
xū bù
  • imaginary part;inscriber
虚部[xū bù]
  1. 频响函数的实部和虚部就所包含的激励&响应的传递信息而言,都是完备的,并且是一一对应的;

    Both the real and the imaginary part of Frequency response function are perfect in view of characterizing the desired input / output property .

  2. 由此得出结论,在设计手征吸波媒质时,可以通过优化设计ξc的实部、虚部的值,来实现在某一波段上较佳的吸波特性。

    The better absorbing property in a frequency band can be achieved by optimizing the value of the real part and imaginary part of ξ c in the design of chiral absorbing media .

  3. 从形式上讲,复数具有实部和虚部两个部分,都由Python中的float类型来表示。

    Formally , a complex number has a real and an imaginary component , both represented by float types in Python .

  4. 用几个不同的三维(3D)模型计算了感应矢量和转换函数,特别对它们的虚部进行了分析。

    Three dimensional ( 3D ) models are used to calculate the induction vectors and transfer functions for investigating the properties of these quantities and particularly the property of their imaginary components .

  5. 计算介电常数虚部时出现的动量矩阵元,根据对Ge和Si的介电常数虚部的实验曲线拟合而决定。

    The momentum matrix elements in the formula for calculating the imaginary part of dielectric constants are determined by fitting the ε 2 of Ge and Si .

  6. 在FFT的结构上采用了2个16点FFT的计算模块来实现蝶形计算。通过地址控制器和RAM的配合,可以完成8点至2048点的虚部实部均为16位的FFT计算。

    This algorithm uses two 16 points FFT to realize butterfly-computation , and the co-operation of controller and RAM realizes 16-bits complex FFT from 8-pointes to . 2048-points .

  7. 此外,由于其在微波频段C波段和Ku波段可以保持高的复磁导率实部和虚部,可以用作微波吸收材料。

    In addition , it can be used as microwave absorbing material because of it can keep high real and imaginary parts of complex permeability in C-band and Ku-band of microwave .

  8. 本文介绍一个可以直接、且连续记录超导材料的磁化率的实部X′和虚部X〃变化的装置。该装置费用不多。

    A simple apparatus to obtain direct and continuous recordings of the variation of the imaginary X ' ' and the real part x ' of the susceptibility of superconducting materials is reported in this paper .

  9. 结果表明:ZnO包覆可明显降低Fe0.7Ni0.3的介电常数,同时降低磁导率虚部;

    Results showed that with ZnO coating Fe_ 0.7Ni _ 0.3 , the permittivity of coated Fe_ 0.7Ni _ 0.3 considerably decreases , and its imaginary part of permeability decreases , too ;

  10. 其主要优点有两个:①只用到InSAR复图像对四个实虚部中的任意三个。

    It has two major advantages : ① It requires only three arbitrary parts among the four parts of the InSAR complex image pair .

  11. 处理温度在700~1000°C时,C/Fe纳米复合材料的介电常数实部和虚部值均随着处理温度的升高而增大,而磁导率的变化很小。

    When the heat treatment temperature is during 700 ~ 1000 ° C , the real and imaginary parts of C / Fe nanocomposite permittivity is along with the increasing of heat treatment temperature , while the changes in permeability very small .

  12. 当弹性基础的挠曲刚度较小时,随着挠曲刚度的减小,弹性基础的竖向振动将发生显著的变化,动力柔度系数Cv的实部和虚部的绝对值均变大。

    When the flexible rigidity is small , with the decrease of the flexible rigidity , the absolute value of real and imaginary part of the dynamic complicance efficient increases .

  13. 此外,以吸收介质复折射率的lorentz模型为基础,研究了SPR技术在检测吸收介质样品折射率实部和虚部变化方面的应用。

    Furthermore , the application of SPR technology in detecting the variation of complex refractive index for absorbing medium is studied based on the Lorentz model .

  14. 在阐述了解析小波频谱为一实值函数是其实部和虚部构成Hilbert变换对的一个充分条件后,论证了这类解析小波变换系数的实部和虚部同样构成Hilbert变换对的结论。

    For this group of analytic wavelets , the conclusion that the real part and imaginary part of their transform coefficients also constitute an Hilbert transform pair was perfectly deduced .

  15. 为了更好地理解亚硝酸钠在铁电相和顺电相间光学性质的差异,计算了它的介电虚部ε2(ω)、光吸收系数I(ω)及反射系数R(ω)。

    In order to understand the difference of optical properties between the ferroelectric and paraelectric NaNO_2 , the imaginary part of dielectric function ε _2 (ω) , the optical absorption coefficient I (ω) and R (ω) the reflectivity R (ω) were calculated .

  16. 其次,本文对N掺杂TiO2作了详细的分析,通过分析得出N掺杂TiO2能使能带带间隙减小,介电函数虚部和吸收系数光谱图都向低能区移动,即光吸收带实现红移。

    Results show that N-doped TiO2 made energy band gap reduced , the imaginary part of dielectric function and absorption spectra are moving to low-energy area , that is , it can cause the absorption band of optical catalysis to red-shift .

