
  • 网络The English National Ballet
  1. 随即,英国国家芭蕾舞团邀请威廉夫妇观看“我的第一支芭蕾舞”表演,威廉王子立刻大方接收并表示,“我们一定会来。”

    The Duke and Duchess were then invited to the English National Ballet 's " My First Ballet " program , with William graciously accepting the offer : " We will definitely have to come . "

  2. 同时,凯特、威廉姆、哈里接见了戴安娜王妃生前支持的慈善事业包括国家援助基金会,大奥蒙德街医院,麻风病协会,和英国国家芭蕾舞团的代表,来纪念戴安娜王妃逝世20周年。

    Meanwhile , Kate , William , and Harry met with representatives of charities Diana had supported , including the National Aids Trust , Great Ormond Street Hospital , the Leprosy Mission , and the English National Ballet as they marked the 20th anniversary of Diana 's death .