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  • corn poppy
虞美人 [yú měi rén]
  • [corn poppy] 一种一年生的开红花的罂粟(Papaver rhoeas),在欧洲谷物田里普遍生长,其几个变种被栽培

虞美人[yú měi rén]
  1. 一个虞美人品种,有深红色,粉色或浅橙色的花。

    A variety of the corn poppy having scarlet , pink , or salmon flowers .

  2. 虞美人这漂亮的花名很奇异,它怎么会有这样一个别具一格的名称呢?

    Corn poppy this beautiful beautiful name is very peculiar , how can it have the name of a such having a unique style ?

  3. 小楼昨夜又东风,故国不堪回首月明中。(李煜《虞美人》)

    The east wind visited again my small chamber last night ; | I could not bear to look back to my native land in the clear moonlight .

  4. 她精心选择着她将来的颜色,慢慢腾腾地妆饰着,一片片地搭配着她的花瓣,她不愿象虞美人那样一出世就满脸皱纹。

    She chose her colours with the greatest care . She adjusted her petals one by one . She did not wish to go out into the world all rumpled8 , like the field poppies .

  5. 虞美人蜂花粉中脂肪酸的GC&MS分析

    Analysis of the fatty acids in Papaver pollen by GC-MS

  6. 图片中红色虞美人花状的区域即为水箱闸门外部原本水位高的水流向中心时的样子。

    The red , poppy-shaped region represents water flooding into the center from the initially higher outer parts of the tank .

  7. 对于所拍摄花的象征涵义,吴凯迪和安娜如是写道:“在艺术上,内聚的核心形状酷似一朵表达纪念意义的虞美人花”。

    The authors acknowledged the symbolism of the flower they created : " artistically , the implosion core resembles the shape of a remembrance poppy , " they wrote .

  8. 谣曲《项羽》是取材于项羽与虞美人故事的作品,这个作品的部分内容取材于《史记》,但主体情节是日本作家的想象与创作。

    The Japanese ballad " Xiang Yu " has drawn material from the story of Xiang Yu and Yu Ji , and part of it originates from " Historical Records ", but its main plot is conceived by Japanese writers .