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  1. 顺穿法一般在电动钻机上采用,主要考虑到电控操作提升系统比较平稳;花穿法一般在机械钻机上使用,以受力平衡来缓解气控操作带来的冲击载荷的影响。

    The sequent wire-pulling is used in electric powered rig as it has smooth lifting system and cross wire-pulling is used in mechanical rig as balanced force relief impact force by compressed ai .

  2. 如今还有一起正在处理的由工人发起共同起诉案件。工人们想让雇主为他们花时间穿工作服以及替设备消毒的事支付报酬。

    There is also a class-action suit pending by workers who want to get paid for the time it takes them to suit up for work and sterilize equipment .

  3. 花:然后穿上我的生日礼服!

    Flower : And I 'm going to dress up in my birthday suit !

  4. 他能把衣服改得非常适合你。不管花多少钱,穿上非常合身的衣服看上去总是比不合身要好看得多。

    Great-fitting clothes always look better than ill-fitting ones & regardless of how much they cost .

  5. 男女职员都反对穿白上衣的时候配花内衣,以及穿拖鞋、凉鞋或者无袖上衣。

    Both sexes disapproved of colourful underwear under a white top , slippers or and sleeveless clothes .

  6. 玛卡姆对此却表示:“裙子卡在我的腰部,要花20分钟才能穿上,但这绝对是值得的。”

    Rebekah said , " It cuts into my waist and took 20 minutes to put on . But it was definitely worth it . "

  7. 供奉观音重要的步骤是,献茶,点心,香,念经,花,蜡烛,穿白色的裙子和拒绝采取任何肉类,尤其是牛肉。

    The important steps to pay respect to Guan Yin are to pray , offer tea , dessert , scented wood , flower , incent , candle , dress in white and the refusal to take any kind of meat , most importantly beef .

  8. 该研究发现,一般女性工作日早晨平均花12分钟以上选择穿什么去上班,周末花10分钟挑选穿什么。

    The study of 2,000 women found the average woman will spend more than 12 minutes of each weekday morning choosing what to wear to work that day , and a further 10 minutes picking out clothes at weekends .