
  • 网络Free Software;GNU;GPL;Open Source Software;freeware
  1. 基于自由软件的Internet应用教学系统研究

    The Research of Internet Application Teaching System Base on Free Software

  2. 当我们谈到自由软件(freesoftware)时,我们指的是行为的自由,而非价格免费。

    When we speak of free software , we are referring to freedom , not price .

  3. 自由软件R及其在化学中的应用

    The Free Software R and its Application in Chemistry

  4. Linux作为自由软件,提供了更多的灵活性和开放性。

    As a free software , Linux is more flexible and open .

  5. 在软件开发方面,系统的核心算法的实现借助于自由软件R。

    In the software research and development the stored life analysis system uses freedom software R.

  6. 自由软件提供了一个具有许多优点的新的软件典型(paradigm)。

    Free Software offers a new paradigm for software with many advantages .

  7. 这笔收购完成后,自由软件基金会(FreeSoftwareFoundation)立刻呼吁谷歌公司(Google)对VP8进行开源。

    After the purchase , the free software foundation immediately called for Google to open-source VP8 .

  8. Linux操作系统及自由软件

    Linux Operating System and Free Software

  9. Linux操作系统也是自由软件和开放源代码发展中最著名的例子。

    Linux operating system is free software and open source development of the most famous example .

  10. Linux与自由软件

    Linux and Free Software

  11. 整个系统借鉴了其他成熟集群管理系统的设计思想,采用模块化设计,在现有的各种开源(OpenSource)项目及自由软件的基础上开发。

    The ripe business system is referenced to design this . Implementation of the system is based on reworking of some Open Source projects and free software .

  12. 完全基于自由软件的面向Web的IMAP电子邮件服务

    Web Based IMAP Email Service Powered by Free Software

  13. 年,R作为S/S-frPLUS的一个自由软件扩展集问世,从那时起它就拥有了一个日益兴旺的用户和开发者社区。

    R emerged as a Free Software superset of S / S-frPLUS in1997 and has had a thriving user and developer community since then .

  14. PC下载世界-因特网收集测试了,评估并且考察自由软件,共享软件,演示,和试用软件。

    PC Download World - the Internet collection of tested , rated and reviewed freeware , shareware , demos , and trial software .

  15. 软件采用嵌入式Linux操作系统,该操作系统是公开源代码的自由软件,无版权要求,特别适合民品应用和降低成本。

    The software is based on embedded Linux OS , which is free and adapted to civil product development and reducing cost .

  16. 本文认为这些争论主要集中在以下几个方面:linux精神和自由软件哲学的合理性;

    This paper holds that the controversies concentrate on such aspects as the Linux spirit and the reasonability of the free software philosophy ;

  17. LinuxMint不遵守自由软件的原则,并没有发布安全公告。

    Linux Mint does not adhere to the principles of software freedom and it does not publish security advisories .

  18. 随着微机技术的不断发展,以Linux为代表的自由软件越来越多地应用于各个领域。

    With the development of microcomputer technique , the linux , which is the representation of free software , has been applied to various domains .

  19. FLOSS的同义词包括开放源码软件(OSS),大写时是“自由软件(FreeSoftware)”(FS)以及OSS/FS。

    Synonyms include open source software ( OSS )," Free Software "( FS ) when capitalized , and OSS / FS .

  20. 由于Linux及自由软件运动、开源运动的革命性,它们的发展注定要在争议中展开。

    Because of the revolutionary character , the development of Linux , the Free Software Movement and the Open Source Movement is doomed to be controversial .

  21. 即便是受自由软件直接威胁最大的甲骨文(Oracle)和微软(Microsoft),也已调整自身战略,以适应开源技术的各个方面。

    Even Oracle and Microsoft , the most directly threatened by free software , have adjusted their strategies to accommodate aspects of open source .

  22. 同样,自由软件基金会(FreeSoftwareFoundation)的GNU项目已经为类UNIX系统开发了各种各样的实用工具和工具,其依赖于基础设施的现有系统。

    Similarly , the Free Software Foundation 's GNU project developed a broad variety of utilities and tools for UNIX-like systems , which relied on those existing systems for their infrastructure .

  23. 有些自由软件基金会的软件,则适用GNU函式库通用公共授权规定。

    Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License instead .

  24. 与此相反,自由软件通常有许多贡献者,并且能够在信息科技部门(ITsector)中,一个可以被视为“永久”(eternal)的期间内被使用。

    Opposed to this , Free Software often has many contributors and is used for a period that can be seen as " eternal " in the IT sector .

  25. 为了阻止这种事情发生,GNU通用公共授权确保专利不会使到自由软件非自由化。

    To prevent this , the GPL assures that patents cannot be used to render the program non-free .

  26. 本论文的一个特点在于,在理论研究的基础上,应用自由软件R语言把校准估计方法与实际数据的应用结合起来。

    The characteristic of this paper is that on the basis of theory research , using R language and environment to link the approach of calibration estimation and the application of actual data .

  27. 这一点是gpl与其他禁止商业用途的自由软件许可证最大的不同。

    This latter point distinguishes the GPL from software licenses that prohibit commercial redistribution .

  28. 为了保护软件开发者和作者,GNU通用公共授权明确阐释本自由软件没有任何担保责任。

    For the developers'and authors'protection , the GPL clearly explains that there is no warranty for this free software .

  29. BrucePerens是OpenSourceInitiative的创始人之一,他讨论了开放硬件所面临的、类似于早先自由软件运动的一些障碍。

    Bruce Perens , co-founder of the Open Source Initiative , discussed some of the hurdles open hardware faces , similar to those the early free-software movement faced .

  30. 本文的主要研究内容是,在自由软件R语言的基础上,从纵向和横向两个角度对抽样调查中的校准估计量方法做了个比较系统的归纳。

    The primary research on this paper is that on the basis of R language and environment we conclude the approach of calibration estimator in sampling survey from two aspects : the lengthways and the transverse .