
  • 网络The Vineyard;Grape manor
  1. 刚购买下法国葡萄庄园的中国投资者可能已经在直升机坠毁事故中丧生,同时还有他的儿子以及一位陪同和前葡萄园的拥有者。

    A Chinese investor who had just bought a French vineyard is feared dead in a helicopter crash that killed his son and is thought also to have claimed the lives of an aide and the vineyard 's previous owner .

  2. 然而,新闻报道中经常提到的出口至中国内地和香港的波尔多(Bordeaux)葡萄酒中,有四分之一来自几乎不可能被视为小作坊的大型葡萄庄园。

    Yet the one-quarter of exported Bordeaux that headlines its wine sales to China and Hong Kong comes from big-production vineyards that can hardly be deemed artisanal .

  3. 让法国葡萄庄园与中国角力可能演变为真正的战争。

    Pitting French viniculture against Chinese power could turn into a real fight .

  4. 项目位于悉尼西北方向的猎人谷,面对着葡萄庄园的美景。

    Inspired by views across vineyards , the site is located in the Hunter Valley , several hours north-west of Sydney .

  5. 这一山区有世界上最古老的设拉子葡萄庄园,有些可追逆到十九世纪四十年代。

    The hilly region is home to some of the world 's oldest shiraz vines , some dating back to the1840s .

  6. 这种酒是由来自澳大利亚佩拉库特葡萄酒地区麦克林家族葡萄庄园种植的优质的赤霞珠葡萄静心酿制而成的。

    This wine was made from premium parcels of Cabernet Sauvignon grapes grown in the Mclean Family vineyards in the Perricoota Wine region , Australia .