
  • Saab;【地名】【俄罗斯、中非共和国】Sabo
  1. 通用汽车公司以大约4亿美元的价格购得了萨博汽车公司50%的股份。

    General Motors acquired a 50 % stake in Saab for about $ 400m

  2. 停在外面的只有一辆黑色的萨博——不是一个牌子的车。

    The only car parked outside is a black Saab — a different make .

  3. 萨博汽车的经销商目前正推出高档样品车无人陪同的24小时试驾活动。

    Saab dealers are currently giving away unaccompanied 24-hour test drives in posh demonstrator models .

  4. 瑞典跑车生产商柯尼塞格(KoenigseggGroupAB)上个月意外宣布退出收购萨博。

    Last month Swedish sports-car maker Koenigsegg Group AB unexpectedly dropped a separate bid for Saab .

  5. 萨博上一次提交破产保护申请是在2009年2月,在那之前,它当时的所有者通用汽车(GeneralMotors)自己也正打算在美国申请破产保护。

    Saab last entered administration in February 2009 after General Motors , its owner at the time was itself preparing to file for bankruptcy protection in the US .

  6. 在拯救另一家瑞典汽车制造商萨博汽车(SaabAutomobile)、使其免于倒闭的过程中,中国公司也发挥着核心作用。

    Chinese companies are also at the heart of efforts to save Saab Automobile , another Swedish carmaker , from collapse .

  7. 北汽控股(beijingautomotiveindustryholding)曾在2009年购买萨博的技术,从而与萨博建立联系,但北汽本周表示并未举行任何旨在加深联系的商谈。

    Beijing Automotive Industry Holding already has ties to Saab after buying technology from the company in 2009 but the Chinese carmaker this week said it had not held any talks about deepening the relationship .

  8. 寻求资金救急的萨博汽车(SaabAutomobile)正将目光投向中国,此前挽救这家困境中的瑞典汽车制造商的尝试遭遇了新的障碍。

    Saab Automobile is looking to China for a financial lifeline after efforts to save the struggling Swedish carmaker hit a fresh stumbling block .

  9. 瑞典汽车制造商萨博汽车(saabautomobile)被一家中日合资企业收购,将转型生产电动汽车,主打亚洲市场。

    Swedish carmaker Saab automobilehas been bought by a Chinese-Japanese group and will be turned into a manufacturer of electric vehicles focused on the Asian markets .

  10. 萨博汽车(SaabAutomobiles)申请破产的消息一如既往地引发震动,人们先是捶胸顿足,随后开始相互攻击、指责。

    The news that Saab automobiles filed for bankruptcy has spurred the usual round of breast-beating , finger-pointing , and name calling .

  11. 2010年,通用汽车(GeneralMotors)把萨博出售给荷兰世爵汽车(Spyker)。两年后,萨博于去年12月宣布破产,人们纷纷猜测谁会出手收购。

    The news comes follows speculation about buyers after the carmaker declared bankruptcy in December , two years after General Motorssold it to Dutch group Spyker in 2010 .

  12. 作为通用汽车在华主要合资伙伴,上海汽车(ShanghaiAutomotive)目前在中国销售少量的进口萨博轿车。中国正超越美国,成为世界上最大的汽车市场。

    Shanghai Automotive , GM 's main Chinese joint venture partner , at present sells imported Saab cars in small numbers in China , which is overtaking the US as the world 's largest car market .

  13. 一项研究表明,萨博(saab)车主与自己的汽车有着最强的“心理关联”。

    Saab owners , according to a study , have the greatest " psychological involvement " with their cars .

  14. 三投标人从三个不同的国家被认为最有可能的买家萨博汽车,据不具名消息来源与萨博的主人,通用汽车(GM)。

    Three bidders from three different countries are said to be the most likely buyers for Saab Automobile , according to an unnamed source with Saab 's owner , General Motors ( GM ) .

  15. 如果围绕沃尔沃、萨博(Saab)和欧宝(Opel)等公司爆发竞购战,这正是福特汽车等财务拮据的卖家所乐于看到的。

    The prospect of a bidding war for the likes of Volvo , Saab and Opel should please financially strapped sellers such as Ford .

  16. 最近刚在上海进行首次公开发行(IPO)、募得近10亿美元的中资集团庞大(PangDa),将向萨博提供4500万欧元,让后者能够恢复向中国出口的制造活动。

    Pang Da , which recently raised nearly $ 1bn in a Shanghai initial public offering , will provide € 45m to Saab to allow it to resume manufacturing for export to China .

