
pú sà
  • Bodhisattva;Buddha;Buddhist idol;a kindhearted person
菩萨 [pú sà]
  • (1) [Bodhisattva] 佛家语。梵语 bodhisattva 的音译,也是菩提萨埵的省略,菩提是觉悟的意思,萨埵是有情的意思。又译为大道心众生;佛教指修行到了一定程度、地位仅次于佛的人;特指大乘佛教中作为神而加以崇拜者

  • (2) [Buddha]∶泛指佛

  • (3) [Buddhist idol]∶泛指某些神

  • 果然天上文曲星是打不得的,而今菩萨计较起来了。--《儒林外史》

  • (4) [a kindhearted person]∶比喻心肠慈善的人

菩萨[pú sà]
  1. 所以藉著王姓女孩生cancer这个机会,我们大家诚心诚意念地藏王菩萨。

    Let 's take helping Miss Wang as an opportunity to recite Earth Store Bodhisattva 's name earnestly and sincerely .

  2. 提升到6000股DNA的人类同样把变化带给消化肠道,对于所有达到菩萨进化水平的人而言,这将考虑到素食主义的回归。

    Humans ascending to6000 strands are also adding changes to the digestive tract that will allow for a return to vegetarianism for all who attain Bodhisattva level evolution .

  3. 自从他来与我同住,我们之间便摩擦不断;相比之下,萨拉夫人倒显得一副菩萨心肠。

    Since he came to live with me , we have been subject to a campaign of spite and revenge which makes Lady Sarah appear angelic by comparison .

  4. “你真是个救命的菩萨,爸爸怎么样?“

    You 're an angel ! How is Dad ? "

  5. 1924年,哈佛大学的艺术史学家及考古学家兰登·华尔纳(LangdonWarner)坐了三个多月的牛车,从敦煌辗转回了北京,内衣里包着一尊3.5英尺高的菩萨雕像,要交给他在坎布里奇的客户。

    The Harvard art historian and archaeologist Langdon Warner endured more than three months on an ox-drawn cart as he headed back to Beijing from Dunhuang in 1924 with a three-and-a-half-foot bodhisattva wrapped in his underwear for his patrons in Cambridge .

  6. 包括中国历代净土大师著述,亦有在家律、龙树菩萨著作等其它内容,经文大多取自CBETA,不少经文为压缩档,网站为简体字。

    A no-frills simplified Chinese stop for works of Chinese Pure Land masters , Nagarjuna , etc. , most texts are from CBETA , files often zipped .

  7. 须菩萨庄严佛土不?

    Do Bodhisattvas adorn Buddha lands ( by their moral actions )?

  8. 要了解的是,通向菩萨级别的道路只是被部分绘制出来了。

    Understand that the path to Bodhisattva is only partially carved .

  9. 观世音菩萨是悲智双全,他的功德智慧是修行平等慈悲所成就的。

    Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva is complete in both compassion and wisdom .

  10. 所以,我真得很感激佛菩萨!

    Therefore , I am very grateful to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas !

  11. 愿佛菩萨祝福及护佑你。

    May Buddhas and Bodhisattvas Bless you and keep you .

  12. 那宏伟的菩萨金像于1997年落成。

    The grand golden Buddhist statue was set up in1997 .

  13. 弥勒菩萨将会是历史上释迦牟尼佛的继承者。

    Maitreya Bodhisattva will be the successor of the historic Sakyamuni Buddha .

  14. 佛像和菩萨雕塑供奉在寺院里,让人们拜祭。

    Buddhas and Bodhisattva statues have been placed for worship in monasteries .

  15. 佛菩萨只保佑那些肯帮助自己的人。

    Buddha Bodhisattva only bless people willing to help themselves .

  16. 每一个孩子,都是帮助父母成长的小菩萨。

    Every child is a little bodhisattva that helps the parents grow .

  17. 学习弥勒菩萨的胸怀,宽容豁达。

    Learn the tolerance of Maitreya Bodhisattva , be magnanimous and open-minded .

  18. 一佛五十菩萨和菩萨装佛

    One Buddha and Fifty Bodhisattvas and the Decoration of Bodhisattvas

  19. 菩萨与弟子造像所戴的形似圆锥的高帽是其他时期所未见到的。

    Bodhisattva and Buddhist disciples statues wore the taper-shaped coronal .

  20. 有很多观世音,成为无处不在的菩萨。

    There are many , become the ubiquity of bodhisattva .

  21. 因此,测试是很难通过来达到菩萨级别的。

    And so the tests are difficult to pass to reach Bodhisattva .

  22. 菩萨包容其他所有人在所有生命体验里的选择。

    The Bodhisattva allows all others their choices in all life experiences .

  23. 灵吉菩萨得知实情,给他一粒“定风丹”再去借扇。

    Bodhisattva Lingji heard about this and gave Monkey a Wind-Fixing Pill .

  24. 《妙法莲华经》是诸佛的果地,是佛菩萨倒驾慈航的方便。

    The Lotus Sutra indicates the expedient means of Buddha and Bodhisattva .

  25. 卓云这个人是菩萨脸蝎子心。

    Zhuoyun has a buddha 's face and a scorpion 's heart .

  26. 你,菩萨,现在有正确的见解和正确的理解。

    You , Bodhisattva , now have the right view and right understanding .

  27. 蚊子叮菩萨,找错了人

    A mosquito Bites a clay idol / mistaken identity

  28. 社会意识与菩萨造像的演变

    The Social Consciousness and Evolutions of the Buddhist Statues

  29. 农历7月正是庆祝南无大愿菩萨圣诞超度大法会的时候。

    The7th month of the Lunar calendar commemorates the birthday of Kshitigarbha Bodhisattva .

  30. 只要牢牢地想著你的上师与观世音菩萨。

    Just think of your root guru and Avalokiteshvara .