
  • 网络color blindness;dyschromatopsia
  1. 色觉障碍是由视锥细胞类型(conetype)的缺失或工作异常所导致。

    Color deficiencies occur when a cone type is either missing or working abnormally .

  2. 而这种情况更准确的说,应为色觉障碍(colordeficiencies),因为大多数情况下,人们并不是完全不能接收某种颜色,只是他们的感知会有所误差【3】。

    It is more appropriate to call these conditions color deficiencies , because in the majority of cases people are not completely unable to perceive a certain color , but their perception is faulty [ 3 ] .

  3. 问题是,色觉障碍的程度为产品的可用性带来了巨大的挑战。

    The question is to what extent color deficiency poses a problem for the usability of a product .

  4. 注视着自己的中心问题。视野缺损主要为中心暗点或旁中心暗点,色觉障碍严重。

    The visual field defect was chiefly of central or pericentral scotoma ; and the color sensation was severely affected .

  5. 不要忘记,红色与蓝色对红-绿色觉障碍者可不是很友好(详见前文“色觉障碍”)。

    Remember though that the combination of red and green is critical for people with red-green color deficiencies ( see color deficiency above ) .