
lián zǐ
  • lotus seed
莲子 [lián zǐ]
  • [lotus seed] 莲的乳白色子实,扁椭圆表,具滋补营养作用

  1. 我国主要莲子品种中三种功效成分的研究

    Study on Three Functional Components of Chinese Main Lotus Seed Varieties

  2. 介绍了莲子的营养价值、保健功能和药用价值,以及莲子产品的开发现状及研究趋势。

    This paper introduced the nutrient value and processing of lotus seed , the research of relative products are also summarized .

  3. 莲子对黄曲霉毒素(B1)诱发的人体淋巴细胞姐妹染色单体互换和细胞周期状态的影响

    The Effect of Lotus Seed on Aflatoxin B_1 induced SCE and CGC in Cultured Human Peripheral Lymphocyte

  4. HPLC指纹图谱评价不同种质的莲子品质

    Quality Evaluation of Different Idioplasmatic Lotus Seeds by HPLC Fingerprint

  5. 古莲子与现代莲子ABA含量和SOD活性的比较研究

    Study on the ABA Content and SOD Activity in Ancient Lotus and Modern Lotus Seeds

  6. EF植物生长促进剂对黑莲子葡萄增产效果的影响

    The effect of EF on yield of Herbert grape

  7. 莲子叶细胞中储存了丰富的营养物质,主要为蛋白质、淀粉和淀粉质体DNA。

    The cotyledons of Sacred Lotus ( Nelumbo nucifeva ) accumulate abundant storage reserves , including storage proteins in protein bodies , starch and DNA in amyloplasts , during seed development .

  8. 发酵莲子乳对小鼠急性CCl4肝毒性保护作用

    Protective effect of lotus-seed milk fermented product on acute CCl_4 hepatic toxicity in mice

  9. 应用超临界CO2技术萃取莲子心油。CO2超临界流体萃取莲子心油最佳工艺条件的研究

    The extraction of lotus germ oil by supercritical fluid CO2 has been studied . Researches on the Optimal Working Parameters in the Extraction of Lotus Germ Oil with Supercritical Carbon Dioxide

  10. 结论:莲子心的提取以SBE法为佳。

    CONCLUSION : SBE method is the optimal method to extract Plumula Nelumbinis .

  11. 本实验研究了莲子心水提液对氧自由基的清除作用及其对脂质过氧化反应(LPO)的抑制作用。

    The scavenging effect of water extracts from lotus germ on oxygen radicals and its inhibitory effect on lipid peroxidation ( LPO ) were studied .

  12. 研究了预处理条件(水分含量、粉碎度)、萃取条件(萃取温度与压力、CO2流量、时间)、分离条件(分离温度与压力)对莲子心出油率的影响;

    The influences of preprocessing conditions ( moisture content , grind degrees ), extraction conditions ( temperature , pressure ) and separation conditions ( temperature , pressure ) on the extraction rate were researched .

  13. 研究了在1~3℃的条件下壳聚糖对去壳青稞莲子的保鲜作用,结果表明:用1.5%壳聚糖涂膜后,去壳青稞莲子的呼吸高峰推迟了10d,且呼吸高峰降低了30%;

    The preserving effect of chitosan on hulled highland barley lotus seeds under 1 ~ 3 ℃ was studied .

  14. 桑叶(MulberryLeaves)与莲子心(PlumulaNelumbinis)均为国家卫生部批准的药食两用的植物,具有特定的营养价值和药用价值。

    Mulberry leaves and plumula nelumbinis have specific nutritional and medicinal values , which are considered as food-medicine herbs approved by National Ministry of Health .

  15. 发酵莲子乳调节胃肠道运动、吸收功能及对急性CCl4肝损伤保护作用的实验研究

    The Modulatory Role of Lotus-seed Milk Fermented Product on Gastrointestinal Motility and Absorbing and the Protective Effect of Acute CCl_4 Hepatic Damage in Mouse

  16. 对莲子不同发育阶段子叶蛋白SDS-PAGE图谱的光密度测定表明:莲子叶蛋白有12个主要SP亚基(SP1-12)。

    Result from optical densitometry of protein SDS-PAGE in different developmental stages of the lotus cotyledon indicated that the lotus cotyledon SP included 12 major subunits ( SP 1-12 ) .

  17. 莲子在110℃下保温24h后还保持40%的发芽率,但萌发时由于子叶腐烂而不能成苗。

    Forty percentage of germination was got after treatment at 110 ℃ for 24 h in an air oven , however the seedlings could not further grow because the cotyledons rotted after germination ( Fig.1 and Fig.2 ) .

  18. 结果表明,莲子的诱变率大于种藕。辐照莲子适宜剂量为30~60Gy;

    The results show that the mutation rate of seeds is higher than that of stems , and 30 ~ 60Gy is the appropriate irradiation dose .

  19. 莲子光下萌发过程中光合膜超分子结构与27kD多肽变化

    Changes of freeze-fracture ultrastructure and 27 kD polypeptide of photosynthetic membranes during the germination of lotus seeds under light

  20. 目的:探讨发酵莲子乳(LMFP)对胃肠道运动、吸收的调节作用。

    AIM : To explore the modulatory role of lotus-seed milk fermented product ( LMFP ) on gastrointestinal motility and absorption function in mice .

  21. 研究了莲蓉中各配料用量对月饼品质的影响,得出莲蓉馅料的最佳配方为:莲子粉100g:白砂糖80g:水100g:花生油50g:面粉10g。

    Effect of the amount of ingredients in lotus seed paste filling to the quality of moon cake is studied . The best formula for the lotus seed paste filling is lotus powder 100g : sugar 80g : water 100g : peanut oil 50g : flour lOg .

  22. 然而,对新鲜莲子壳(FSENN)中黄酮类物质的抗氧化活性、抗肿瘤活性及其结构鉴定鲜见报道。

    However , there have been no reports about the assay of the antioxidant activity , anticancer activity and identification of flavonols from the fresh seed epicarp of N. nucifera ( FSENN ) .

  23. 莲子真空冷冻升华干燥工艺的研究

    Study on the Vacuum Sublimation Freezing - drying of Lotus Seeds

  24. 因此他们在升高的河床上种植莲子。

    So instead , they plant lotus seeds on raised beds .

  25. 可食性莲子淀粉膜体外消化特性的研究

    Study on the in Vitro Digestibility of Edible Lotus-seed Starch Film

  26. 莲子叶淀粉质体和细胞质核糖体的蛋白质电泳分析

    Protein Electrophoretic Analysis of Amyloplast and Cytoplasm Ribosomes from Lotus Cotyledon

  27. 我国主要莲子品种营养成分的分析

    Analysis of the Nutritional Composition in Chinese Main Lotus Seed Varieties

  28. 莲子药食同源,通芯白莲是江西省重要经济作物。

    Lotus seed is an important economic crop in Jiangxi Province .

  29. 目的:优选莲子心的提取工艺。

    OBJECTIVE : To optimize the extract technology for Plumula Nelumbinis .

  30. 干壳莲子螺杆分级机设计与分级试验

    Design and Experiment of a Screw for Grading of Lotus Seed