  17. 瑞典的萨博汽车(SaabAutomobile)将迎来通用汽车(GM)的“死缓”判决,因为这家美国汽车制造商已接近完成向荷兰世爵汽车(SpykerCars)出售其萨博业务的交易。

    Saab Automobile is set to win a stay of execution from General Motors as the US carmaker closes in on a deal to sell its Swedish unit to Spyker Cars of the Netherlands .

  18. 去年,北汽控股(baic)经中央政府批准,从通用汽车手中收购了萨博的一部分资产。

    Last year BAIC , the Beijing automaker , acquired some assets of Saab from GM , with central government approval .

  19. 不过,该公司本周成功地将旗下知名瑞典品牌萨博(saab)出售给了荷兰跑车制造商世爵(spyker)。

    But it this week succeeded in selling Saab , its Swedish marque , to Spyker , the Dutch boutique sports car maker .

  20. 作为重组计划的一部分,今年1月通用将萨博以及土星(saturn)和悍马(hummer)等其它非核心品牌一同挂牌出售。

    GM put Saab up for sale in January , together with other non-core brands such as Saturn and Hummer , as part of its own restructuring efforts .

  21. 像梅赛德斯奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)和宝马(BMW)等德系车,年产量可达百万辆,但萨博的年销量却从来没有超过14万辆。

    At a time when German luxury makers like Mercedes-Benz and BMW make more than one million cars a year , Saab never sold more than 140,000 cars a year .

  22. 对瑞典汽车业来说,这宗交易也结束了自一年多前美国拥有者宣布要出售沃尔沃和萨博(Saab)以来的不确定时期。

    The deal ends more than a year of uncertainty for Sweden 's car industry since Volvo and Saab were put up for sale by their US owners .

  23. 为了解决这些问题,通用向萨博安插了美国管理人员,将一些产能转移到了德国,零部件则采取了向欧宝(Opel)采购或共同生产等方法。

    GM tried to ameliorate its problems by installing American managers , moving some production to Germany , and integrating its parts buying and engineering with Opel .

  24. 萨博汽车公司(Saab)的新主人没能顺利加速“起飞”并不让人意外,但这着实让世界各地的车迷痛心不已,他们深爱萨博的个性和鲜明外形。

    The failure of Saab 's new owners to gain take-off speed isn 't unexpected , but it pains car lovers everywhere who admired Saabs for their individuality and pluckiness .

  25. 但这将使一级方程式赛车(F1)巨头伯尼·埃克莱斯顿(BernieEcclestone)感到失望,后者正与卢森堡私人股本投资公司GeniiCapital合作,与世爵竞购萨博。

    But there would be disappointment for Bernie Ecclestone , the Formula One racing mogul , who teamed up with Genii Capital , the Luxembourg-based private equity company , to challenge Spyker for Saab .

  26. 在筹集恢复生产所需资金的努力宣告失败之后,亏损的瑞典汽车制造商萨博(saab)在不到3年里第二次申请破产保护。

    Saab , the lossmaking Swedish carmaker , has filed for bankruptcy protection for the second time in less than three years after failing to raise the financing needed to resume production .

  27. 上个月,通用向瑞典跑车制造商科尼赛克(KoenigseggAutomotive)出售萨博的交易破裂。在这之后,通用设定了在年底前为萨博找到新买家的最后期限。

    GM has set a year-end deadline to find a new buyer for Saab after the collapse last month of a deal to sell the company to Koenigsegg Automotive , the Swedish sports car maker .

  28. 北汽控股毫不讳言自己对通用汽车旗下萨博(Saab)品牌的兴趣如果能在年底前找到合适的买家,通用汽车计划将该品牌售出。

    BAIC has made no secret that it is interested in GM 's Saab brand , which the Detroit carmaker plans to sell if it can find a suitable buyer by year end .

  29. 这笔贷款于10月得到了欧盟(eu)支持的eib的初步批准,被认为是让萨博得以维持的关键因素,但尚不清楚世爵能否及时获得这笔款项,帮助其敲定协议。

    The EIB loan , tentatively approved by the European Union-backed bank in October , was considered crucial to keeping Saab afloat but it was unclear whether the money would be available in time to help Spyker seal a deal .

  30. 这事关瑞典西南萨博主要工厂3400名员工的就业,以及该品牌自身的未来。与沃尔沃(Volvo)一样,萨博已经成为瑞典安全与功能性设计的标志。

    At stake are 3,400 jobs at Saab 's main production plant in south-west Sweden and the future of the brand itself which , together with Volvo , became a symbol of Swedish safety and functional design .