
  • 网络summers;Lawrence Summers;Larry Summers;Somers;Lawrence H. Summers
  1. 哈佛大学经济学家萨默斯(LawrenceSummers)说,没有人有十足的把握预测中国经济的未来。

    ' No one can forecast with confidence the future of the Chinese economy , ' said Harvard economist Lawrence Summers , a former White House economic adviser and Treasury secretary .

  2. 奥巴马总统的高级经济顾问萨默斯星期天在美国广播公司电视节目上说,尽管他觉得这笔津贴数目惊人,但是从执行契约的角度,AIG有义务支付这笔钱。

    A top economic adviser to President Barack Obama , Lawrence Summers , said Sunday on ABC television although he thinks the compensation is outrageous , AIG is contractually obligated to pay them .

  3. 萨默斯几周前表演了一场长笛独奏,反映平平。

    Sommers performed a flute solo a few weeks ago that got so-so reviews .

  4. 萨默斯在华盛顿布鲁金斯学会演讲时提到恐惧的心理学。

    In his talk at Washington 's Brooking Brookings Institution , Summers spoke of the psychology of fear .

  5. 巫术以无先例的毒性蔓延(b蒙塔古萨默斯)

    Witchcraft blazed forth with unexampled virulence ( bMontague Summers )

  6. 美国白宫可能很快会为美联储(FederalReserve)新增一位知名的量化宽松政策质疑者,他就是拉里•萨默斯。

    The White House might be about to add a prominent quantitative easing skeptic to the Federal Reserve : Larry Summers .

  7. 收入丰厚的白宫官员包括国家经济委员会主任萨默斯(LawrenceSummers)。

    Well-paid White House staff include chief economic adviser Lawrence Summers .

  8. 除萨默斯外,LendingClub的董事会中还有著名风投公司凯鹏华盈(KleinerPerkins)的玛丽•米克和前摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)CEO约翰•麦克。

    Summers joins Kleiner Perkins ' Mary Meeker and former Morgan Stanley CEO John Mack .

  9. 首先,它提出了从银行收购次贷证券化资产的“盖特纳-萨默斯计划”(geithner-summersplan)。

    First , it has proposed the Geithner - summers plan to buy subprime securitized assets from the banks .

  10. 美国前财政部长劳伦斯·H·萨默斯(LawrenceH.Summers)最近表示,他不再相信自动化总是能够创造新的工作岗位。

    Lawrence H. Summers , the former Treasury secretary , recently said that he no longer believed that automation would always create new jobs .

  11. 借用拉里萨默斯(LarrySummers)的巧妙表述就是:最近的增长数据表明,发达经济体迄今尚未达到逃逸速度。

    To use Larry Summers ' apt expression , recent growth numbers show that advanced economies have not yet achieved escape velocity .

  12. 为该项目提供自己画作的明星还包括女演员艾玛阿特金斯、喜剧演员基思柠檬以及安萨默斯公司的CEO杰奎琳戈尔德。

    Other celebrities who have supplied their mini creations for the cause include actress Emma Atkins , comedian Keith Lemon and the CEO of Ann Summers , Jacqueline Gold .

  13. 萨默斯去年夏季为路透社(Reuters)撰写的署名文章中曾经写到:“重新重视量化宽松有些奇怪。”

    In an editorial for Reuters last summer , summers wrote , " there is an oddity in this renewed emphasis on quantitative easing . "

  14. 政府希望继续把重点放在经济复苏方案上,奥巴马首席经济顾问劳伦斯•萨默斯(LawrenceSummers)昨日对福克斯新闻(FOXNEWS)说。

    There 's a desire to keep the focus on the economic recovery programme , Lawrence Summers , Mr Obama 's chief economic adviser , told Fox News yesterday .

  15. “未来几年,世界更可能受到过度避险、而非避险不足的影响,”萨默斯周四出席瑞士信贷(creditsuisse)的午餐会时表示。

    " The world is more likely to suffer from excessive risk aversion over the coming years , rather than insufficient risk aversion , " he told a Credit Suisse lunch on Thursday .

  16. 正如劳伦斯•萨默斯(LawrenceSummers)所指出那样,令人担忧的是,高收入经济体似乎无法在不制造极端信贷动荡的前提下,推动需求强劲增长。

    As Lawrence Summers has argued , the high-income economies seem to be worryingly unable to generate good growth in demand without extreme credit instability .

