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  • 网络mongolian horse;Mongolia horse;Mongolian pony
  1. 中国蒙古马与国外纯血马mtDNAD-Loop高变区序列比较

    Sequence Comparing of mtDNA D-Loop Varied Region in Chinese Mongolian Horse and External Thoroughbred Horse

  2. 中国蒙古马起源于多个母系祖先。

    Chinese Mongolian horse came of multiple female ancestor .

  3. IGF-I和MSTN基因在运动性心肌肥大中的研究进展蒙古马胰岛素样生长因子I(IGF-I)多态性分析

    Progresses on Studies of Insulin-like Growth Factor I and Myostatin Gene in the Process of Exercise-Induced Cardiac Hypertrophy The Polymorphisms of IGF-I in Mongolia House

  4. 而且,以Cytb(Cytochromeb)基因来确定家马系统发育结构很少见诸报道,对于中国蒙古马和纯血马间的遗传差异更是未曾见过详细报道。

    Furthermore , there have been sparse reports on the phylogenetic structure determination for horse Cytb ( Cytochrome b ) gene , and no reports on the genetic differences between the Chinese Mongolian horses and the Thoroughbreds .

  5. 蒙古马,牵动着一个文化的命运&专家透视蒙古马

    Mongolian Horses Strike the Fate of a Culture : Expert Perspective

  6. 中国蒙古马与蒙古国蒙古马亲缘关系较近。

    There is close genetic relationship of Mongolian horses between Chinese and Mongolian .

  7. 多数产玉的地区只有蒙古马才能到达。

    Much of the Jade bearing area is only accessible by Mongolian ponies .

  8. “鸿运当头”是一匹纯种的蒙古马。

    " Lucky Strike " is a blue-blooded Mongorian .

  9. 蒙古马与英纯血马血液生化指标的比较研究

    Comparative studies on blood biochemical index of serum between Mongolian horse and thoroughbred

  10. 利用微卫星标记对宁强矮马和蒙古马遗传多样性的研究

    Study on the Genetic Diversity of Ningqiang Pony and Mongolian Horse Using Microsatellite Markers

  11. 他知道他的下一个草原和蒙古马的感觉。

    He knows the steppe and the feel of a Mongol horse under him .

  12. 蒙古马主要性格性状及其候选基因的行为遗传学研究

    Study on Behavioral Genetics of Major Temperament Traits and the Candidate Gene in Mongolian Horse

  13. 推测中国部分蒙古马起源于普氏野马,即蒙古野马。

    We speculated that Chinese several Mongolian horses came of Przewalskii horse , namely Mongolian wild horse .

  14. 蒙古人与蒙古马

    Mongolians and Their Horses

  15. 山脉:有巍峨的阿尔泰山,当初不知有多少游牧部落在那边登上腿脚粗壮的蒙古马,轰隆隆一路奔来;

    Mountains : the majestic Altai , whence came thudding on thick-legged Mongol ponies so many nomad hordes .

  16. 中国蒙古马在过去没有出现群体扩张或持续增长模式,群体大小保持稳定,受到了人工选择的多重瓶颈效应。

    The size of Chinese Mongolian horse population kept stable and kinds of horses did not undergo expansions or lasting increase pattern .

  17. 他说,没有蒙古马,就不会有游牧部族袭击中国的行动,不会有骑兵,不会有征服的手段。

    Without the Mongolian horse , he said , there would be no nomads attacking China , no cavalry , no means of conquering .

  18. 结果表明蒙古马各项指标中总蛋白、白蛋白、乳酸脱氢酶、碱性磷酸酶等4项差异极显著。

    The results indicated that the total protein , albumin , phosphorus , lactate , dehydragenase , alkaline phosphates in Mongolian horse blood were significantly different ;

  19. 所以,我一生告别蒙古马,每天用大量的时间安静地坐着阅读和写作,也是前定。

    So I am far from Mongolia horse in life , everyday quietly reading and writing in most of time , should be destiny as well .

  20. 目前,对于中国蒙古马何处起源、如何驯化和遗传结构怎样等问题的答案还知之甚少。

    To date , the questions of origins ( where ), domestication ( how ), and genetic structure ( what ) of Chinese Mongolian horses are poorly understood .

  21. 陈阵一骑上大青马,他的胯下立即感到了上等蒙古马的强劲马力,就有了快马急行的冲动。

    As soon as he was in the saddle and on his way , Chen sensed the power of his Mongol horse and felt the urge to gallop at full speed .

  22. 蒙古马是我国北方重要的地方马品种,数量多、分布广,主要产地在蒙古高原及邻近地区。

    Mongolia horse is north part of our country the important local varieties , quantity , wide distribution , the main producing area in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region province of China .

  23. 蒙古马创造了蒙元大帝国的丰功伟业和支撑了近代中国军马、役用马的半壁天下之后,面临着适应现代社会的考验和生存危机。

    Mongolia horses in the created player Meng Yuan imperial greatness , in support of the modern Chinese army and draft horse half the world , face how to adapt to the needs of modern society and the crisis of survival test .

  24. 试论蒙古族马舞蹈的文化内涵

    On Cultural Connotation of Mongolian " Horse " Dance

  25. 从远古至今,蒙古族马奶酒酿制技术历史悠久。

    From ancient date , the Mongolian Kumiss brewing technology has a long history .