
  1. 过去人们一向乐于耐心等待慢吞吞的公共马车,可现在若错过旋转门的一次旋转,他们就乱踢一气。

    Folds used to be willing to wait patiently for a slow-moving stage coach , but now they kick like the dickens if they miss one revolution of a revolving door .

  2. 交互式电子书籍已经提供多种结局可能(如数字式主题变更:“若选A门,请翻至第78页”),出版商已出资开发了多款应用软件,它们用润色过的视频及音频来努力吸引不太读书的读者。

    Interactive ebooks already offer multiple endings ( a digital variation on the theme of " if you choose door A , turn to page 78 " ) , and publishers are investing in apps that seek to lure infrequent readers with video and audio embellishments .

  3. 若要学习一门外语是学习另一种文化。

    To learn a foreign language is to learn another culture .

  4. 请记住只有一扇门,你若不从这门进入,就将与自己的罪一同灭亡。

    Are you still an unbeliever , then remember there is but one door , and if you will not enter by it you will perish in your sins .