
  • 网络hugudeng
  1. 花鼓灯艺术是农耕文明的产物。

    Huagu Opera Art is a product of agricultural civilization .

  2. 花鼓灯艺术是汉民族所特有的一种民间艺术样式。

    Hua gu deng art is a unique folk art style of the Han nationality .

  3. 安徽花鼓灯音乐的考察与研究

    Investigation and Study on Anhui Flower-Drum-Lantern Music

  4. 安徽花鼓灯是流行于淮河中游的汉族民间歌舞艺术。

    Anhui flower drum song is a popular Han folk singing and dancing art in middle reaches of Huai River .

  5. 以安徽淮河两岸风台、怀远的“花鼓灯”最有特色。

    The most distinguishing one is in Fengtai and Huaiyuan on the two banks of the Huaihe river , Anhui province .

  6. 汉族民间歌舞艺术的特点在花鼓灯的载体下表现的淋漓尽致,对我国民族民间音乐的发展起到了推动作用。

    The characteristics of Han folk song and dance have been fully performed with the carrier of Flower Drum Lantern , which has promoted the development of Chinese folk music .

  7. 本文在遵循花鼓灯艺术的前提下,对花鼓灯的一个分支&流传于颍上周边地区的花鼓灯做了更详细的论述。

    Following the arts of Flower Drum Lantern , the paper gives a detailed description on one of its branches & Flower Drum Lantern which is popular among Yingshang area .

  8. 第二章:花鼓灯艺术与戏曲艺术有着相似的生存环境,在娱乐功能外都附加了多重社会民俗功能。

    Second chapter : Hua gu deng art and drama art have the similar survival environment , all attached to the multiple social folk custom function and the entertainment function .

  9. 对安徽花鼓灯颍上这一区域的花鼓灯流派做了详细的调查与研究。

    The paper focuses on the branch division of Flower Drum Lantern and makes a close investigation and research on the genre of it among Yingshang area in Anhui Province .

  10. 在此基础上,本文分别从音乐学、文化人类学的角度讨论了安徽花鼓灯音乐的社会功能和在音乐学、文化人类学等学科上的重要意义。

    On this base , this thesis discussed society function of Anhui Flower-Drum-Lantern music and its importance in the subjects of musicology and culture-anthropology in the respects of musicology and culture-anthropology .

  11. 作为淮河流域文化孕育出的民间艺术,花鼓灯携南北文化之特质和农业社会之根本,汇聚了人们对生活的美学和文化理解。

    As a folk art breeden by Huai River Basin , Flower-Drum carries with north and south culture and then agricultural society civilization , collect aesthetics and cultural understanding to the living .

  12. 颍上花鼓灯作为安徽花鼓灯的一个分支有它自己独特的风格特点,对于它的历史渊源和发展情况本文都作了详细论述。

    Flower Drum Lantern among Yingshang area has its unique features as one branch of Anhui Flower Drum Lantern . The paper gives a detailed description on its history and basic development .

  13. 这一现象不仅体现了花鼓灯艺术内涵的丰富和多样性,而且大大提高了它自身的研究价值和笔者对其研究的兴趣。

    This phenomenon not only embodies the art of the rich connotation flower-drum lanterns and diversity , but also greatly improve the its own research value and the author on the study of interest .

  14. 而灯歌又是花鼓灯艺术中的一个重要的组成部分,它在内容上的丰富多彩,创作上的鲜明特点和艺术上的特有风格奠定了其在花鼓灯艺术中的重要地位和作用。

    And drum song is an important part of flower drum art , it is rich in content , its brilliant characteristics in production and unique art style established its important status and significance in flower drum art .

  15. 如此宝贵的艺术形式,它的重要组成部分&舞蹈服饰,同花鼓灯舞蹈一样饱含着丰富的价值,具有自己独特的服饰风格、特点及文化属性。

    Such a valuable art form , as an important part of which-dance clothings , like the " Flower-Drum-Lantern " Dance , which is full of values , and has its own unique dress style , characteristics and cultural attributes .

  16. 笔者认为,无论是近半个世纪来学术界对花鼓灯发展历程的追溯与探讨,还是其自身艺术形态的现状,都与中国社会环境的发展与变革息息相关。

    The writer think , in almost half a century to academic circles to flower-drum lanterns development course and studies , or back its own art form , and the present situation of Chinese social environment of development and change is closely linked .

  17. 花鼓灯不仅仅是一种民间艺术,更是一种活态的民俗艺术形式,对这一本土艺术资源的合理开发利用不仅符合教育本土化的发展趋势,也是地方教育发展的主体需求。

    It is not just a kind of folk art , but also a living folk art forms . To exploit and utilize the local art resource reasonably not only conforms to the education localization development trend , but the main demand of the development of local education .