Radial Basis Function Network ( FRBFN ) is proposed to ( realize ) modeling of fuzzy data . A new training algorithm combining the fuzzy clustering and fuzzy ( linear ) regression algorithms is also proposed .

  9. 颈椎前路融和后相邻节段退变的研究进展

    Researches on degenerating of the adjacent segments after cervical anterior fusion

  10. 在美国,移民正不断的与之融和。

    In the U.S.A constant flow of immigrants is being amalgamated .

  11. 让一切欢乐的歌调都融和在我最后的歌中

    Let all the strains of joy mingle in my last song

  12. 而反复冻融和乙酸铵浓度均可以影响抑菌活性。

    The concentration of ammonium acetate could affect the activity .

  13. 这就是伦理学与经济学融和所带来的意义和价值。

    This is ethics and economics harmony brings the significance and value .

  14. 让一切欢乐的歌调都融和在我最后的歌中。

    Let all the strains of joy mingle in my last song .

  15. 冻融和除冰盐作用下混凝土劣化试验方法评述

    Overview on Test Methods of Deterioration of Concrete Exposed to Freeze-Thaw and Deicer

  16. 婆罗门教与大乘佛教经过了长期融和的过程。

    Brahmanism and Mahayana have passed a long process of mixture and interfusion .

  17. 近世基督教与日本文明的冲突与融和

    Clash and Integration between Christianity and Japanese Civilization in the Early Modern Period

  18. 土壤动物对土壤的挖掘作用,植物根系在土壤中的穿插作用,冻融和干湿交替过程及化学过程是产生大孔隙的主要原因。

    Macropore is formed in main ways : by plant roots and soil fauna ;

  19. 基于子波变换的多传感器信息融和

    Multi Sensor Information Fusion Based on Wavelet Transform

  20. 但是,可以通过老师改进教学方法,采取多种多样的教学手段来激发学生的兴趣,提高学生的融和型动机。

    But the interest of learning language can be improved by utilizing some proper methods .

  21. 在当今文化多元化的国际环境下,文化的冲突和融和也不可避免。

    In the multi-national circumstances , cultural clash and harmonious also can 't be avoided .

  22. 其实,真正的散步,应该是心无旁骛的与自然地融和。

    In fact , the real walking , should be a natural harmony with distractions .

  23. 传说与事实之间:道教与宋代社会的融和

    Between Legend and Reality : The Integration of Taoism and the Society of Sung Dynasty

  24. 要承认和尊重校园文化的多元化,坚持和而不同的文化融和原则。

    To admit and respect multi-culture , the principle of difference in harmony is essential .

  25. 它以准平衡为标准,努力追求多样性与统一性的自然融和。

    Following the criterion of quasi-balance , it seeks the natural combination of diversity and unity .

  26. 不同民族文化之间的撞击融和,必然带来社会思潮的昂进与嬗变。

    The collision and fusion of cultures of different nationalities will bring about ideological changes and advancement .

  27. 小说将现实与幻想融和于一体,是一部幻想性的儿童文学作品。

    It was a children literature work , which has fantastic property melting with reality and fantasy .

  28. 道本管理论:中西方管理哲学融和的视角

    On the Tao-Oriented Management : A View of Harmonization of Management Philosophy of China and the West

  29. 本文立足于全球化进程,从文化的冲突与融和这个视角,就中国传统文化在当代的发展进行分析。

    We debate that how the Chinese traditional culture develops from the aspects of conflict and merger .

  30. 乡土地理的教学形式、教学过程中融和了众多科学教育思想与先进的教育理论。

    Local geography teaching in the teaching process blends many scientific education idea and advanced education theory .