
  • 网络Belgian History;History of Belgium
  1. 巧克力在比利时的历史之初,被认为是一种礼物。

    From the beginning of its history in Belgium , the chocolate was considered as a gift .

  2. 从16世纪开始,比利时的历史和其周围地势低的国家有所不同。

    The history of Belgium can be distinguished from that of the low countries from the 16th century .

  3. 于是,比利时推出了面值为2.5欧元的硬币这在比利时历史上是头一遭并已铸造了7万枚。

    That led to the unveiling of a 2.50 coin a first in Belgium and 70,000 of them have now been minted .

  4. 于是,比利时推出了面值为2.5欧元的硬币——这在比利时历史上是头一遭——并已铸造了7万枚。

    That led to the unveiling of a EUR2.50 coin - a first in Belgium - and 70000 of them have now been minted .