
  • 网络mutagenicity test;Ames test;Ame test
  1. 磷酸镁骨粘合剂的Ames致突变试验研究

    Ames Test of Magnesium Phosphate Cement

  2. 液体粘性调速离合器试验系统的研制磷酸镁骨粘合剂的Ames致突变试验研究

    The Research of the Experimental System in Speed Regulating Clutch Using Viscosity ; Ames Test of Magnesium Phosphate Cement

  3. 各项致突变试验结果均表明HUN无致突变性,是一种较理想的植物杀虫剂。

    HUN has no mutagenicity and is an efficacious plant insecticide .

  4. Ames,微核、精子畸变等致突变试验均为阴性;

    Results from Ames test , micronucleus assay , sperm aberration assay were negative .

  5. 致突变试验选用Ames试验、微核试验和精子畸形试验。

    Ames test , micronucleus test and sperm deformation test were selected for mutagenic observation .

  6. 两种Ames试验方法在蒲葵子提取物致突变试验中灵敏度的研究

    A Sensibility Study of Two Ames Tests on Sudden Change Experiment of Chinese Fan-palm Extraction

  7. 为了对抗除草剂基因(BAR)转基因水稻进行安全性评价,对该样品进行了急性毒性试验、致突变试验及30天喂养试验。

    In order to evaluate the safety of anti herbicide gene ( BAR ) transgenic rice , acute toxicity experiments , mutation experiments and a 30 day feeding test were conducted .

  8. 致突变试验表明,Ames试验结果为阴性,小鼠骨髓细胞微核试验和小鼠精子畸形试验结果均为阴性,提示其无致突变性。

    It had no mutagenicity judged by negative experimental results of Ames test , mouse bone marrow cell micronucleus test and mouse sperm abnormality test .

  9. 对浓缩鱼蛋白(FPC)进行动物致突变试验、急性毒性试验、以及卫生指标签定,分析评价了其食用的安全性。

    The experiments have been done for detecting the mutagenicity and toxicity of FPC . The sanitary indexes of FPC have been analyzed . The edible safety of FPC has been evaluated .

  10. 材料与方法:小鼠经口急性毒性、二项致突变试验(小鼠骨髓嗜多染红细胞微核试验、小鼠精子畸形试验)以及30d喂养实验。

    MATERIAL AND METHODS : We obtained the results through acute toxicity test , micronucleus test of bone marrow cell , sperm shape abnormality test in mice and thirty days feeding tests .

  11. 方法采用不同剂量的西洋参含片进行小鼠急性经口毒性试验、致突变试验和大鼠30d喂养试验,研究不同剂量实验组与对照组间的差异。

    Methods Per os acute toxicity test , genetic toxicity test and rat 30-day feeding test were carried out . The differences in experimental and control group with different doses were compared .

  12. 目的了解水飞蓟宾-磷脂酰胆碱复合物(SLC)的急性毒性资料,为亚急性毒性、致突变试验及临床应用剂量提供依据。

    Objective To find out the data of acute toxicity of silybin-lecithin compound ( SLC ) to provide a suitable quantity for subacute toxicity testing , mutagen testing and to evaluate safety of clinical application .

  13. 人类细胞体外多终点致突变试验系统的建立

    Establishment of a Multiple-Endpoint System for Genotoxicity Test Based on Human Cells

  14. 室内和室外空气污染物致突变试验研究

    The Mutation Test Research on the Indoor Air Pollutants and the Outdoor Ones

  15. 目的探讨医用硅橡胶体外致突变试验的方法。

    Objective To investigate the method of in vitro mutagenicity test for medical silicone .

  16. 乙烷硒啉致突变试验研究从临床症状,体征,化验检查评价两组疗效。

    Two groups clinic curative effect were studied from clinic symptoms , signs and chemical examination .

  17. 眼镜蛇毒短链神经毒素的致突变试验

    The separation of neurotoxin from snake venom of agkistrodon Mutagenicity of Short-chain Neurotoxin from Naja Atra Venom

  18. 致突变试验,小白鼠的微核及精子畸形均呈阴性反应,表明芦荟绿色复合添加剂无致突变作用。

    The result indicated that Aloe compound additive can accelerate the growth ofThe mutagenic test indicated that Micronucleus , Sperm abnormality result is negative .

  19. 方法:通过营养成份、重金属、微生物指标的分析,以及毒性试验和致突变试验,对即食麒麟菜的营养价值及食用安全性进行评价。

    Methods : The nutritional composition and the contents of heavy metal element and microbiology index were tested , and the test of acute toxicity and mutation were performed to evaluate the nutritional value and edible safety .

  20. 苯酚类化合物致突变Ames试验研究

    Study on the mutagenicity of phenolic compounds by the Ames test

  21. 11种天然药材及植物的抗突变与致突变同步试验报告

    A report on the reaction of 11 plants to the mutagenesis induced by

  22. 尼美舒利致突变的Ames试验研究

    Study on Mutagenicity of Nimesulide in Ames Test

  23. 石家庄市空气悬浮颗粒致突变和抗突变试验分析

    Mutagenicity and Anti-mutagenicity Assay of Airborne Suspended Particles in Shijiazhuang City

  24. 反渗透和纳滤工艺对饮用水中致突变物去除的试验研究

    Experiments on the Removal of Mutagens in the Drinking Water with RO and NaF