
  • 网络MONTEVIDEO;MVD;Ciudad Vieja
  1. 蒙得维的亚公共卫生主任PabloAnzalone说乌拉圭人均钠消费大约是9克,是世卫组织推荐值的两倍。

    The national consumption of sodium in Uruguay is about 9 grams per person , which is double what the World Health Organization recommends , says Pablo Anzalone , the director of public health for Montevideo .

  2. 首都蒙得维的亚的Jacinto饭店主人LuciaSoria,说盐不许摆在餐桌上,市政府颁布命令,餐馆中放置盐罐是非法的,沙拉酱、番茄酱也不行。

    People are not allowed to put salt anymore on the table , says Lucia Soria , the owner of Jacinto restaurant in Montevideo . The city government made it illegal to have salt shakers out in restaurants , she says . No mayonnaise either .

  3. 蒙得维的亚环境法发展和定期审查方案

    Montevideo Programme for Development and Periodic Review of Environmental Law

  4. 世界杯比赛首次于1930年在乌拉圭首都蒙得维的亚举行。

    The World Cup began in Montevideo , Uruguay , in 1930 .

  5. 蒙得维的亚国际刑法条约

    Montevideo Treaty on International Criminal Law

  6. 进出乌拉圭首都蒙得维的亚的航班也被取消,影响到数以千计的旅客。

    And many flights in and out of the Uruguayan capital Montevideo have also been cancelled , affecting thousands more travellers .

  7. 这位乌拉圭前总统住在首都蒙得维的亚郊区一个小农场的一居室房子里。

    The former president of Uruguay lives in a one-bedroom house on a smallholding on the outskirts of the capital Monte-video .

  8. 乌拉圭球迷庆祝一个目标,而当人们看到在2010年世界杯乌拉圭和南非之间的足球比赛在蒙得维的亚,乌拉圭。

    Uruguayan fans celebrate a goal while watching the soccer match between Uruguay and South Africa during World Cup2010 , in Montevideo , Uruguay .

  9. 蒙得维的亚:乌拉圭首都和最大城市,位于该国南部,拉普拉塔河河口。

    The capital and largest city of Uruguay , in the southern part of the country on the R í o de la Plata estuary .

  10. 最高级别的中美洲和南美洲的城市又是特-à-彼得雷(49),由圣胡安(69)和蒙得维的亚(70)之后。

    The highest-ranking Central and South American city is again Pointe - à - Pitre ( 49 ), followed by San Juan ( 69 ) and Montevideo ( 70 ) .

  11. 他出生在蒙得维的亚,父母为导演和数学教师。

    He was born in Montevideo , Uruguay to Rom á n Vi ? oly Barreto ,( a film and theater director ) and Maria Beceiro ( a mathematics teacher ) .