
  • 网络suffolk;John Suffolk;HMS Suffolk
  1. 利用微卫星DNA在萨福克羊群体中的多态性预测绵羊群体的肉用性能。

    The meat performance of Suffolk sheep population was forecasted by polymorphism of micro-satellite DNA .

  2. 无角道塞特、萨福克(白头)、特克塞尔的供体绵羊在品种间的超排效果上无显著差异(P>0.05);

    There was no difference in the effect of superovulation for Doll Dorset , White Suffolk and Texel ewes ;

  3. 华为还聘请了英国政府的前首席信息官员萨福克(JohnSuffolk)担任全球网络安全主管。

    It also counts John Suffolk , former chief information officer for the U.K. government as its global cybersecurity officer .

  4. 本试验选择无角陶赛特、萨福克成年公羊为试验材料,经颈静脉采血提取血液中基因组DNA,并现场对采样肉羊进行臀围和臀宽测量。

    In this study , Poll Dorset , Suffolk adult rams were selected as the test material , from which jugular vein was collected to extract genomic DNA , and measured the hindquarter width and hip circumference on the spot . 1 .

  5. 四个月之后,这位女士觉得这座公寓离萨福克大学太远,就以290万美元卖出了这套房子,并在波士顿的后湾(BackBay)附近花240万美元购买了位于一个豪华住宅楼中的带有三个卧室的公寓。

    Four months later , she decided the apartment was too far away from Suffolk 's campus , so she sold the condo for $ 2.9 million and bought a three-bedroom apartment for $ 2.4 million in a luxury building in Boston 's Back Bay neighborhood .

  6. 但在英格兰萨福克郡,有270年历史、向巴宝莉(Burberry)和拉夫劳伦(ralphLauren)等品牌供货的丝绸编织商Vanners董事长戴维涂斯(DavidTooth)预期,零售价格将在近期内上涨10%-20%。

    But David Tooth , chairman of Vanners , a 270-year-old silk weaver in Suffolk , England , which supplies brands such as Burberry and Ralph Lauren , expects retail prices to rise 10-20 per cent in the near term .

  7. 萨福克在英国政府任职期间,以直言支持改革而知名。比如,他支持将政府部门的全部计算机系统移入被称为政府云(G-Cloud)的一个共享数据中心系统,以节省开支。

    While working for the UK government Mr Suffolk was known as an outspoken advocate of reforms , such as moving all government computer systems into the G-Cloud , a system of shared data centres , to save money .

  8. 希兰曾就读于英格兰萨福克郡一所普通的学校。

    Sheeran went to an ordinary school in Suffolk , England .

  9. 引入高寒牧区萨福克羊适应性评价与利用

    Adaptability Evaluation and Utilization of Suffolk Introduced in Alpine Pasture Area

  10. 白萨福克羊在河西走廊地区的适应性研究

    Study on the adaptability of White Suffolk in Hexi Corridor

  11. 萨福克羊、哈萨克羊、小尾寒羊杂交后代生产性能比较

    Suffolk with Kazakh Sheep And Small-Han-Tail Sheep cross Test

  12. 萨福克肉用种羊性状线性相关与回归分析

    Analysis on Correlations and Regression of Suffolk Mutton Buck

  13. 萨福克、陶赛特肉用种羊非繁殖季节诱导发情的研究

    A Test of Estrus Inducted in Non-breeding Season Suffolk and Poll Dorset Ewes

  14. 他是一流的农夫,他还在马厩里饲养萨福克矮马。

    He was a champion ploughman and kept Suffolk Punch horses in the stables .

  15. 道赛特、萨福克与阿勒泰羊杂交公羔育肥效果对比试验

    The Fattening Effect Test of Hybrid Male Lamb of Dorsett 、 Suffolk and Altai Sheep

  16. 萨福克绵羊在榆林市的适应性研究

    Adaptability Research on The Suffolk Sheep

  17. 道塞特、萨福克与阿勒泰羊5月龄杂交公羔肉品质分析

    Analyze Meat Quality of Hybrid Male Lamb at 5 Month Old of Dorsett , Suffolk and Altai Sheep

  18. 对204只萨福克肉用种羊的资料进行了相关与回归分析。

    Dates of 204 heads of Suffolk Mutton Buck were analysised by the methods of correlations and regressions .

  19. 在萨福克郡大学,他教授“奥林匹克的历史”的课程。

    Amongst his duties at Suffolk is teaching a course on " The History of the Olympics " .

  20. 艾德·希兰和他的未婚妻彻里·西伯恩在萨福克郡低调结婚。

    Ed Sheeran has ' married his fianc é e Cherry Seaborn in a low-key Suffolk ceremony ' .

  21. 其次,她在萨福克迷失了自我。

    Then , Candida found that she also lost herself in Suffolk , for she had lost her family there .

  22. 我出生在萨福克郡的蛮石镇,也就是苏格兰人说的“那边儿”。

    I was born at Blunderstone , in Suffolk , or " there by ", as they say in Scotland .

  23. 《萨福克自由新闻报》同意帮迪克在报纸上刊登寻人启事。

    Dick approached the Suffolk Free Press who agreed to help him by putting word of his search in their newspaper .

  24. 萨福克法院对石油勘探公司付出的大量物资所产生的客观效果也许并未予以足够重视。

    The Suffolk court may not have given sufficient weight to the practical effects of large commitments of resources by oil exploration companies .

  25. 两年后,萨福克县强烈要求在土地出租之后赋予内政部长为保护环境而采取必要措施的权力。

    Suffolk strongly suggested two years later that , after leasing , the Secretary was empowered to take measures necessary to protect the environment .

  26. 萨福克在去年秋天撰写的一份报告中呼吁加强监管,扩大华为与相关国家政府之间的合作。

    In a report written last fall , Mr. Suffolk called for increased regulation and greater cooperation between Huawei and governments of concerned countries .

  27. 苦寻未果,他便来到萨福克免费报社,他们答应为他在报上登启事。

    After a long fruitless search , he approached the Suffolk Free Press , who agreed to help him by putting an appeal in their newspaper .

  28. 热衷于该比赛的人说它源于四百年前中世纪萨福克的昌盛时期,但这说法有点不靠谱。

    Flonking enthusiasts proudly claim this practice dates back to medieval times , originating during the Suffolk harvests 400 years ago , but that seems very unlikely .

  29. 奥尔巴尼、布法罗、伊萨卡、纽约市以及罗切斯特和萨福克县、汤普金斯县已制定当地的性别表达禁止歧视法案。

    Albany , Buffalo , Ithaca , New York City , and Rochester , and the counties of Suffolk and Tompkins have already enacted local GENDA laws .

  30. 我出生在英国东部萨福克郡的布兰德斯通,并沿用了我不幸的父亲之名——大卫·科波菲尔。

    I was born at Blunderstone , in Suffolk , in the east of England , and was given my poor father 's name , David Copperfield .