
  • 网络economized society;Economical society;conservation-oriented society;conservation-minded society;conservation-conscious society
  1. 节约型社会中的上海公墓发展对策研究

    On the Development Strategy of Cemetery in Shanghai in An Economized Society

  2. 建设节约型社会促建和谐社会

    Building a Economized Society so as to Prompt the Development of a Harmonious Society

  3. 经济节约,符合创建节约型社会的公共理念

    Economic savings , consistent with a conserving society and the public philosophy .

  4. 普及EM技术促进水资源节约型社会的建设

    Building up The Society With a Type of Water Resource Thrift By Popularizing EM Technology

  5. 应用膜技术分离VOCs不仅能达到控制污染的目的,还可以回收利用废气中经济价值较高的VOCs,符合建设经济节约型社会的要求。

    Applying Membrane technique in the separation of VOCs not only could control the pollution of VOCs , but also could recover VOCs which are of great value in industry . This satisfies the requirement of instructing economic society .

  6. 行星意识与建设节约型社会的文化思考

    Consciousness of planet and cultural reflection on building an economical society

  7. 战略资源与中国节约型社会建设战略构架

    An Analysis of the Strategic Structure of Economical Society in China

  8. 节约型社会的城市空间增长研究

    Research on the Urban Space Expansion in Constructing the Economical Society

  9. 促进人和自然和谐发展,构建节约型社会的哲学思考

    A Philosophical Ponder on Humanity Harmonious Development and Economical-Oriented Society Construction

  10. 论民营企业与节约型社会的协调发展

    Coordinates by the Privately Operated Enterprise with the Economy Society Development

  11. 略论我国资源节约型社会建设

    Brief Discourse on Constructing a Resources Conservation Society in Our Country

  12. 那么,如何建设资源节约型社会呢?

    Then , how to build the resource saving type society ?

  13. 论档案资源管理在建设节约型社会中的作用

    On the Application of Archive Resource Management in Building Saving-Oriented Society

  14. 节约型社会下成本管理的思考

    Reflections on Cost Management in the Building of a Thrifty Society

  15. 建设节约型社会中消费理念的变革及其作用

    On the Consumptive Ideal Change and Functions in the Economical Society

  16. 节约型社会与防水系列报道之九水乳型沥青防水涂料及其在防水工程中的应用前景

    Emulsified asphalt waterproofing coating and its application prospect in waterproofing project

  17. 资源节约型社会的行为、制度与观念

    The Behavior , Institution and View of Conservation - minded Society

  18. 体育消费与节约型社会理念的冲突和共融

    The Sports Expends with the Economy Society Idea Conflict and Altogether Melts

  19. 创导积极的节约&建设节约型社会的首要原则

    Economizing , The Initial Principle of Developing the Economizing Society

  20. 以政府机构节能推动资源节约型社会建设

    Push the resources-conservation society construction forward by government agencies energy saving programmes

  21. 节约型社会背景下的民办高校节约型校园建设

    On the Economical Construction of Private Universities in Economical Society

  22. 鼓励经济型汽车发展有利于建设节约型社会

    Encouraging the Development of Economical-Type Automobile is Advantageous to Building Economical-Type Society

  23. 节约型社会&全球共绘的蓝图

    Economical society & the blue print with the world drawing

  24. 从经济发展看打造节约型社会的必要

    Look at the Necessary of Building Economy Type Society from Economical Developing

  25. 节能型建筑设计对于节约型社会发展的重要性

    Significance of Energy Conservation Architectural Design in Developing Conservation-conscious Society

  26. 建设节约型社会,政府应先行

    The Government Should Advance in the Construction of Economical Society

  27. 铝母线&资源节约型社会的新选择

    Aluminium Bus Is a New Selection in Resources Saving Society

  28. 构建节约型社会是落实科学发展观的关键

    Building abstemious society is the key of Implement views of scientific development

  29. 绿色包装:建设节约型社会的重要举措

    Green package : key to the ″ economic society ″

  30. 资源节约型社会的理论基础及研究综述

    Overview on the Theoretical Basis and Researches on Resource-saving Society