
  • 网络Savannah;Savannah, Georgia;Savannah,GA;Savanna
  1. 科里•梅森(CoryMason)在间隔年担任乔治亚州萨凡纳市仁人家园(HabitatforHumanity)的项目经理。

    Cory Mason spent his gap year as a project manager for Habitat for Humanity in Savannah , Ga.

  2. 周边环境:这栋房屋坐落在摩德纳岛(ModenaIsland),距萨凡纳市中心大约20英里(约32公里)。

    SETTING : This house is on Modena Island , about 20 miles from downtown Savannah .

  3. 在佛罗里达生活了五年后,夫妇俩在佐治亚州的萨凡纳找到了一处住处。肯德尔在《萨凡纳晨报》(TheSavannahMorningNews)找到了一份特稿编辑的工作。

    After five years in Florida , the couple found a home in Savannah , Ga. Kendall was working as a features editor at The Savannah Morning News .

  4. 乔治亚州萨凡纳——在美国海关及边境保卫局(CustomsandBorderProtection,简称CBP)实验室一尘不染的灰墙后面,立着一个柜子,里面有三个塑料小瓶,装满了一种淡黄色的粘稠状物质。

    SAVANNAH , Ga. - Behind the immaculate gray walls of the Customs and Border Protection 's laboratory here stands a cabinet containing three plastic vials filled with a sticky , yellowish substance .

  5. 据NPR新闻的黛比·埃利奥特报道,这家位于佐治亚州萨凡纳的餐厅是种族争议的中心,是迪恩利润丰厚的饮食王国的一部分。

    NPR 's Debbie Elliott reports the Savannah , Georgia restaurant was a center of racial controversy , the class Deen 's part of lucrative food empire .

  6. 萨凡纳的CBP实验室的前主任卡森·沃茨(CarsonWatts)说,我们用氯霉素来辨别中国蜂蜜的消息传出后不久,他们就不再使用氯霉素了。

    Carson Watts , former director of the C.B.P. lab in Savannah , said , Very shortly after word got out that we were using chloramphenicol to identify Chinese honey , they stopped using it .

  7. 但美国铝业首席执行官柯菲德(KlausKleinfeld)表示,如今把这一业务留在萨凡纳市是合理的,因为这样可以更接近客户和研发部门。

    But Klaus Kleinfeld , Alcoa chief executive , says that it now makes sense to keep it in Savannah , to be closer to customers and research units .

  8. 萨凡纳的CBP实验室的前主任卡森·沃茨(CarsonWatts)说,“我们用氯霉素来辨别中国蜂蜜的消息传出后不久,他们就不再使用氯霉素了。”

    Carson Watts , former director of the C.B.P. lab in Savannah , said , " Very shortly after word got out that we were using chloramphenicol to identify Chinese honey , they stopped using it . "

  9. 萨凡纳猫的一个常见特征是跳跃能力。

    An often-noted characteristic of the Savannah is its jumping ability .

  10. 去带领萨凡纳的年轻人去打仗。

    To lead the young men of savannah in to battle .

  11. 今天她新生的孩子萨凡纳健康快乐。

    Today , her new baby Savannah is healthy and happy .

  12. 在萨凡纳的中心,在那每个人都看得见。

    In the middle of Savannah where everybody can see him .

  13. 那是,我还是佐治亚州萨凡纳的一个年轻人。

    When I was just a youngster in savannah , georgia .

  14. 萨凡纳的老英雄自己又回来了。

    And the old hero of Savannah just reappear all by himself .

  15. 她以为她还是在萨凡纳的那个小女孩呢。

    She think she is lil gal back in Savannah .

  16. 我们有一个在萨凡纳中央街头赛车的报告。

    We have reports of a street racer tearing up Savannah Central .

  17. 一些主人甚至会和他们的萨凡纳猫一起洗澡。

    Some owners even shower with their Savannah cats .

  18. 美国佐治亚州东部一城市,位于萨凡纳河河口附近。

    A port in eastern Georgia near the mouth of the Savannah river .

  19. 萨凡纳已经顺利接受手术,现在正在恢复当中。

    Savannah came through her surgery OK , and she 's now recovering .

  20. 我拿起电话,拨通了萨凡纳市我父母的家。

    I picked up the phone and dialed my parents ' home in Savannah .

  21. 萨凡纳、查尔斯顿、奥古斯塔、里土满、新奥尔良却从来不是这样。

    Savannah , Charleston , Augusta , Richmond , New Orleans would never hurry .

  22. 萨凡纳最富有的人的女儿。

    Daughter of the wealthiest man in savannah .

  23. “咱们要到萨凡纳去,收拾行李吧。”他告诉波克。

    " Pack up . we 're going to savannah ," he told pork .

  24. 问我能不能来萨凡纳

    wondering if I could come down to Savannah

  25. 生在长在佐治亚萨凡纳!

    Born and bred in savannah , georgia !

  26. 如果萨凡纳没人参加,我将不会支持着比赛。

    If we don 't have someone from savannah , I will not support this match .

  27. 于是萨凡纳决定给会和她在一起其他孩子收集玩具。

    Savannah decided to collect toys for the other kids who 'd be there with her .

  28. 这个星其他打下了萨凡纳,据说他们正在向南卡罗来纳开去。

    Savannah was captured this week and they say the Yankees are going on up into South carolina .

  29. 数以百计的覆盖在树脂码,萨凡纳,佐治亚州,1903年码头木桶。

    Hundreds of wooden barrels covering the docks at the resin yards , Savannah , Ga. , 1903 .

  30. 那位生客是萨凡纳本地人,在内地居住了十二年之后刚刚回来。

    The stranger , a native of Savannah , had just returned after twelve years in the inland country .