
yīng cùn
  • inch;uncia
英寸 [yīng cùn]
  • (1) [inch]

  • (2) 长度单位,等于1/36码,以前为三粒大麦头对头放置时的长度

  • (3) 足以平衡气压计或压力计中一英寸高汞柱或其他特定液柱重量的大气压或其他压力的程度

  • (4) 足以覆盖表面或填满量器达一英寸厚的下降量(如降雨量或降雪量)

英寸[yīng cùn]
  1. 尼克这一个月来长高了差不多一英寸。

    Nick 's grown almost an inch in the last month .

  2. 文字和插图按每英寸300个点的密度打印。

    Text and graphics are printed at 300 dots per inch .

  3. 她比姐姐足足矮四英寸。

    She is a full four inches shorter than her sister .

  4. 我想把脑后的头发剪短约一英寸。

    I want about an inch off the back of my hair .

  5. 这水只有几英寸深。

    The water is only a few inches deep .

  6. 子弹从她身边飞过,离她大约只有六英寸。

    The bullet missed her by about six inches .

  7. 她比我高几英寸。

    She 's a few inches taller than me .

  8. 昨晚的降雨量为1.14英寸。

    1.14 inches of rain fell last night .

  9. 一英寸等于2.54厘米。

    There are 2.54 centimetres to an inch .

  10. 1米等于39.38英寸。

    A metre equals 39.38 inches .

  11. 高:6英尺2英寸

    Height : 6ft 2in .

  12. 我们的个人空间是周围12到18英寸的范围。

    Our personal space extends about 12 to 18 inches around us

  13. 就在他右眼的上方有一条一英寸长的伤口。

    There was an inch-long gash just above his right eye .

  14. 他把她捆起来,拿着一把6英寸长的刀子威胁她。

    He tied her up and threatened her with a six-inch knife

  15. 山上的积雪可能厚达5英寸。

    Up to five inches of snow may cover the mountains .

  16. 我得报出自己的身高是几英尺几英寸。

    I have to give my height in feet and inches .

  17. 儿童在只有几英寸深的水中就可能溺亡。

    A child can drown in only a few inches of water

  18. 他俩的脸相隔还不到18英寸。

    Their two faces were hardly more than eighteen inches apart .

  19. 他身高6英尺4英寸,瘦高个儿,大长腿。

    He was six feet four , all lanky and leggy .

  20. 她身高5英尺5英寸,体重120磅。

    She stood five feet five inches tall and weighed 120 pounds

  21. 12英寸左右的宽度绝对是你应考虑的最低值。

    About 12 inches wide is the absolute minimum you should consider

  22. 它有24英寸宽,16英寸高。

    It is 24 ins wide and 16 ins high .

  23. 井台只有12英寸高。

    The well is surrounded by a wall only 12 inches high .

  24. 我的腰围大概粗了两英寸。

    I 'm about two inches larger round the waist .

  25. 这个洞眼的直径只有0.23英寸。

    This hole was a scant . 23 inches in diameter

  26. 下了数英寸厚的粉状干雪。

    A couple of inches of dry , powdery snow had fallen .

  27. 在树干上切一道大约半英寸长的口子。

    Make a slit in the stem about half an inch long .

  28. 身高6英尺3英寸有些明显的不便之处!

    Being 6ft 3in tall has some distinct disadvantages !

  29. 这些裙子被改短了一两英寸。

    The skirts were shortened an inch or two .

  30. 这是一只非常美丽的蝴蝶,翼展2英寸。

    It is a very pretty butterfly , with a 2 inch wing span