
  • Irene;Erin;Eileen
  1. 我最近一次听说时,乔和艾琳仍然是一对快乐的夫妻。

    The last I heard , Joe and Irene were still happily married .

  2. 艾琳有着极高的音乐天分和天生的表演才能。

    Irene is so incredibly musical and has a natural instinct to perform .

  3. 艾琳晃了晃他,他开始醒过来。

    Eileen shook him , and he started to stir

  4. 艾琳倾身把后座门打开。

    Eileen leaned across and opened the passenger door

  5. 艾琳非常喜欢这出戏。

    Irene was wild about the play .

  6. 当艾琳光彩照人地出现在门口时,哈里酒吧的午餐会正是热闹非凡。

    Lunch at Harry 's Bar was in full flow when Irene made a splendid entrance

  7. 艾琳擦洗地板就是为了蓄意掩盖她的罪行。

    Irene 's cleaning the floor had been a calculated attempt to cover up her crime .

  8. 艾琳是3个孩子的母亲,已有相当一段时间总是感到紧张不安。

    Eileen , mother of three , had been living on her nerves for some considerable time .

  9. “等一下,”艾琳说,“我还没做完呢。给我个机会吧。”

    ' Hang on a bit , ' said Eileen . ' I 'm not finished yet . Give us a chance . '

  10. 韦佛先生又口授了几封信,艾琳就走到打字机去誊清。

    Mr. Weaver dictates several more letters , then Arlens goes to her typewriter and transcribes them .

  11. 柯达公司的一位相关负责人艾琳-黑泽克介绍说,人体暴露在X光线下无疑是不利于身体健康的,但是这种不好的影响究竟是什么和它对人体的危害程度都是存在争议的。

    " There are certainly health risks with exposure to radiation ," she said .

  12. 知情人告诉《LifeStyle》杂志:艾琳认为这是一段真实的感情,而且她说丹尼尔是她的男朋友。

    Erin thought it was a real relationship , going as far as introducing Daniel as her boyfriend , a source told Life Style .

  13. v.倾身的艾琳探过身来打开了乘客门。

    Eileen leaned across and opened the passenger door .

  14. NPR新闻,艾琳·勒布兰科威奇托报道。

    For NPR News , I am Aileen LeBlanc in Wichita .

  15. Catalyst机构总裁兼首席执行官艾琳•朗表示,尽管如此,考虑到今年美国政坛的变化,商界女性的前景将会改观。

    Nevertheless , given the changes in U.S. politics , the future for women in business looks more promising , said Ilene Lang , president and chief executive officer of Catalyst .

  16. NPR新闻,艾琳·弗莱明新奥尔良报道。

    From NPR News , I 'm Ilene Fleming in New Orleans .

  17. 国家飓风中心预报员ToddKimberlain表示,飓风艾琳的问题是它的路径。

    National Hurricane Center forecaster Todd Kimberlain said the problem with Irene is its path .

  18. NPR新闻,记者艾琳·弗莱明,从新奥尔良发回的报道。”

    For NPR News , I 'm Eileen Fleming , in New Orleans . "

  19. 艾琳飓风(hurricaneirene)曾对纽约市构成严重威胁,但它最终没有造成最糟糕的破环。

    Hurricane Irene had threatened New York City mightily but , in the end , she did not deliver her worst .

  20. 商业货源网我们正在采访的是NOAA国家气候数据中心气候服务部的领导人,艾琳·舍。

    That 's according to Eileen Shea , chief of the Climate Services Division of NOAA 's National Climatic Data Center .

  21. 在曼哈顿南端的巴特里(Battery),1900年以来记录到的10大最高水位有三次产生于过去两年&分别产生于飓风艾琳、飓风桑迪以及2010年春的洪水。

    Of the top 10 high-water marks at the Battery on the southern end of Manhattan since 1900 , three have occurred in the past two years – Irene , Sandy and the 2010 spring flood .

  22. 2004年4月1日,艾琳•伯比奇(EileenBurbidge)搭乘隔夜航班从旧金山抵达伦敦,她将担任Skype英国分公司的产品开发总监。

    On April 1 , 2004 , Eileen Burbidge stepped off the overnight flight from San Francisco to London .

  23. 然而,仅仅在飓风“艾琳”(irene)刮过一年之后,桑迪出现了,并且有迹象表明飓风将一次又一次发生。

    But Sandy has happened , only a year after Irene blew past , and the signs are that it will occur again and again .

  24. 让我们看看前雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)首席财务官艾琳•卡兰全身心扑在工作上所付出的代价:她的婚姻结束了。雷曼倒闭时,她感觉自己整个人也消失了。

    Just look at the price that former Lehman Brothers CFO Erin Callan paid for giving her all to the job : Her marriage ended , and when Lehman collapsed she felt her entire identity was gone .

  25. 艾琳并不是小李的首位超模女友。他于2001-2005年与吉赛尔·邦辰(GiseleBundchen)约会,2006-2011年初与芭儿·莱法利(BarRefaeli)约会。

    Heatherton isn 't DiCaprio 's first supermodel love : He dated Gisele Bundchen from 2001 to 2005 , and Bar Refaeli from 2006 to early 2011 .

  26. 15岁时,她在由母亲主演的百老汇音乐剧《艾琳》(Irene)中首次登台,并参与母亲在拉斯维加斯的夜总会表演。

    At 15 , she played a debutante in the Broadway musical " Irene , " which starred her mother , and appeared in Reynolds " Las Vegas nightclub act .

  27. 英国驻沪总领事暨上海世博会英国馆副总代表艾琳(CarmaElliot)女士出席了庆祝活动,她感谢所有参与了英国馆工程的建设者。

    At the handover ceremony , Carma Elliot , British consul general in Shanghai , expressed gratitude for those constructors involved in the project for their hard work .

  28. 费伯奇(Fabergé)最近请奥利维亚•巴勒莫(OliviaPalermo)、艾琳•欧康娜(ErinO’Connor)以及安德丽亚•瑞斯波罗格(AndreaRiseborough)代言其Treillage珠宝系列后,它们很快就销售一空。

    When Faberg é recently placed its Treillage collection on Olivia Palermo , Erin O'Connor and Andrea Riseborough , the jewels sold briskly .

  29. 他们也相信“当技术的快速变化对我们的美国同胞造成了伤害时”,我们有责任与受影响的社区进行合作”。签名者包括风险资本家艾琳•李(AileenLee);

    They also accepted " a responsibility to partner with communities where the effects of rapidly changing technologies have hurt our fellow Americans . " Among those signing were Aileen Lee , a venture capitalist ;

  30. 迪法恩斯学院的一名市场营销专业的学生艾琳•罗德(ErinRhodes),为当地通用汽车工厂生产的发动机气缸做质检报告工作,她的时薪为10美元(约合人民币62元)。

    Erin Rhodes , a Defiance marketing major , is spending her summer running quality-control reports on engine blocks produced at the local GM plant , earning $ 10 an hour .