
  • 网络Color Meaning;emotional meaning
  1. 在对简缩词语与其原形词语关系的相关论述进行了简单的综述之后,文章分别从概念意义、语法意义和色彩意义等几个方面比较全面地考察和分析了二者的差异。

    This paper summarized relevant discussion on the relationship between abbreviative words and original words , then investigated and analyzed the difference from several parts : concept meaning , grammar meaning , emotional meaning and so on .

  2. 词的动态色彩意义与句法结构、语义结构和语用结构

    Dynamic Connotative Meanings Of Words And Grammatical Structure Semantic Structure Pragmatic Structure

  3. 它不但具有丰富的色彩意义,而且具有丰富的语义。

    It not only have rich color meaning , but also have rich semantics .

  4. 壮族服饰的色彩意义

    On the Color Language of the Zhuang Costume

  5. 青的色彩意义、国俗语义及其翻译探析

    On Color Meaning and Culture Meaning as well as Translation of " Ching "

  6. 词的色彩意义历时演变特点试析男子配偶称呼语的历时演变、功能配置及竞争

    The Diachronic Change in the Expressions of Female Spouse , Their Functional Distribution and Competition

  7. 本文从理性意义、色彩意义、语法意义三个角度来辨析近义成语。

    This article differentiates and analyzes synonymic idioms from the angles of rational , colorific and grammatical meanings .

  8. 研究发现,量词修辞功能与量词的色彩意义关系非常密切。

    We found that , the quantifier rhetoric has a close relationship to the additional meaning of the quantifier .

  9. 接着从意义类型分类方面,分别就俚俗语的理性意义和色彩意义这两个角度展开分析对比。

    And compared the conceptual meaning and connotative meaning of the two common saying from the standpoint of classification of meaning type .

  10. 本文描写了襄樊方言重叠式的主要类型及其结构特点,对重叠式的形式标记“儿”、“子”等的色彩意义进行了一些新的探讨。

    The paper describes the main types and structural features of reduplication pattern of Xiangfan dialect in Xiangyu cluster of western Mandarin .

  11. 在发展过程中,反义相成词在理性意义、色彩意义、词素排列顺序上郡会发生变化。

    In the course of its development , the Oacw would change on the rational meaning , colour meaning and the order of morphemes .

  12. 动语素在理性意义、色彩意义、语法意义等方面都有自身的特点,在语义上具有不完整性是动语素的一个突出的语义特点。

    Verbal morphemes have significant features in conceptual meaning , coloring meaning and grammar meaning , incompleteness in meaning is an important semantic feature of verbal morphemes .

  13. 比喻词多是单义词,色彩意义浓重,或俏皮或文雅,其表现力是十分突出的。

    Figurative Words are mostly words which have single meaning , the significance of a dark color or saucy or refined , its performance edge is very prominent .

  14. 从量词色彩意义的三个方面看,量词在形象描绘事物、准确传情达意、塑造人物个性、突出语体风格等方面有重要作用。

    From three the quantifier additional meaning , quantifiers in the image depict things accurately , emotions and shaping personalities , prominent genre and style play an important role .

  15. 全文主体共分为五大部分:第一部分是从语音、构词类型以及地名的色彩意义等三个方面对宁夏地名进行语言分析。

    The issue is divided into five parts . The first part is the linguistic analysis of place names in Ningxia from phonic , word formation type and color meaning .

  16. 语句中词的色彩意义的相互影响和制约与句子的句法结构、语义结构和语用结构之间有着某种深层的对应关系。

    The interaction and co restriction of the connotative meanings of words in sentence correspond to the grammatical structure , semantic structure and pragmatic structure of sentences in deep structure .

  17. 词义包括了词的词汇意义、语法意义和色彩意义三个部分。本章从这三方面入手分析了晚清四大谴责小说中词义发展演变状况。

    Semanteme includes lexical meaning , grammatical meaning and colorful meaning . According to it , the chapter analyzes the development and evolution of semanteme of " Four Satirical Novels " vocabulary in the late Qing dynasty .

  18. 认为,词汇研究应该纠正以往不重视语法意义和色彩意义的做法,从第二语言学习者的角度出发,提出了词义研究的新领域。

    Believed that , the glossary research should correct formerly does not take the grammatical meaning and the color significance procedure , embarked from the second language study angle , proposed the word meaning research new domain .

  19. 探讨汉语对维吾尔语词汇理性意义和色彩意义的影响,本文认为词汇的理性意义方面汉语对维吾尔语名词的外延及内涵部分有一定的影响。

    Investigate the effect of Chinese Uyghur vocabulary of rational meaning and color meaning , This paper holds that the rational meaning of words in the Chinese part of the extension and intension of the Uighur noun has certain influence .

  20. 本文运用现代语义学的义素、义素分析、语义场等相关的理论和研究方法,以词的理性意义作对比和参照,将色彩意义作为词义系统的一个子系统进行了义素分析的尝试和探索。

    By adapting the relevant theories and methodology of modern semantics on seme , componential analysis and semantic field , this article concentrates on the componential analysis of connotative meaning as a branch of lexical meaning system in comparison with , and with reference to , conceptual meaning .

  21. 论中西方色彩象征意义的差别及其成因子宫内膜癌经阴道彩色多普勒超声征象与微血管密度相关性分析

    On Different Meanings of Colours and the Reasons Between the East and the West Correlation between transvaginal color doppler sonography features and MVD in endometrial cancer

  22. 家具色彩设计的意义和原则探析

    A Discussion On the Significance and the Principles of Furniture Color Design

  23. 本文对家具色彩设计的意义和原则进行了全面的分析与探讨。

    This article generally analyses the significance and the principle of furniture color design .

  24. 色彩的社会意义

    The Social Meaning of the Color

  25. 英汉色彩词联想意义对比研究与翻译

    A Contrastive Study of the Associative Meaning of the Color Words Conceived in the Chinese Language and the English Language

  26. 英汉基本色彩词汇文化意义相似的认知阐释&以黑色为例那是与我的解释相似的解释。

    Cognitive Extrapolation of Similar Cultural Meanings of Color Terms in English & Chinese ; It 's an interpretation parallel to my own .

  27. 树的形象与我们人类来说,总带有一丝神话色彩和比喻意义,就好比是生命之树,知识树,我们也常常把它想象成我们精神的港湾。

    Trees figure in our mythologies and metaphors the tree of life , the tree of knowledge and we often imagine them to harbor spirits and sprites .

  28. 它皮肤上的色素细胞让它能改变颜色,但科学家还不知道每种色彩图案的意义。

    Pigment cells in its skin , called chromatophores , allow it to change color , but scientists don 't yet know what each color pattern signifies .

  29. 叶燮和艾略特都认识到,意象兼具形而下色彩和形而上意义,能够突破语言的局限,把人引入审美境界中。

    Both Ye Xie and Eliot recognized the " image " was physical and metaphysical , it could break the limitation of language and introduce people to the kingdom of aesthetics . However , there are differences .

  30. 在前两种模式下,由于计划经济的浓厚色彩使得真正意义上的信贷市场并不存在,信贷资金的分配主要是财政拨款,信贷计划是计划经济的产物。

    In the first two models , true credit market never exists because of planned economy . The way of the allocation of credit money is the finance rationing and credit plan is the result of planned economy .