
  • 网络the Sacramento;Sacramento River
  1. 萨克拉门托河流入圣弗兰西斯科湾。

    The Sacramento River flows into San Francisco bay .

  2. 冬季洄游的奇努克鲑鱼出生于萨克拉门托河,然后游到数百英里外的太平洋。

    Winter-run Chinook salmon are born in the Sacramento River and travel hundreds of miles to the Pacific Ocean .

  3. 5月份,联邦渔业官员预测,由于萨克拉门托河的河水变暖,超过80%的幼鲑鱼可能会死亡。

    Federal fisheries officials predicted in May that more than 80 percent of baby salmon could die because of warmer water in the Sacramento River .

  4. 在这些浮码头边上,停泊着各种吨位的快帆船,不同国籍的轮船以及那些专门在萨克拉门托河和它的支流航行的有几层甲板的汽艇。

    Alongside them were clippers of all sizes , steamers of all nationalities , and the steamboats , with several decks rising one above the other , which ply on the Sacramento and its tributaries .

  5. 萨克拉门托模型在乌鲁木齐河流域上的应用及改进

    The application and modification of the Sacramento Model in Urumqi River Basin