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  • web;spider web;cobweb
蜘蛛网 [zhī zhū wǎng]
  • [cobweb] 蜘蛛张的网,用来捕获猎物

  1. 我的前额碰着了蜘蛛网。

    The spider web brushed my forehead .

  2. “怎么能将这么漂亮的东西放在蜘蛛网旁边呢!”

    " It is not good for such a beautiful thing to stand next to a spider web . "

  3. 积有灰尘的角落挂着厚厚的蜘蛛网。

    Thick cobwebs hung in the dusty corners .

  4. 我们在蜘蛛网似的偏僻街道中七拐八拐地穿行。

    We threaded through a network of back streets .

  5. 在一层灰尘和蜘蛛网底下,他发现了一座精美的法国路易十六时期的时钟。

    Under the coating of dust and cobwebs , he discovered a fine French Louis XVI clock .

  6. 从前,有一个懒惰的穷人住在一个小房子里,墙上挂着蜘蛛网,老鼠到处跑。

    Once upon a time , there was a lazy poor man living in a small house with spider webs on the walls and mice running around .

  7. 一张蜘蛛网实质上要比它看上去的样子要结实。

    A spider 's web is stronger than it looks .

  8. 地板上布满了浓厚的灰尘,朦胧的天花板上布满了一层又一层的蜘蛛网。

    Thick dust covered the floor and spider web blurred16 the dim ceiling .

  9. 鲁维指向那蜘蛛网。

    Lurvy pointed to the spider 's web .

  10. 蜘蛛网内发出无数只被困在蜘蛛丝间的蚊子与苍蝇所发出来的声音

    The web whines with the sound of countless mosquitoes and flies trapped in its folds .

  11. 每个人都知道一个神示在祖克曼先生家的蜘蛛网里出现了。

    Everybody knew that a sign had appeared in a spider 's web on the Zuckerman place .

  12. 可是,一个蜘蛛网每天都要被那些昆虫又撞又踢,所以里面还是会出现残破的地方。如果里面的破洞太多了,蜘蛛就得重新把网织好才行。

    However , a web gets torn every day by the insects that kick around in it , and a spider must rebuild it when it gets full of holes .

  13. 门框的上方拉着一张大蜘蛛网,一只大灰蜘蛛正倒挂在网的高处。

    Stretched across the upper part of the doorway was a big spiderweb , and hanging from the top of the web , head down , was a large grey spider .

  14. 一条大蛇从蜘蛛网下经过时,抬起头想吞掉网上的蜘蛛,由于高度不够,只好放弃。

    A big snake passed by under a spider wet . And it wanted to eat the spider in the web . But because it was not high enough to reach the web , it had to give up .

  15. 除此之外,耶路撒冷的希伯来大学一支由尤里·盖特(UriGat)领导的科研团队研发出一种由基因改造而成的蜘蛛网纤维。

    Also , a team led by Uri Gat at Hebrew University in Jerusalem developed a genetically engineered spiderweb fiber .

  16. 比如2007年,在德克萨斯州的LakeTawokoni州立公园也发现了树木间巨大的蜘蛛网。

    In2007 , for instance , a superintendent at Lake Tawokoni State Park in Texas discovered a giant spider web among the trees .

  17. 对于在当地泛滥的蜘蛛网,Watkins说到,“任何长在地面上的植被都被波及了,几乎包括每一种树木和灌木”。

    " Any kind of vegetation that was above ground was affected , literally every kind of tree and bush ," Watkins said of the widespread spider webs .

  18. 2010年12月,在巴基斯坦的信德省,出现了缠绕于树与树之间的巨大蜘蛛网。对于在当地泛滥的蜘蛛网,Watkins说到,“任何长在地面上的植被都被波及了,几乎包括每一种树木和灌木”。

    The giant spider webs in Sindh , Pakistan , sometimes stretched from tree to tree , as seen above in December 2010 . " Any kind of vegetation that was above ground was affected , literally every kind of tree and bush , " Watkins said of the widespread spider webs .

  19. 高温蜘蛛网龟裂效应革的涂饰方法研究

    Study on the Method of Finishing of Cobweb Cracked Effect Leather

  20. 那些懒家伙连蜘蛛网都没有扫乾净。

    Those lazy fellows have not even sweep the cobweb away .

  21. 你只要擤出蜘蛛网来,我立马就搬家。

    The minute you sneeze web , I 'm moving out .

  22. 只遗留下这些巨大的蜘蛛网。

    Just these huge , intricate webs they 've left behind .

  23. 许多蜘蛛网结合在一起就足以将一头猛狮牢牢束缚。

    When spider webs unite they can tie up a lion .

  24. 想像我学尤达走进蜘蛛网的样子。

    Like when I do Yoda walking into a spider web .

  25. 但敖德萨的扩大象蜘蛛网一样。

    But the odessa 's grown , like a spider 's web .

  26. 哦,主,求你清除我生命中那些蜘蛛网。

    O Lord , clean all the cobwebs out of my life .

  27. 有只蚂蚁将我从蜘蛛网里放了出来。

    One of the ants freed me from the spider 's web .

  28. 电报线像蜘蛛网似地由主楼向四面八方伸展。

    Telegraph wires radiate like cobwebs from the main building .

  29. 我向前走着,能感觉到有蜘蛛网在我脸上拂过。

    As I walked forward I could feel cobwebs brushing my face .

  30. 大象走到太阳下,看到蜘蛛网。

    The elephant walked into the sunlight and he saw the web .