  17. 上周萨默斯本人出席了《财富》科技头脑风暴大会(Fortune'sBrainstormTechconference)。当被问到电影里的这个场景时,萨默斯坦率地评价了温克吾斯兄弟。

    Larry Summers made waves at Fortune 's Brainstorm Tech conference last week with his candid comments about the Winklevoss twins when asked about his scene in the movie The Social Network .

  18. 美国的“盖特纳/萨默斯计划”(geithner-/summersplan)有两大根本方面:一是对卖不出去的结构性金融产品进行隔离,二是对银行体系进行资本重组。

    The Geithner / summers plan in the US has two fundamental planks a strategy to ring-fence structured finance products for which there is no market , and a strategy to recapitalise the banking system .

  19. 很多人通过该Facebook主页听说这个消息,萨默斯说,我们可以看到其影响力以及真正浏览它的人数,由此我们知道自身具有多么强大的影响力。

    A lot of people heard about it through the Facebook page , Summers said . We can see the impressions , how many people actually saw it , so we know how much influence we have .

  20. 这一警告令人想起了拉里萨默斯(LarrySummers)(在回到政府任职前)提出的经典问题:全球最大的借债国还能维持多久世界头号强国的地位?

    That warning recalls Larry Summers ' killer question ( posed before he returned to government ): How long can the world 's biggest borrower remain the world 's biggest power ?

  21. 教你一个管理技巧,它可让你的女性员工发挥最大潜能:如果你想在重要的商务谈判前激发她们的动力,就和她们谈谈拉里萨默斯(larrysummers)。

    Here is a management tip for getting the most out of your female employees : if you want to fire them up before an important business negotiation , just talk to them about Larry Summers .

  22. 英国国家经济与社会研究所(niesr)的乔纳森波特斯(jonathanportes)也指出,英国最近的数据支持了萨默斯的怀疑。

    Recent data on the UK support his scepticism , as Jonathan Portes of the National Institute for economic and social research has also noted .

  23. 甚至连奥巴马的首席经济顾问劳伦斯•萨默斯(LawrenceSummers)在8日也表现出失望情绪。他指出,被削减的数十亿美元高等教育资助本能够迅速渗入经济,发挥作用。

    Even Lawrence Summers , Mr Obama 's chief economic adviser , yesterday sounded disappointed , pointing out that the several billion dollars that was cut in aid to higher education would have fed rapidly through into the economy .

  24. 我尤其担心的是,越来越多的迹象表明,不同金融机构对同一类债券的标价和估值大不相同,美国前财长劳伦斯•萨默斯(LawrenceSummers)表示。

    I am particularly worried that there are some growing indications that the same bond sitting in different financial institutions is being marked and evaluated in very different prices , ' ' says Lawrence Summers , former US Treasury secretary .

  25. 但他同时还指出,著名经济学家保罗萨缪尔森(PaulSamuelson)(萨默斯的叔叔)主张,各国在与奉行重商主义政策的国家进行贸易时,可以不适用自由贸易原则。

    But he also pointed out that Paul Samuelson , a famous economist ( and uncle of Mr Summers ), had argued that the case for free trade might not apply when countries were trading with nations that were pursuing mercantilist policies .

  26. 官方称为公/私投资计划的盖特纳-萨默斯(geithner-summers)计划,通过以远高于市价的价格从商业银行手中购买问题资产,暗藏着把多达数千亿美元的纳税人资金向这些银行转移的企图。

    The geithner-summers plan , officially called the public / private investment programme , is a thinly veiled attempt to transfer up to hundreds of billions of dollars of US taxpayer funds to the commercial banks , by buying toxic assets from the banks at far above their market value .

  27. 它在萨默斯太太那老旧的购物袋里仿佛不见了踪影。

    It seemed lost in her worn , old shopping bag .

  28. 盖特纳和萨默斯需要直接解决银行业的问题。

    Geithner and summers need to address the banking problems square-on .

  29. 我欠你一个道歉萨默斯先生

    Well , I owe you an apology , Mr. Somers .

  30. 萨默斯表示:一直存在大量人为的信贷补贴。

    There has been a lot of artificial subsidy of credit .