
  • 网络Nature and humanity;Nature and Man
  1. 自然与人的神话&浅析中国西部片

    The Myth of Nature and Man

  2. 对他而言,自然就是身体和灵魂共有的家园。在自然与人时时呈现对立关系的今天,人类不得不慎重思考自身和自然的关系并寻找一种最优化的共存状态。

    Threatened by contemporary conflicts between Nature and man , human beings have to ponder upon our relation with Nature and attempt to find an optimal way of coexistence .

  3. 从中国传统哲学中的天人合一论,寻觅自然与人的和谐

    On the Concept of the Harmony between Nature and Human in Traditional China

  4. 榕树在福州地区原生植被遭到明显破坏时期脱颖而出,成为优势树木。榕树是自然与人和谐相处的典范。

    Banyan stands out and becomes superior tree when protophyte is damaged in Fuzhou .

  5. 教育的根本:自然与人的天性&教育有没有进化

    Fundamentality of Education : Nature and Human Nature

  6. 江大海特别关注于自然与人的融合。

    Jiang Dahai gives special attention to integration between the natural and the human .

  7. 自然与人的两重相择关系&天人交变的思考之一

    Twofold Reciprocal Choice Relation of Nature and Human & Thinking on the reciprocal evolution of nature and human

  8. 导致生态环境恶化的主要诱因是自然与人产生了冲突,造成生态危机。

    The main inducement that evokes eco-environment deterioration is the conflicts between mankind and nature , it causes the eco-crisis .

  9. 日本艺术强调自然与人的一体感,从而具现宇宙万古永恒的法理。

    Japanese art attaches great importance to the unity of man and nature , which reflects the perpetuity of the universe .

  10. 他笔下的自然与人的感情息息相通,仿佛具有人的品性。

    The nature in his novels was closely linked with the feeling of people , as if it had the quality of people .

  11. 阴阳五行理论是中医认识自然与人的生命活动的核心理论,药食气味及其功能归属,对维持调整人的生命状态起着根本性的作用。

    The nature and taste of food and drugs and their functions paly a fundamental role in maintaining and adjusting humans life state .

  12. 它揭示了自然与人、自然与社会、自然与历史之问的相互依存、相互作用的辩证关系。

    It reveals the nature and human being , nature and society , between nature and history of interdependence and interaction of the dialectical relationship between .

  13. 增强人们对建筑与人文环境认识,将建筑的规模缩小为自然与人的空间。

    Simultaneously will strengthen the people knew to the construction and the humanities environment . will construct the scale will reduce for the nature and human 's space .

  14. 泰戈尔《新月集》的主题是爱,集中体现在对大自然,对母亲与孩童,以及对存在于自然与人中的神的爱三个方面上。

    The topic of Tagore 's New Moon Gathers is love for nature , mother and kid , and love to gods existing in the nature and human beings .

  15. 萧红和迟子建虽属于不同的时代,但她们拥有相同的生命意识,即自然与人平等。

    Xiao Hong and Chi Zijian lived in the different times , but they had the same life consciousness , that is , nature and human being are equal .

  16. 生态意识是指人类对于各种生命状态的密切关注和自觉思索,以及为达到自然与人共同存在、持续发展、和谐相处的行动与探索。

    Ecological awareness , pay close attention to human life state and conscious thinking , and the action and exploration of natural and man co-exist , sustainable development , the harmony .

  17. 风水理论的本质就是提倡自然与人的和谐统一,这与当今人类面临全球生态危机的解决途径不谋而合。

    The core of FengShui theory recommends the harmony of nature and human , So , the idea coincide with nowadays settlement method of global ecology crisis which the mankind faces .

  18. 孟荀互补的天人观&自然与人关系的最佳模式

    A study of the viewpoints of the complementary relationship between heaven and man of the ancient Chinese philosophers Mencius and Xunzi & The best model of the relationship between man and nature

  19. 天人合一精神在盛唐诗歌中集中体现在3个方面:自然与人在生命上的一致;自然与人在情感精神上的融合;

    In the poetry this spirit is embodied in the following ways : the integrity of human being and nature in life and emotion , and the separation with all things friends of mankind .

  20. 系统整体观、自然与人共生、网络化与模型化构成了现代城市的生态认知结构、价值取向和现代城市研究的生态思维方法。

    A systematic view , combining the harmony of human and nature together with the major roles of network and model constitute the modern urban ecological cognition structure , value system and the ecological thinking mode of modern urban research .

  21. 对自然与人及音乐的关系的阐述乃是中国古代哲学、美学的一个独特表现,通过对中国古代传统音乐思想的研究,能够加深我们对这些思想的理解与认识。

    The expatiation on relation between nature and human being constitute an special character of Chinese ancient philosophy and aesthetics , through the study on Chinese traditional music idea , can we enhance our understanding and knowledge on these ideas .

  22. 自从人类诞生以来,人们就在不断地探索着神、自然与人三者之间的关系,人文精神就是人类在三者之中做出的选择,也是人对自身价值与能力的肯定。

    Since the human being came to existence , people began to explore the relationship among the God , nature and human being . Humanism is just the choice from these three . It is also the affirmation to self value and ability .

  23. 总之,在多维视野中考察清范畴,有助于我们更好的理解历史,理解生活,理解艺术、自然与人的关系,从而深入领会清范畴的意义内涵及其理论价值。

    To sum up , the investigation of Qing in multidimensional field of vision will redound to our better understanding on history , life , art and the relation of human being and nature , and thus grasp the meaning and theoretical value of Qing .

  24. 设想一下,作为菲尔叔叔90岁生日宴会的摄影师,你当然得四处走走,还可以很自然地与人搭话而不会显得突兀。

    Shooting video of Uncle Phil's90th birthday requires you to wander around and talk to people without being self-conscious .

  25. 但这些系统产生的语音自然度与人讲的自然话语还有明显差距,而语速就是其中一个方面。

    However , there are still large gaps between these machine-generated utterances and human natural speech , such as speech rate .

  26. 从建筑形态和东北居住环境出发,寻求建筑、自然、与人三者的和谐统一。

    This article embarks from the northeast of architectural form and residential environment , to seek of architecture , nature , and human harmony .

  27. 他想轻松自然地与人共同进餐或进行其他某种人际交往。与以这种语言为本族语的人进行交际。

    He wants to share a meal or some other human interchange in a relaxed way . to ensure successful communication with native speakers .

  28. 在西方文化中,从古希腊哲学开始,自然宇宙与人的分离就是在一种已然的、不证自明的意义上成立的。

    In Occident culture , " from ancient Greek philosophy , it is surely established for . mankind 's separation from natural universe " .

  29. 在此,所谓的自然人化与人的自然化,最根本地体现为身体与对象世界之间的互生和互化。

    Here , the so-called personalization of nature and naturalization of humans are fundamentally embodied in the symbiosis of body and its object , the world .

  30. 生物的自然权利与人的自然权利冲突的协调应当遵循生态规律,决不能用人造的伦理和法律规则取代生态规律。

    In coordinating the natural rights of all the living things and human being , we need to observe the ecological laws and should by no means replace them with man-made laws .