
  • 网络teece;Curtis;thies;Peter Diamandis;Thetis
  1. 出现这个问题最严重的地区是蒂斯河畔斯托克顿和斯托克城,在过去三年里,生活在那里的人们的平均寿命下降了九个多月。

    The problem emerges as worst in places like Stockton-on-Tees and Stoke-on-Trent , where life expectancy 's fallen more than nine months in the last three years .

  2. 来自蒂斯河畔斯托克顿(Stockton-on-Tees)的设计师克莱尔巴罗(ClaireBarrow)今年芳龄25,她于2013年推出了自己的同名品牌。

    Stockton-on-Tees designer Claire Barrow , 25 , launched her label in 2013 .

  3. 蒂斯:你干吗不再给她打个电话?

    D.C. : Why don 't you just call her again ?

  4. 第一批难民已经上船,我们回亚特蒂斯。

    The first wave of refugees are onboard . we 're headed back to atlantis .

  5. 我不属于你--萨拉·蒂斯黛尔

    I Am Not Yours -- Sara Teasdale

  6. 流入北海的重要河流是:泰晤士,亨伯,蒂斯,泰恩。

    Important rivers flowing into the North Sea are the Thames , Humber , Tees , and Tyne .

  7. 盛大的赛事吸引了世界各地网坛巨星的加入,比如毛瑞斯莫,巴格达蒂斯,斯里查潘。

    Such an important tournament drags lots of super stars'attention from all over the world , including Mauresmo , Baghdatis , Srichaphan and so on .

  8. 来自捷克的排名第四的托马斯·伯蒂奇直落盘数击败了德国选手尼古拉斯·基弗。另外俄国选手尤兹尼和塞浦路斯选手巴格达蒂斯也分别以直落获胜。

    The fourth seat Thomas Berdych of the Czech Republic swarf Germany 's Nicholas Kiefer in straight set , and there were also straight forward wins for Micheal Youzhny and Marcos Baghdatis .

  9. 然而在谈论国际米兰可能是监听德塞蒂斯电话并对其进行敲诈勒索的幕后主使的同时,我们不该忽视身处乙级的尤文正因此而兴奋。

    But amid all the talk that Inter may have been behind a plot to wiretap De Santis and later blackmail him , let 's not lose sight of the excitement currently being generated by Juventus in Serie B.