  17. 本文介绍用波数字格型滤波器来实现复数滤波器、其输出信号的虚部和实部之间满足希尔伯特(Hilbert)变换关系。

    In this paper , the realization of complex filters using wave digital lattice filter is reported . The relation between the real part and the imaginary part of its output fulfills Hilbert transformation .

  18. 在分析2-D复Gabor滤波器实部和虚部的幅频响应特性后,发现2-D奇Gabor滤波器比2-D复Gabor滤波器更能有效提取虹膜纹理特征。

    After analyzing the amplitude-frequency responses of real and imaginary part of the 2-D complex Gabor filter , we find that the 2-D odd Gabor filters is more effective than 2-D complex Gabor filter in extracting the features of iris texture .

  19. 分析表明,在阵元数目较大时,阵因子的实部与虚部都近似服从正态分布;在副瓣区,阵因子的大小近似服从Rayleigh分布。

    By analysis it is concluded that both the real part and imaginary part of the array factor are of Gauss distribution when the number of array units is large , and the magnitude of the array factor obeys approximately Rayleigh distribution .

  20. 用平面波赝势方法(PWP)计算了N掺杂锐钛矿型TiO2前后的光学特性,即介电函数虚部ε2(ω),光学吸收系数I(ω)和反射率R(ω)。

    We have calculated the optical properties of anatase TiO_2 and anatase TiO_2 by N-doping by plane-wave pseudo-potential method ( PWP ), namely the imaginary part of dielectric function ε _2 (ω), the optical absorption coefficient I (ω) and the reflectivity R (ω) .

  21. 匹配Z变换是将模拟控制器变为数字控制器的一种数字化方法,若模拟控制器的复数零点的虚部ω0大于采样角频率ω的一半,这时数字控制器的频率特性将会产生严重混叠。

    Matched z-transform is a digital method by which analog controller is transferred to digital controller . If imaginary part ω 0 of zero of analog controller is more than one half of sampling frequency ω s , frequency response of the digital controller can be aliasing .

  22. 通过数值计算方法电磁场时域有限差分(FDTD)深入研究了开槽谐振腔同轴探头的末端场分布特点,同时计算了探头反射系数随假定稀溶液复介电常数实部、虚部变化关系;

    First , we calculate the field distribution near the end of slotted open-ended coaxial-line probe with resonant cavity structure by the numerical method of finite difference time domain ( FDTD ), and study the relationship between reflection coefficient of probe and effective permittivity .

  23. 结果发现不等能格点链的hopping电导与等能格点链的基本相似,但格点能的差值不同可能使电导率虚部的低频峰变成一个谷;

    It is found that the hopping conductivity property of the chain with different site-energy is similar to that of the iso-energy site chain , however , the site-energy differences can cause the transformations between peak and valley of the imaginary conductivity at low frequency .

  24. Morlet组合小波的实部和虚部分别相当于一个零相移滤波器和一个90°相移滤波器,信号经小波变换后直接满足包络检波条件。

    As real parts and imaginary parts of Morlet combined wavelet are 0 ° phase-shifting filter and 90 ° phase-shifting filter , the fault characteristic information can be demodulated directly from the output signal of wavelet transform .

  25. 研究发现,MH-Ni电池的欧姆阻抗及其对应的频率、电化学反应阻抗,以及半圆阻抗虚部最大值处的频率可以有效地用于SOC的分析和预测。

    The test results showed that , the ohm resistance and the frequency corresponding to it , the electrochemical reaction resistance and the frequency corresponding to the maximum value of imaginary impedance of semicircle were useful for analyzing and predicting SOC of Ni-MH batteries .

  26. 本算法适用的颗粒当量直径为1e-5~1e+5,折射率虚部0~1e+5。

    The particle size parameter calculating range by the new algorithm is extended to 1 e-5 ~ 1 e + 5 , the imaginary part of the refractive index to 0 ~ 1 e + 5 .

  27. 虽然Hartley变换法在求取导数时较Fourier变换法复杂,但由于Fourier变换法的计算同时涉及复数的实部与虚部,在计算速度和占用内存方面不如Hartley变换法。

    Although to seek the derivative by Hartley transform method is more sophisticated than that by Fourier transform method , in the computing , the former only compute the real number , and the latter compute the real part and imaginary part of complex number at the same time .

  28. 其二是与Morlet小波相比较,Hermitian小波的实部和虚部振荡次数少,可用较少的数据点对信号进行卷积,从而不会损坏信号的奇异性。

    Second , the real part and the imagine part of Hermitian wavelet have less oscillation than Morlet wavelet , so that the convolution operation can be process with fewer number of data points and the signal singularity will not be smeared .

  29. 在2GHz处磁导率实部、虚部均高于对应的纳米或微米粒子相应值的25%以上。

    The real part and the image part of the permeability at 2 GHz obviously greater by 25 % than the corresponding values of the iron microparticles and iron nanoparticles .

  30. 电子复自能的虚部给出了空间和角度相关的微分倒数非弹性平均自由程(DIIMFP)。

    The imaginary part of the complex self energy of electron provides spatial and angular dependent differential inverse inelastic mean free path ( DIIMFP ) .