
yīnɡ wén bǎn
  • English version;English edition
  1. 剧情介绍都是中文版,可在SIFF官方网站上转成英文版。

    All the introductions are Chinese Edition . They can be translated into English Edition in the official site of SIFF .

  2. 英文版中国科技期刊的现状与分析

    Status and analysis for English edition Chinese science and technology periodical

  3. 《环球时报》英文版(GlobalTimes)周一在一篇社论中敦促政府处理城市管理纠纷频发的问题。

    In a Monday editorial , the state-run Global Times urged the government to address the frequency of chengguan conflicts .

  4. B是的,我在找一些电话号码。你有英文版的电话号码簿吗?

    B Yes , I 'm looking for some telephone numbers . Do you have a telephone directory in English ?

  5. 如果只要英文版,使用FILTER并选中语言,如清单8所示。

    Get just the English version by using a FILTER and checking the language of the value , as shown in Listing 8 .

  6. 在一项研究中,夜猫子几乎都很easy地高分通过了标准化创造能力测试(英文版,中文版),而那些信奉“早起的鸟儿有食吃”的老兄们则在及格线上挣扎。

    In one study , " evening people " almost universally slam-dunked a standardized creativity test . Their early-bird brethren struggled for passing scores .

  7. 这样就允许在使用英文版LotusFormsDesigner的同时,设置从右向左阅读的表单条目。

    This allows you to use the Lotus Forms Designer in English while setting the form items to read right to left .

  8. 整个系统(英文版)用PROLOG语言写成。

    The system is written in PROLOG language .

  9. VC内幕第五版英文版教程,在网上下的,挺好的,与大家分享!

    VC Insider Guide to the fifth edition of the English version , on the Internet , where the good , to share with you !

  10. 英文版已于7月31日在全球发行,这一天是书中男主角哈利·波特及其创作者J·K·罗琳的生日。

    The English version was released worldwide on July 31 , the birthday of the hero Harry Potter and also his creator , J.K. Rowling herself .

  11. 新浪发言人周二称,公司在积极筹备推出英文版微博。微博提供的服务和Twitter类似。

    China 's Sina Corp plans to launch an English version of its popular Twitter-like microblogging service , a company spokesman was quoted saying Tuesday .

  12. 该报在2013年推出英文版的《NikkeiAsianReview》,以求提高海外知名度,但这份刊物一直难以构建读者群。

    It launched an English language publication called Nikkei Asian Review in 2013 to build its profile outside of the country , but the publication has struggled to build an audience .

  13. 与此同时,据《新京报》(BeijingNews)报道,李开复已决定在亚马逊(Amazon)上免费提供其自传的英文版,让读者自己去判断是非曲直。

    In the mean time , Beijing news reports that Kai-fu Lee has decided to provide the English version of his biography for free on Amazon ( AMZN ) to allow people to decide for themselves .

  14. 如果希望阅读PDF格式的英文版文档,可以把单独的文档包解压到manuals子目录中。

    If you want to access the English version of the documentation in PDF format , you can unzip the separate documentation package into the manuals subdirectory .

  15. 26集的《哆啦A梦》英文版将于今夏在迪士尼XD频道播出,目前播出时间未定。

    Doraemon will air for 26 episodes on the Disney XD channel starting from an unspecified date in the summer .

  16. 去年秋天,霍顿·米夫林·哈考特(HoughtonMifflinHarcourt)出版社出版了艾柯的最新小说《许多零》(NumeroZero),英文版由理查德·迪克森(RichardDixon)翻译。

    Last fall , Houghton Mifflin Harcourt published a new Eco novel , " Numero Zero , " translated by Richard Dixon .

  17. 这篇评论文章似乎得到了很多人的共鸣,所以萨内蒂后来又写了MBA泡沫这本书。本周,这部作品的英文版已经问世,法语版将在明年出版。

    The opinion piece seemed to resonate with a lot of people , so she wrote The MBA Bubble , which will be published in France next year and was self-published in English this week .

  18. 他认为,法文版《21世纪资本论》起到了诱导那些批评人士的作用,这帮助英文版发行时将该书推至亚马逊(Amazon)畅销书排行榜首位,并持续三周时间。

    The French version of the book acted as a teaser to those critics , he believes , helping propel it to the top of Amazon 's bestseller list for three weeks when it was released in English .

  19. 我们也是从《爱因斯坦的家庭生活》这本书知道的。这个提出著名等式e=mc2的科学家有10个癖好,都收录在这本书中。此书的英文版将于2016年5月第一次出版。

    That 's one of 10 quirky things about the man behind the famous equation e = mc 2 that we learn from the book einstein at Home , which will be published in english in May 2016 for the first time .

  20. 该广告表明,美国零售商准备采取强硬态度,可能在阿里巴巴开通其最热门网站淘宝(Taobao)的英文版之前将其拖入一场政治冲突。

    The ad suggests that the US retailers are ready to play hardball and threatens to suck Alibaba into a political conflict before it launches an English-language version of its most popular site , Taobao .

  21. 据悉,CMX漫画制作公司已经开始在北美洲出版臼井仪人的《蜡笔小新》英文版。

    CMX Manga has been releasing Yoshito Usui ` s original Crayon Shin-chan manga in English in North America .

  22. 她例举了一个麻省理工大学做过的项目,在项目中,实验者将iPad送给埃塞俄比亚的文盲儿童,他们就可以在没有老师或课程的指导下,自学如何使用iPad,给它编程序,阅读它的英文版。

    She gives the example of an MIT program that gave iPads to illiterate kids in Ethiopia who then were able to teach themselves how to use it , program it and read it in English without a teacher or curriculum .

  23. 下载报告:英文版(PDF345KB)中文摘要(PDF88。

    Download the report : English version ( PDF345KB ) | Chinese summary ( PDF88 .

  24. 华坪女子中学之所以闻名,不仅是因为它是全国第一所不收学费的女子公立高中,还因为它的高大学录取率。华坪女子高中的口号-中英文版n.小溪n.山峰adj.琐碎的;小气的n.懦夫prep.在……之下

    The Huaping High School for Girls is well-known not only because it is the first girls ' public high school in the nation that does not charge tuition fees , but also for its high university admission rate .

  25. 中文技术博客Techweb称,新浪微博正在积极筹备英文版,并计划在未来两三个月内在美国推出,与Twitter抗衡。

    China 's Sina Corp is readying an English version of its microblogging platform , Weibo , and plans to launch it in the US in2-3 months as a rival to Twitter , Techweb reported .

  26. E0125及F1535的中文及英文版诸咒是完全一样的内容,是我在朝圣期间所给的口传。

    E0125 and F1535 have exactly the same contents : Chinese and English versions of Mantras Orally Transmitted by me during the pilgrimage trip .

  27. 新浪网报道,在法国戛纳举行的国际秋季电视节(Mipcom)影展上,《甄嬛传》电视剧和电视电影的英文版受到许多海外知名电视台的喜爱,得到许多媒体的关注,并且多家电视台表达其购买意愿。

    The English version of Empresses in the Palace , both drama and TV movie , was favored by many well-known overseas television stations in Mipcom in France , receiving strong attention from various media and achieving purchase intention with many television stations , Sina news reported on Monday .

  28. 物理化学(英文版)多媒体课件的教学设计与实践的探讨

    Discussion on Design and Practice of Multimedia Courseware for Physical Chemistry

  29. 我们在其英文版的基础上进行了翻译。

    We have conducted on the basis of their English translation .

  30. 这本莎士比亚的精选作品是英文版。

    This volume of selected works by Shakespeare is in English .