
  • 网络scope adverb
  1. 范围副词是现代汉语副词中的一个大类,现阶段国内外对这一大类的研究涉及多个方面多个角度。

    The scope adverb is a large category in modern Chinese . The current studies on them involve many different aspects .

  2. 到目前为止,对于范围副词尚无明确的定义,从而导致范围副词内部成员的划分也存在着较大争议。

    So far , scope adverb has no clear definition , which is leading big divergences with the division within members of scope adverbs .

  3. 面向对外汉语的都类总括范围副词对比分析

    Comparative Analyses of Summary Adverbs in Teaching Chinese as Foreign Language

  4. 文言文注释应重视同义连用现象魏晋六朝汉译佛经中的同义连用总括范围副词初论

    Pay Attention to Synonymy Phenomenon in Annotation of Classical Chinese

  5. 《世说新语》总括范围副词试析

    An Analysis about Adverbs of Blanket Range in Shi Shuo Xin Yu

  6. 关于范围副词,学术界有不同看法。

    There are different views within the academic circle about adverbs of range .

  7. 汉语唯一性范围副词的研究与应用

    Studies and Applications of Chinese Unique Adverbs of Sphere

  8. 也谈与范围副词‘都’相关的一个问题

    A relevant issue on adverb " all "

  9. 其中,时间副词、程度副词、范围副词的用法在先秦典籍中同样是比较重要的。

    Degree and range adverbs are the same .

  10. 现代汉语范围副词的连用

    Linking Application of Scope Adverbs in Mandarin Chinese

  11. 《史记》总括范围副词研究(下)

    Research on the Overall Adverbs of Scope in Shih Chi ( The continued part )

  12. 与范围副词都有关的偏误分析

    An Analysis of the Grammatical Errors Concerning " Dou " as an Adverb of Scope

  13. 第三部分就《世说新语》范围副词的语义指向分析进行分类阐述。

    The semantic analysis of the ranging adverbs will be analyzed in the third part .

  14. 计划(策划);《史记》总括范围副词研究(上)

    Research on the Overall Adverbs of Scope in Shih Chi ( Records of the Historian )

  15. 论现代汉语的范围副词

    On Range Adverbs of Mandarin Chinese

  16. 范围副词中的功能差异&兼论副词次类的划分问题

    Functional Differences among Adverbs of Sphere

  17. 本文在承认有范围副词这一副词次类的存在,而且是一个可以列举的半封闭类的前提下,对范围副词的连用方式、连用类别等现象进行分析;

    This dissertation is a study concerning scope adverbs and identifying them as an illustrative semi-blocked category .

  18. 汉语副词都可以分成表总括的范围副词和表语气的语气副词两种。

    The adverb " DOU " in modern Chinese is divided into the range adverb and the modal adverb .

  19. 第一章主要介绍范围副词确立的标准和分类,并对其次类限定范围副词再分类。

    The first chapter introduced standards about establishing and classifying of range adverbs , and made re-classification for them .

  20. 简要介绍了前人对汉语范围副词研究现状及存在问题。

    This part of the paper briefly introduces research status and the problems existing in the previous studies about Chinese range adverbs .

  21. 语气副词并不可以与时间副词、方式副词、程度副词以及范围副词等共现;

    The modal adverb " bing " can not appear with the temporal adverbs , manner adverbs , intensifiers and categorical adverbs ;

  22. 结语部分依据文章前面论述的内容,对限定范围副词的来源和特殊用法作一个全面的总结。

    Based on the contents that the article discussed earlier , Conclusion summarized up the source of the modified adverbs and its special usage comprehensively .

  23. 对明清白话小说中范围副词系统的考察,对汉语史中范围副词发展史研究有重要的参考意义。

    The research about range adverbs of the Ming and Qing vernacular fictions has important reference significance for the study of range adverbs in Chinese history .

  24. 六大类分别是范围副词、程度副词、时间副词、否定副词、情状方式副词以及语气副词。

    Six major categories are adverbs of scope , adverbs of degree , adverbs of time , negative adverbs , adverbs of manner and adverbs of mood state .

  25. 考察明清时期范围副词内部以及它与其他类副词的共现情况,探讨大部分范围副词并用现象消失的原因。

    It inspected the phenomenon of co-occurrence of range adverb with range adverb as well as with other classes of adverb , discussed why most of the co-occurrence disappeared .

  26. 即使为数不多的专书范围副词研究的著作,由于论域的限制,在范围副词的发展变化方面着力不多。

    Even there are some books of investigative work in adverb , but for the reason of its restrictive discussion , the researches have done little in the development of scope adverb .

  27. 根据《九章算术》副词系统的特点把副词分为范围副词、时间副词、程度副词、否定副词、关联副词和情状副词六个部分。

    According to Nine Chapters Adverbs characteristics of the system into the scope of the adverb adverbs , time adverbs , degree adverbs , negative adverbs , adverbs and conditions associated with adverbs like six parts .

  28. 明清时期是近代汉语过渡到现代汉语的重要阶段,这一时期的范围副词体系是不同历史和不同方言产生的范围副词融合成的整体。

    The Ming and Qing Dynasties is an important stage for modern Chinese to contemporary Chinese , The range adverbs in this period of time were the combination of range adverbs which were produced in different eras and different dialects .

  29. 本文以中古汉语副词作为研究对象,重点分析了中古汉语中范围副词、时间副词、程度副词、语气副词、情状方式副词、指代性副词等六类副词在语义指向上的特点。

    This paper focuses on the adverbs of Middle Chinese , analyses the characteristics exhibited by each category of adverbs in their semantic direction , such as adverbs of scope , time , degree , mood and modal adverbs , adverbs of indicating and substituting .

  30. 本文运用描写与解释相结合、统计分析等方法,以三个平面理论为支撑,从共时角度对总括范围副词全进行了详细的考察。

    In this paper , we use the method of the combination of description and interpretation , statistical analysis and so on . We apply the support of three plane theories , from a total perspective to investigate the blanket range adverb " quan " in detail .